Series of treaties from the UN

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The treaty series of the United Nations , (Engl. United Nations Treaty Series , UNTS), the contract register the UN, in which are listed according to their entry into force in chronological order by the Secretariat all deposited with that contract. According to Art. 102 of the UN Charter, Art. 80 of the Vienna Convention deposited with the United Nations contracts are registered in anthologies ( Volume summarized) and then in the Treaty Series of the United Nations (Engl. United Nations Treaty Collection , UNTC) published.

Content of the UNTS

The contract series only contains the registered contracts and the registration number, it does not contain any current information on declarations, reservations, ratifications or terminations by the contracting states.

These anthologies are published in the UN Treaty Collection (UNTC) in pdf format, they consist of the title page ( United Nations Treaty Series ), the number of the anthology (e.g. Volume 76), the list of the registered treaty titles, their registration numbers, the information by whom the contract was deposited and then the individual contracts.

In the UN treaty collection, not only the UN treaty series (UNTS), but also that of the League of Nations Treaty Series (LNTS) are published.

The UNTS begins with anthology 1 ( Volume 1 ) and contains the contracts registered by the Secretariat between December 14, 1946 and March 31, 1947. Today it contains over 2,800 anthologies ( volumes ) and 158,000 contracts.

Likelihood of confusion

The UNTS partially with the Treaty Series of the United Nations confused (UNTC) by, for example, is. Linked to the status of ratification of a treaty ( status of treaties ) and erroneously as the source of the United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) instead Treaty Series ( United Nations Treaty Collection , UNTC ), but this is something completely different. Such individual evidence only proves that the treaty was registered by the UN and does not say anything about the wording, the current declarations and reservations of the contracting states. Obviously, if such itemized evidence is to prove which states ratified the treaty, it is a matter of confusion.


The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide is the first treaty under Status of Treaties , Chapter IV Human Rights . The contract was signed on January 12, 1951 with No. Registered in 1021 .

Under Text: is United Nations Treaty Series , vol. 78, p. 277.

In this anthology, on the cover sheet United Nations Treaty Series, Volume 78 , starting on page 2, the table of contents of this anthology is located. The contract is listed on page 6 with registration number 1021 . Page 13: Treaties and international agreements registered from 3 January 1951 to 15 January 1951 Nos. 1008 to 1025 , thus this anthology contains the registered contracts from 1008 to 1025, on the (effective) page 290, the specified contract, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide with registration number 1021 .

The binding text of this agreement can be found under: Certified true copy.

Both the binding text of the treaty ( Certified true copy ), the registration of the treaty ( Treaty Series , UNTS) and the ratification status with the reservations, declarations, etc. are contained in the Treaty Collection (UNTC).

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Charter of the United Nations. In: Liechtenstein Collection of Laws . Retrieved March 12, 2019 .
  2. ^ Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VVK). In: Liechtenstein Collection of Laws . Retrieved March 12, 2019 .
  3. ^ United Nations Treaty Series. Published by: UN iLibrary, accessed on March 12, 2019 (English).
  4. Regulations. Registration and Publication of Treaties and International Agreements. Ed: United Nations, accessed March 12, 2019 .
  5. Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. (PDF; 4.6 MB) Vol I. In: United Nations Treaty Series, UNTS. Published by: UN Secretariat, pp. 20 ff. , Accessed on March 12, 2019 .
  6. ^ League of Nations Treaty Series (LNTS). Treaty series of the League of Nations. Published by United Nations, accessed on March 12, 2019 (English).
  7. ^ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. In: Liechtenstein Collection of Laws . Retrieved March 12, 2019 .
  8. CHAPTER IV - Human Rights. In: Treaty collection of the UN . Published by United Nations, accessed on March 12, 2019 (English).
  9. ^ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( English , PDF) United Nations. Retrieved November 20, 2019.
  10. Chapter IV. Human Rights ( English , PDF) United Nations. Retrieved November 20, 2019.