Wrapper class

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A wrapper class is a class created according to the design pattern of an adapter , which mostly wraps the primitive types used in certain object-oriented languages. In this way, all object-oriented properties such as overloading, derivation, etc. are also made possible for these types.

Examples of wrapper classes are the so-called primitive wrapper classes, where the variable created according to this type then inherits all properties from the parent classes. As an example, here are the basic wrapper classes for Java :

Primitive data type Wrapper class Constructor arguments
boolean Boolean boolean or String
byte byte byte or String
char Character char
double Double double or String
float Float float, doubleorString
int Integer int or String
long Long long or String
short Short short or String

The Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, and Double-Wrapperklassen all of the Number class derived . The voidwrapper class Void exists for the non-type .

See also