Forced doping

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Forced doping is a form of doping and can refer to the fact that athletes or other professional groups are forced through threats or social pressure (e.g. loss of privileges, are no longer allowed to perform activities) to knowingly accept doping or if the misuse of medication without their knowledge or with indication of alleged harmlessness is carried out (it is not their own decision and consciously aware of the consequences to carry out doping).

In the GDR, doping was anchored in the state plan topic 14.25 until 1989 . From today's perspective, this is called compulsory doping because it meets these criteria. Since this was organized by the state, the term state doping is also used for it.

“Forced doping” has occurred and still occurs in other countries, especially when doping is organized by the state.

The word meaning of “coercion” is not to be understood pathologically in this context, but rather as “external influence on someone under threat of violence” or “strong influence from which someone cannot escape” (e.g. without losing certain Privileges).

Individual evidence

  1. A. Retzer (2012) Bad mood: A pamphlet against positive thinking. S. Fischer Verlag
  2. G. Spitzer (2007): Wounds and wounds: athletes as victims of the GDR doping system: a documentation Sportverlag Strauss
  3. Klaus Stern (2006) The State Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, Volume 4, Issue 1 Beck p. 80
  4. z. B. Giselher Spitzer: Origin and functioning of the GDR compulsory doping . in: K. Latzel and L. Niethammer (2008): Hormones and high performance: Doping in East and West Bühlau Verlag p. 67 ff.
  5. A Hecker and E. Simeoni: Stepanow case: What is fair, what is right? FAZ online from July 13, 2016
  6. ^ FM Brunn: Sport ethics Walter de Gruyter 2014
  7. Lance Armstrong: "We'll make your life hell" "20 minutes" online October 11, 2012
  8. Melanie Lang, Mike Hartill: Safeguarding, Child Protection and Abuse in Sport Routledge 2014, p. 130
  9. Compulsion in DUDEN online