Removal security

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An anti-removal device is generally understood to be a device (e.g. goods security devices ) to effectively make the theft or removal of a movable object more difficult without or with the aid of simple tools. Overcoming such a facility can constitute serious theft in many countries (e.g. in Germany according to Section 243 (2) of the Criminal Code and in Austria according to Section 129 of the Criminal Code), provided the theft is actually a criminal offense and no other criminal offense (cf. . also removal) comes into consideration. However, the term anti-removal device also refers to special safeguards on the carrying devices for firearmsthat prevent unauthorized access and thus endangering the wearer. In the Anglo-American language area, such systems are called holster retention.

There are also anti-removal devices for electronic devices such as laptops.

The term and the requirements for such facilities are defined in a corresponding VdS standard. Insofar as legal regulations do not require or define the overcoming of such safeguards with sufficient clarity, there are further comments and special cases in criminal law that must be taken into account in case law.

Classes for security against removal according to VdS guidelines

Removal safeguards are divided into different classes in the VdS guidelines mentioned:

  • Class 1: Removal protection against lightning access, for example through the use of steel cables , which prevents the removal by perpetrators who have insufficient technical knowledge and equipment.
  • Class 2: Analogous to class 1, here steel ropes and chains are used, which have a higher strength, in order to overcome this protection class, an even higher criminal energy is assumed
  • Class 3: In addition to the measures mentioned in Class 1 and 2, mechanical restraint methods are used to prevent the item from being removed
  • Class 4: the object to be protected is secured in a housing made of sheet steel , which can only be overcome with great effort.

The requirements for operation, labeling, safety and physical properties are specified in the guidelines mentioned. Examples include the fact that removal safeguards should be supplied with assembly and operating instructions in German. With protection classes 3 and 4, no conclusions can be drawn about codes or key numbers. In the area of ​​construction, for example, measures must be taken to prevent possible corrosion when used outdoors .

It is also specified which tool types the removal safeguards must withstand.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Securing against the removal of easily transportable objects - requirements and test methods. (VdS 3528) - Website of the VdS, May 2009 (PDF file)
  2. a b Wilfried Küper, Jan Zopfs: Criminal Law Special Part: Definitions with explanations. CF Müller, April 8, 2015. ISBN 3-8114-4143-4 , ISBN 978-3-8114-4143-9 ( online in a reading excerpt from Google Books, pp. 60, 277 )
  3. § 243 StGB on the DeJure website (accessed on September 28, 2017)
  4. Diethelm Klesczewski: Criminal Law Special Part: Textbook on Criminal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany , Mohr Siebeck, 2016, p. 383 (online in an excerpt from Google Books, accessed on October 3, 2017)
  5. Jorge Amselle: Gun Digest's Shooter's Guide to Concealed Carry. F + W Media, Inc., 2015, p. 66
  6. Website of the Ministry of the Interior, Digitization and Migration Baden-Württemberg (accessed on October 3, 2017)
  7. Answer of the state government to the minor inquiry 3552 of June 3, 2015 by the member of parliament Theo Kruse CDU printed matter 16/8918 on the website of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament (PDF, accessed on October 3, 2017)
  8. Protection of Notebook & Co. - VDS website, accessed on September 28, 2017
  9. See VdS standard, PDF, p. 5f