Video home training

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Video Home Training is a method of social education in which successful everyday situations can be recorded on video, analyzed and discussed by all those involved.

Video denotes the central medium, home the place of the event, training in this context represents the awareness and activation of interaction processes.

As a rule, the VHT takes place in sessions and as follows:

  • Video recording of a typical situation by a neutral outsider (video home trainer).

These can be everyday situations or agreed conversations between the participants. Is filmed i. d. R. 10-15 min.

  • Editing of the important scenes into a review video (by video home trainer).
  • Review with participants, including discussion and analysis of what has been seen (guided by the video home trainer)

Here v. a. the aspect of successful communication is the basis. So it is not the child's misconduct that is observed, but what has the adult (s) achieved to establish positive contact, with what has the adult (s) reached the child in a positive way. Negative impulses are left out or used as question impulses (What does the child need in this situation? How is the child doing right now?)

The common review is the center of the video home training: the parents work out with the trainer what the parents have contributed to the success of the situation. You can rewind the film, use slow motion or view a still image. So every single moment of parent-child communication can be evaluated. Parents and trainers agree on further sub-goals and thus develop a learning route. Further recordings and reviews follow.

From the knowledge gained, a new behavior formula can be generated by modifying the own behavior of those involved, which is checked for success through renewed recording (again VHT). The main focus is on resource orientation, positive approaches and the empowerment of parents / adults.

At the end of the training there is an evaluation interview. The positive changes can be mapped using the video images. The parents receive the video recordings that were made during the training.

The VHT is used in connection with problematic relationships (mainly families but also partnerships or team constellations). There are now companies that use VHT to reflect on committee work.

Video home training can by no means be compared with the approaches adopted by the "super nanny". The TV format uses deficits in contrast to the VHT, which is based on successful scenes of communication. This has a neuroscientific background.


  • Claudia König: Video Home Training - an effective form of parental work in the context of early challenge. In: Karl-Heinz Menzen and Detlev Wolf: Curative Education - Health Care - Rehabilitation. LIT Verlag, Münster 1996, Volume 4. ISBN 3-8258-2946-4 .
  • Marlies Leist: Video home training on the requirement of a resource-oriented help concept for children with behavioral problems and their families. Dissertation. Munich 2003. University publications.
  • Irene Goltsche: Areas of application of the VHT video home training. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2009. ISBN 978-3-7815-1694-6