Coal Mining Business Association

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The Coal Mining Association (UVSt) was created on December 1, 1999 through the transformation of the Ruhr Mining Association, which was founded on July 5, 1952 . The regional business associations for the Saar area as well as for the Aachen and Lower Saxony coal mining were dissolved with effect from June 30, 2000. The seat is food. In 2007 it was dissolved.

The business association was a trade association and represented the economic interests of the companies, also for companies related to the coal mining industry, while the General Association of the German Coal Mining GVSt, as an employers' association, represented social and collective bargaining interests.

After the dissolution of the Association of Entrepreneurs for Hard Coal Mining in 2007, the General Association of German Hard Coal Mining represents the economic, social and collective bargaining interests as the sole interest group for German hard coal.

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Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology: Financing of the General Association of German Hard Coal Mining from hard coal subsidies Drs-No. 17/3327 . Ed .: BT. Berlin 2010, p. 2 ( [PDF; accessed on July 13, 2011]).