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Vastu , also Vaastu , is the Indian architecture theory about the correct placement of land and buildings as well as their design and construction according to the natural laws of the five elements. It is also spoken of Vastu Shastra , where Vastu is translated as "dwell" and Shastra as "teaching". Vastu Shastra means "the teaching about proper living".

All buildings, cities and countries in the world can be analyzed and rated using Vastu. Vastu can be used to make predictions of what will happen to people in the buildings, cities and countries to be assessed in the future. Vastu can be used to have a positive impact on people's lives so that people can lead healthier, more harmonious and happier lives.

Vastu is the Indian equivalent of the Chinese teaching of Feng Shui ; Just like this, the teaching of Vastu is neither scientifically founded nor proven.


In Indian palm leaf manuscripts , thousands of years ago, the basics of vastu were written; some of them are over 5000 years old. Historically, the teaching of vastu has always been the responsibility of kings and scholars.

Today, India and China in particular have rediscovered Vastu; courses and events are also held in Germany via Vastu.

Vastu in India, China and Europe

Vastu is a recognized teaching in India and China. Some supporters claim that the economic success of India and China in recent years is due to Vastu. Some of the globally active companies from these countries today employ Vastu consultants full-time.

A few architects in German-speaking countries as well as in England and France offer Vastu advice and construction plans for Vastu houses, Vastu apartments and Vastu company buildings.

Description of the Vaastu basics

Vastu is based on the five elements . Just as all creation is based on the five elements, in Vastu everything is based on the forces of the five elements, because everything in our creation consists of the five elements, just like we ourselves; no one in this world can escape the five elements.

The natural laws of the elements would supposedly work in our own backyard, in our neighborhood, in the city in which we live, in our country and all over the world.

Since man is always subject to the natural laws of the five elements, Vastu automatically affects all inhabitants of the earth. The force of the elements is as elementary as that of gravity; one cannot escape it. The force of the elements can be compared with the gravitational pull, since the gravitational pull also works invisibly.

The five elements


The earth has its natural place in the southwest of a property or a building. As the heaviest element, the earth is the greatest force of all elements and is therefore the hardest to control.

The earth is a huge magnet and thus amplifies the energies. By choosing the right location, the positive properties of earth energy can be promoted; this is done by creating maximum height and maximum weight in the southwest of the property and also in the southwest of the residential unit. It is ideal if there is a mountain in the southwest of the house. A mountain in the southwest blocks the negative energies and thus automatically promotes the positive energies from the northeast. A positive earth element strengthens the health, assertiveness and supports the prosperity of the house residents.


The element of fire has its natural place in the southeast of a property or building. Thus, a kitchen or an open fireplace in the south-east can also look optimal. The fire element in the SO supports us above all in health, healthy relationships, assertiveness and willpower.

The sun is the great giver of life, without the sun there would be neither light nor life. The morning sun gives off healing energies; this is also the reason why we should let the morning sun into our house through doors and large windows in the east. The fire is light and heat and easily transforms negativity. Many Indians use the rising morning sun to greet the sun in the river Ganges and thereby absorb healing energies.

Sky (space, ether)

The sky has its natural place in the center of a property or a building. Without the sky, which is also space, it would be impossible to assign their place to the other elements.

Heaven is the finest element and the resting pole that holds all other elements together. The sky has no limits; it contains infinite power and infinite possibilities. Heaven is the space in which the five elements find and take their place. Heaven always balances the earth with it.

Ideally, each plot of land frames a property wall so that the space in which the elements work is clearly defined.


The water has its natural place in the northeast of a property or a building.

Water is a transmitter and a source of energy. Water acts as an energy amplifier, both positively and negatively. It has great nutritional and healing qualities and cleanses negative energies. Unbalanced emotional states can be soothed with water.

Ideally, there is a body of water in the northeast of the property so that the positive energies from the northeast and from the east-northeast are optimally supported. The water in the northeast should not be higher than the property, otherwise the water is considered weight and can cause obstacles.


The air has its natural place in the northwest of a property or a building.

Air is infinitely faster than water. Humans can only survive briefly without air. The air is a transmitter and a source of energy. It ensures stability and harmony when it can circulate throughout the house. Ideally, all entrances are placed in positive directions so that the energies can flow optimally.

Everyone consists of the five elements

  1. Earth = bone; through our massive bone structure we carry the element earth within us.
  2. Fire = 37 degrees body temperature; the body's heat regulation is only possible with the power of the fire element.
  3. Heaven = our body occupies a certain space; our delimitation of a certain body space corresponds to the element heaven.
  4. Water = the human body consists largely of water.
  5. Air = our breathing is very important for the human organism, as we cannot survive eight minutes without air.

How the elements work

Each element can work both positively and negatively. The secret of vastus lies in promoting the positive properties of each element, as well as preventing the negative properties of the elements, in order to obtain the supporting energies for our daily life.

Negative properties in the earth element, which has its place in the southwest, are z. B. prevented by placing maximum height and maximum weight in the southwest. This automatically creates positive energies in the southwest, the place of the earth element. A positive earth element strengthens the health, assertiveness and increases the prosperity of the house residents. If there is an open area and possibly a slope in the southwest, the probability is very high that the residents have to struggle with various problems, which can be felt in all areas of life, such as B. health, wealth, profession, relationships etc.

Positive properties of the water element, which has its place in the northeast, are z. B. caused by the fact that you have no height and no weight in the northeast of the property. Water in any form has a very positive effect in the northeast of a property, as water amplifies the positive energies from the northeast, provided the water is not higher than the property itself and flows to the north, east or northeast. Positive effects of the Northeast are prosperity, happiness in all areas of life and good health. Water in the northeast, which is higher than the property, is counted as weight in the northeast and can have negative consequences.

Eight cardinal points

Without the four cardinal points north, east, south and west, it is impossible to assign the elements their place on a property or a living space. The cardinal points can be determined using a calibrated compass. In Vastu, only the magnetic north pole is important. The birds, whales and other animals also use the earth's magnetic field to orient themselves. Magnetic Declination: The geographic North Pole is at the northernmost point on the map. The magnetic north pole, on the other hand, is about 2000 kilometers from the geographic north pole. Depending on your own location, this deviation can be between 0 degrees and 30 degrees.

A deviation of more than 20 degrees from the magnetic north pole causes unbalanced energies and problems. It is therefore extremely important to have a good compass available in order to be able to take accurate measurements.

The four minor cardinal points are each a combination of two main cardinal directions which are there: northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest.

The eight subordinate cardinal points are located between a main and a secondary direction, which are: north-northeast, east-northeast, east-south-east, south-south-east, south-south-west, west-south-west, west-north-west and north-north-west.

The vastu distinguishes between positive and negative directions:

  1. NNE is positive
  2. ONO is positive
  3. OSO is negative
  4. SSO is positive
  5. SSW is negative
  6. WSW is negative
  7. WNW is positive
  8. NNW is negative

Forces in vastu


Movement is one of the most important factors in vastu because its effects are very powerful. Movement generates energy and the more movement there is in one direction, the stronger the energy vibrations and the influence of that direction from which the energy flows.

The entire vastu is associated with movement. If the plot of land is poorly laid out, positive movements can help. (For example, a regular movement to the north, east or northeast always brings success. In contrast, movement to the west, south or southwest.)

According to Vastu, people positioned in the south, west, or southwest always dominate over people positioned in the north, east, and northeast. You can check this in your own life, e.g. B. at your own job, in your own neighborhood or in the country in which you live.


As an energy carrier, water basically strengthens the energies of each element. Water in the north, east or northeast receives the best rating in Vastu because it is associated with prosperity, health, happiness and success. Water has to flow north, east or northeast for it to have a positive effect. If there is water on one's own property in the northeast, it has such a strong positive effect that this water can compensate for some Vastu defects. If water is higher than the property, it is counted as weight. The water energy also works when you cannot see the water, e.g. B. with water veins underground or even when a sea is not directly visible through other buildings.

Height and weight

There are four laws of height and weight that should be followed:

  • In the northeast, height and weight should be avoided so that the positive forces of the northeast can flow unhindered onto your own property and into your own home.
  • In the northwest, it should be of low height and light weight.
  • There should be medium height and weight in the southeast.
  • In the southwest there should be maximum height and weight so that the negative energies from the southwest are prevented from flowing onto your own property and into your own home.

Example: A staircase counts as weight in vastu and should not be in the northeast quadrant of the house.

Incline and decline

A gradient to the north, east or northeast has a positive effect on the life of the residents. A gradient in other directions has a negative effect on the residents and the owners. Negative slopes can possibly be compensated for with walls.

Free areas

There should be more free space in the north and east than in the south and west so that the beneficial energies of the north and east can unfold, even if it is only a few centimeters. The principle of free areas is related to the principle of height and weight; both ensure that the highly positive northeast is protected.


Entrances to the property and the house should ideally be in the north-northeast or in the east-northeast of the property and the house. Entrances in the west-northwest and south-southeast are also recommended.

Are z. B. Entrances in unfavorable directions, this can lead to negative energies and events. Entrances that are in favorable cardinal directions have a positive effect on energies and upcoming events.


According to Vastu, the bathroom and toilet can be located anywhere, except in the northeast of the house, since the positive vibrations of the northeast should not be contaminated with feces and diseases can cause diseases here.

The kitchen is ideally located in the southeast or northwest of the house, as the kitchen is assigned to the fire element. Thus, the kitchen has its natural place in the southeast (the fire element) or the northwest (the air element).

At Vastu it is recommended that the parents' bedroom is in the southwest or that the southwest is used as an office. If the south-west is used correctly, it increases the management.

An office can also be placed in the northwest, as this is where the air element has its natural place. The air element encourages creative thoughts, and the northwest is an ideal place for a warehouse, as the air element is assigned the fastest movement.

According to Vastu, children's rooms can be located anywhere, except in the southwest.


The more streets surround a property, the more powerful this property becomes.


  • Kaleshwara Vastu: A Happy Life Through Building and Living According to the Indian Science of Architecture by Sri Kaleshwar (April 30, 2007) ISBN 3940656054
  • The Vaastu Workbook: Using the Subtle Energies of the Indian Art of Placement to Enhance Health, Prosperity, and Happiness in Your Home: Using the Subtle ... Prosperity and Happiness in Your Home by Talavane, MD Krishna (September 1, 2001) ISBN 9780892819409
  • Vaastu: The Indian Art of Placement: Design and Decorate Homes to Reflect Eternal Spiritual Principles by Rohit Arya of Destiny (September 2000) ISBN 0892818859
  • Mystic Living: The Principles of Vaastu for the 21st Century by Raymond Prohs of John Hunt Publishing (July 2007) ISBN 1905047983
  • Quick & Easy Vaastu by Tanya Mehta (February 21, 2011)
  • The Penguin Guide to Vaastu by Sashikala Ananth (1999) ISBN 9780140278637
  • The Magic of Vaastu Shastra by R. Prasad of Diamond Pocket Books (January 15, 2005) ISBN 8128807471
  • Sri Sai Science of Vaastu by P. Sharma of Diamond Pocket Books (December 1, 2007) ISBN 8128815237
  • The Little Book on Vaastu by GC Jain from BPB Publications (February 28, 2003) ISBN 8170297206
  • Vaastu Inquisitiveness and Solutions by Dr. Bhoraj Dwivedi of Diamond Pocket Books (December 1, 2008) ISBN 8171825338
  • Vaastu for Health, Wealth and Happiness by Raakesh Chawla of Full Circle Publishing Ltd (March 15, 2004) ISBN 817621146X
  • Unfolding the Veil of Mystery: VAASTU (The Art of Science of Living) by Er. Ashwini Kumar (April 1, 2007) ISBN 9788120725690
  • The Vaastu Workbook: Using the Subtle Energies of the Indian Art of Placement to Enhance Health, Prosperity, and Happiness in Your Home by Talavane Krishna and MD Krishna of Destiny (September 2001) ISBN 0892819405
  • The Penguin Guide to Vaastu: The Classical Indian Science of Architecture and Design by S. Prabhakaran, T. Swamynathan, and Sashikala Ananth of Penguin Books (March 1, 2000) ISBN 014027863X
  • The Pocket Book of Vaastu by Rakesh Chawla from Hind Pocket Books (February 15, 2007) ISBN 8121607221
  • Latest Vastu Shastra (Some Secrets) by Jagdish Gautam (April 1, 2006) ISBN 9788170174493