Ordinance of the Federal Supreme Court on the forced sale of real estate

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Basic data
Title: Ordinance of the Federal Supreme Court on the forced sale of real estate
Abbreviation: VZG
Type: regulation
Scope: Switzerland
Legal matter: Debt collection and bankruptcy law
legal collection (SR)
Original version from: April 23, 1920 ( AS  35  425)
Entry into force on: January 1, 1921
Last change by: December 24, 1996 ( AS  1996  3493)
Effective date of the
last change:
January 1, 1997
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The ordinance of the Federal Supreme Court on the compulsory realization of real estate of April 23, 1920 ( SR  281.42 ; abbreviated: VZG) is practically a central decree in Swiss enforcement proceedings .

The ordinance came into force on January 1, 1921. Since then it has been revised several times and adapted to changes in other decrees .

The material scope of the regulation includes the properties i. S. v. Art. 655  ZGB . Except for land, which in total property available.

The VZG applies to compulsory realizations in both special execution and general execution proceedings. In compulsory liquidation under bankruptcy law, the KOV in particular must be observed in addition to the DEBG . Mainly it regulates the foreclosure auction of the real estate.


  1. Art. 1  para. 2 VZG
  2. Attachment procedure: Art. 8  ff. VZG; Pledge realization procedure: Art. 85  ff. VZG
  3. Art. 122  ff. VZG
  4. Ordinance of the Federal Supreme Court of July 13, 1911 on the management of the bankruptcy offices (KOV) ( SR 281.32)

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