Visual Localize

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Visual Localize is a specialized tool for localizing software and adapting the graphical user interface (GUI).

Visual Localize is not a machine translation tool, but a CAT tool ( computer-assisted translation English. Computer-Assisted Translation, abbreviated CAT). The tool is able to read all texts contained in the software e.g. B. to make it visible to the translator in dialogs, menus and in the string table. During translation, these texts are displayed in the context of the current application to increase the quality of the terminology; d. H. the texts to be translated are displayed in a preview or editor as they will be used later at runtime. Using Visual Localize, translators can translate software applications (consisting of various file modules, e.g. EXE, DLL, RESX, RESOURCES, RC OCX, XML, CHM, INI, ...) into the desired national languages ​​without in-depth programming knowledge and without source code.

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