Insured person

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Insurance contracts can involve and benefit the policyholder himself or third parties in various forms . The policyholder, as contractor, can conclude an insurance contract on behalf of someone else . The insured person is the person whose personal or material risk is covered by the agreed insurance cover, Section 150 of the Insurance Contract Act (VVG).

In the first case, the policyholder is at the same time the insured person and regularly also the contributor. In the second case, there is a contract in favor of a third party . The policyholder is not the same as the insured person, but pays the contributions (contract for third party account).

Life insurance

In the case of life insurance , this requires the consent of the insured person ( Section 150 (2) VVG). In contrast to property and accident insurance, if the policyholder and the insured party separate, the insured has no rights or claims from the insurance contract ( Sections 44 ff. , Section 179 (2) VVG). However, the insured person can also subsequently consent to the insurance ( Section 184 BGB ). The contract is pending ineffective until approval . In the past, in literature and case law, a contract concluded without the consent of the insured person was considered null and void .

Until the confirmation of acceptance by the insurer, the agreement can be revoked by the insured person . A later revocation is not possible.

Co-insured person

In addition to the insured person under a life insurance policy, there are also co-insured persons . This usually involves the spouse or children. Like the insured person, the co-insured person can be affected by an insured event. This also leads to the insurer's obligation to perform.

Main use cases:

  • Associated life insurance : In addition to the insured person, another person (for example the spouse) is included in the contract. Like the insured person, premature death can trigger performance obligations.
  • Dowry insurance : In this case, the insured person is usually a parent or legal guardian. The child becomes a co-insured person. Marriage or reaching an agreed final age triggers the insurance benefit.
  • In health and accident insurance, the insurance can also be taken out for another person
  • Household contents or liability insurance can also extend protection to someone else's property
  • Motor vehicle liability insurance also includes the authorized driver in the insurance cover

Individual evidence

  1. Volker Kurzendörfer: Introduction to Life Insurance
  2. Romans / Lengheid (Munich 1997), tel. 3 to § 159 VVG
  3. Prölss / Martin, 25th edition, no. 3
  4. ↑ Co -insured person

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