Comparison calculator

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A comparison calculator is an online offer on the Internet . Such an online tool enables comparisons to be made with various products and services from providers on the market. Depending on the comparison calculator, the respective current conditions are listed in order of priority. Frequently used comparison calculators are, for example, telephone tariffs, electricity providers or interest on financial products.

In the "pre-www times", condition comparisons either had to be made manually or published in newspaper / magazine tables. The disadvantage with the latter: they do not always reflect the searcher's decision-making criteria. Example: when comparing current accounts, you want to exclude all online providers because you only want to have your account with a branch bank. And: With fast-moving tariffs / conditions (telephone, call money / fixed-term deposit), a paper table was often out of date when it appeared.

In the meantime, the comparison calculators are so advanced that you can have the best providers listed on a daily basis according to all individually desired criteria.

When choosing a comparison computer, it should be important that the creator acts independently. It is normal for a certain commission to flow when the selected product provider is forwarded via a link. It becomes critical if only those product providers are included in the comparison who pay for it and others (better ones) are not mentioned. Therefore, comparators should not use the first available comparison calculator, but see who is behind it. And make sure that the selection / list consists of as many product providers as possible.

With the triumphant advance of the comparison calculator, a revolution also took place in banking : earlier (in "offline times") banks and savings banks could rely on the low market transparency - today every financial condition is transparent. Many credit institutes were "forced" to use more customer-friendly conditions.