Central parking meter

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A central parking meter in Basel .

A central parking meter is a column with a usually digital clock that shows the remaining permitted parking time for several parking spaces in the vicinity of which it is set up. As with a simple parking meter , you pay the fee for a certain parking time with the insertion of coins, which is then counted down by the clock.

A specific parking space can be selected using buttons on the central parking meter: The parking spaces are usually marked with numbers, and the key with the corresponding number on the central parking meter must be pressed before paying or the parking space selected using an input field. Central parking meters are widespread in Switzerland .

In the Swiss Signaling Ordinance (SSV), the central parking meter is regulated in Article 48, Paragraph 7: “The indication“ Central parking meter ”on an additional board for the signal“ Parking for a fee ”(4.20) means that one parking meter is available for several parking spaces; the parking meter also contains the information "Central parking meter". "

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation: Signalization Ordinance, Art. 48 .