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Heads of State · Nekrolog · Music Year

John Calvin
John Calvin enforces the Reformation in Geneva .
Moritz of Saxony
Moritz becomes Duke of Saxony .
Foundation of Santiago de Chile
Santiago de Chile is founded by Pedro de Valdivia .
1541 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 989/990 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1533/34
Buddhist calendar 2084/85 (southern Buddhism); 2083/84 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 70th (71st) cycle

Year of the Metal Ox辛丑 ( at the beginning of the year Metal Rat 庚子)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 903/904 (turn of the year April)
Dangun era (Korea) 3874/75 (October 2/3)
Iranian calendar 919/920
Islamic calendar 947/948 (turn of the year April 26-27)
Jewish calendar 5301/02 (September 21-22)
Coptic Calendar 1257/58
Malayalam calendar 716/717
Seleucid era Babylon: 1851/52 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1852/53 (turn of the year October)

Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1597/98 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events


Discovery of the Mississippi romanticizing painting
The death of Pedro de Alvarado , contemporary Aztec illustration

Ottoman Empire / Hungary

Holy Roman Empire

Mediterranean area

  • October 20: Emperor Charles V lands with a fleet near Algiers to put an end to the Algerian corsairs . A storm that disperses the ships and heavy losses among the troops that landed lead the expedition to return home.

Other events in Europe

First documentary mentions


  • The Burmese King Tabinshwehti of Taungu conquered the city of Martaban and largely destroyed it, whereupon it never regained its previous political and economic importance.


Wendentaler, Lüneburg, 1541
  • The Wendentaler is coined for the first time in Lüneburg .
  • The Chinese port of Xiamen is used as a trading port by European seafarers for the first time.


Society and sport

  • February: In a document written in the monastery of Paisley in the county of Renfrewshire , a game with stones on the ice comparable to curling is mentioned in writing for the first time.

Religion and culture


Historical maps and views

Vesconte Maggiolo : Portolan map 1541


Date of birth saved

Exact date of birth unknown


First half of the year

Francisco Pizarro, oil painting by an unknown master (around 1540)

Second half of the year

  • July 4th: Pedro de Alvarado , Spanish conquistador (* around 1486)
  • August 1: Simon Grynaeus , Reformed theologian, reformer and humanist (* 1493)
  • August 18: Heinrich the Pious , Duke of Saxony (* 1473)
  • September 1: Gül Baba , Turkish Bektashi dervish and poet (* late 15th century)
  • September 12: Peter Breuer , Saxon sculptor and carver (* around 1472)
Famoso Doctor Pareselsus, copy after a painting by
Quentin Massys that has not survived
  • September 24th: Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, known as Paracelsus , federal doctor, alchemist, astrologer, mystic, lay theologian and philosopher (* 1493)
  • October 16: Johann Baptista von Taxis , Burgundian-Dutch Postmaster General (* around 1470)
  • October 18: Margaret Tudor , Queen of Scotland, older sister of the English King Henry VIII (* 1489)
  • November 4th: Wolfgang Capito , reformer of Strasbourg (* 1478)
  • November 9th: Caspar Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden , German humanist and canon (* 1464)
  • November 11: Federigo Fregoso , Italian clergyman, writer and military leader (* around 1480)
  • November 15: Margarete Blarer , German Reformed deaconess (* 1494)
  • November 16: Elisabeth Silbereisen , German citizen's wife, wife of the reformer Martin Bucer (* around 1495)
  • December 10: Francis Dereham , lover of Catherine Howard, fifth wife of King Henry VIII of England.
  • December 15: Johanna van der Gheynst , Dutch citizen and lover of Emperor Charles V (* around 1500)
  • December 24th: Andreas Bodenstein , German reformer (* 1486)

Exact date of death unknown

  • Francysk Skaryna , Lithuanian humanist, doctor and translator, is considered the "first printer in Belarus" (* 1486)
  • Juan de Valdés , Spanish secretary, humanist, theologian and author (* around 1490)

Web links

Commons : 1541  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files