Werner Krumholz

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Otto Werner Krumholz (born April 27, 1956 in Gießen ) is a German physician, specialist in anesthesia and since 2004 professor at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen .

Krumholz completed his training at the University of Giessen and was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. Here he completed his habilitation in 1992. He is chief physician for anesthesia and operative intensive care medicine at the Bethlehem Hospital in Stolberg (Rhld.) .

In 2004 he was awarded the title of adjunct professor for anesthesia and surgical intensive care medicine by the University of Giessen.


  • Eugen Woldemar Bostroem (1850-1928). Teacher of pathology and promoter of medicine in Giessen , Verlag Wilhelm Schmitz Gießen 1983, ISBN 3877111122
  • The influence of selected intravenous anesthetics on various functions of polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes , Giessen 1991

Individual evidence

  1. See uni-giessen.de (PDF; 1.4 MB)