Association of German, Italian and French administrative judges

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The Association of German, Italian and French Administrative Judges (VERDIF) was founded in Weimar in 1994. It has more than 500 members across Europe.

The members of the association compare administrative and administrative procedural law in Germany, Italy and France at specialist conferences. Its president is Angelo de Zotti (Presidente presso il TAR Milano), who comes from the Italian section, while vice-presidents are presiding judges at the Münster Administrative Court, Andreas Middeke, from the German section, and Patrick Kintz (President of the Strasbourg a. D .).

The Italian section of the association is called AGATIV (Associazione dei Giudici amministrativi tedeschi, italiani e francesi) and the French section AJAFIA (Association des juges administratifs français, italiens et allemands).

The President of the Federal Administrative Court, Marion Eckertz-Höfer , said the following on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of VERDIF: If a common European legal area is to succeed, it must above all find a place in the minds of its judges. That this can only succeed through the exchange of opinions, through frequent meetings, through getting to know each other - this is clearly part of the founding philosophy of VERDIF.

The last meetings of the VERDIF took place in September 2012 in the Villa Vigoni (subject: administrative judicial review of technical authority decisions in environmental law), as part of the 17th German Administrative Court Day in Münster in June 2013, organized by the Federation of German Administrative Judges (BDVR) , in the southern French city of Toulon in October 2013 (topic: municipal land-use planning), in May / June 2014 in Venice (topic: protecting the environment in conflict with economic activity), in October 2014 in Potsdam (topic: the role of administrative judges and influence policy on their activity - function - appointment / promotion), in June 2015 in Bergamo (subject: Urgent measures for the protection of the environment, public health and public safety), in October 2015 in Turin (subject: principle of official investigation), on the occasion of June 2016 of the 18th German Administrative Court Day in Hamburg, in September 2016 in the Conse il d'État (France) (topic: regulatory function of the supreme administrative courts) and in May 2017 in Catanzaro (topic: the polluter pays principle in practical application in administrative law).

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