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| 10th century | 11th century | 12th century |
| 1020s | 1030s | 1040s | 1050s | 1060s | 1070s | 1080s |
◄◄ | | 1054 | 1055 | 1056 | 1057 | 1058 | 1059 | 1060 | 1061 | 1062 | | ►►

Heads of State · Nekrolog

Pope Nicholas II
Nicholas II is elected Pope in Siena . At this point in time there is already a Pope in Rome, Benedict X.
1058 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 506/507 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1050/51
Buddhist calendar 1601/02 (southern Buddhism); 1600/01 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 62nd (63rd) cycle

Year of the earth dog戊戌 ( at the beginning of the year fire rooster 丁酉)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 420/421 (turn of the year April)
Iranian calendar 436/437 (around March 21)
Islamic calendar 449/450 (February 27-28)
Jewish calendar 4818/19 (September 20/21)
Coptic calendar 774/775
Malayalam calendar 233/234
Seleucid era Babylon: 1368/69 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1369/70 (turn of the year October)

Spanish era 1096
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1114/15 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

Western Europe

Malcolm III of Scotland

Central and Eastern Europe

Southern Europe



  • January 24th : The Abbasid Caliph proclaims Tughrul Beg Sultan and Emir of the East and the West. But he first has to suppress the revolt of his nephew Ibrahim Inal , who has allied himself with the Turkish general Al-Basasiri , who is in the service of the Buyids .
  • December 27 : The Fatimids benefit from the war under the Seljuks and conquer Baghdad through their general Al-Basasiri. He declares the caliph Al-Qa'im deposed and joins Shiism.
  • The Sinhalese ruler Vijayabahu I succeeds in bringing the entire southern province of Sri Lanka under his control.

First documentary mentions


Apse of the monastery church of Leyre
The Brahmeswara Temple in Bhubaneswar


  • Under Raimund Berengar I (from 1058 to 1068) the first codification of Catalan law took place in the Usatges de la Cort de Barcelona ; this is the first written summary of feudal law in Europe.


  • Shortly before his death, Pope Stephen IX recognized. the authenticity of the relics of Mary Magdalene in the Benedictine Abbey of Vézelay in France, which will then become an important pilgrimage center.
  • Pope Stephen IX dies on March 29th in Florence while planning a campaign against the Normans in southern Italy . He is buried in the Church of Santa Reparata . Although he decided before his death that a new conclave should be waited for until Hildebrand von Soana returned to Rome from his trip to Germany, a group of cardinals hostile to reform elects Johann Mincius, Bishop of Velletri, as Benedict X on April 5th . to the Pope. The cardinals around Petrus Damiani who are protesting against this election have to flee Rome. After Hildebrand's return and at his instigation, after the consent of the German court had also arrived, presumably on December 6th, Gerhard of Burgundy in Siena as Nicholas II was elected as the new pope, whereupon he immediately set off for Rome.
  • The monk Desiderius , better known as the later Pope Viktor III. , becomes abbot of Montecassino (until 1087). Under him a formidable collection of manuscripts of great artistic value was created.
  • Ealdred , the Archbishop of York , is the first English bishop to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem .



Date of death secured

Tomb of Ermessenda of Carcassonne

Exact date of death unknown

Abdullah ibn Bakhtishu with a student

Died around 1058

Web links

Commons : 1058  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files