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Vikarna ( Sanskrit विकर्ण, vikarṇa m. ), One of the sons of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari . He plays a key role in a key post-dice scene in the Mahabharata when he sided with Draupadi and protested their humiliation by the Kauravas .

Vicarna in the Mahabharata

Vikarna is mentioned a few times in Adi Parva, the 1st book of the Mahabharata. In chap. 108 he is listed among the 100 sons of Dhritarashtra, in another passage it is said that Dhritarashtra sent him together with Citrasena, Drona and Kripa to receive the Pandavas on the occasion of a visit.

Vikarna plays an important role in the 2nd book, Sabha Parva, in a dramatic scene after the game of dice, when Yudhishthira has lost Draupadi and Duryodhana then gives the order to undress her. While some of the other people present are indignant but do not intervene, Vikarna tries to intervene before the situation has escalated by resolutely defending Draupadi and her rights as a woman in a speech. But he cannot prevail, and in the end Draupadi is miraculously saved from humiliation by renewing her clothes over and over again.

In later passages Vikarna et al. a. Mentioned as an outstanding fighter. Before the great war between the Pandavas and Kauravas, he tried as a member of a delegation to prevent the warring cousins ​​from fighting.

Individual evidence

  1. Mbhr. 1.108.4. (Pune Critical Edition by VS Sukthankar).
  2. Mbhr. 2.61.11-24
  3. Mbhr. 1.108.4; 1.199.13
  4. ^ Wilfried Huchzermeyer, Studies in the Mahabharata. Indian Culture, Dharma and Spirituality in the Great Epic. Karlsruhe 2018, pp. 58–63
  5. ^ Studies in the Mahabharata , p. 63.