Central Association of German War Disabled and Warrior Survivors

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The Central Association of German War Victims and Survivors of War was a national conservative association of war victims. It was founded in September 1919.

It emerged from several smaller warring associations and the Essen Association , which existed from 1917 to 1919.

The Central Association of German War Victims and War Survivors in the Weimar Republic had more than 150,000 members .

The Central Association published the journals Der Kriegteilnehmer and the Kriegerhinterbliebenen-Zeitung as well as the yearbook of the Central Association of German War Disabled and Warrior Survivors .

The Central Association of German War Victims and Warrior Survivors belonged to the Reich Association of German War Victims after 1934 . The Reich Association comprised the war disabled organizations, which had not dissolved after 1933.

See also


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