ARD radio play days

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The ARD Radio Play Days (also: ARD Radio Play Days ) are a multi-day radio play festival that has been organized every November since 2004 by the state broadcasters of ARD and Deutschlandradios , and since 2015 also by ORF and SRF . They give an overview of the current radio play production of the public broadcasters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

During the radio play days , the ARD German Radio Play Prize, the ARD Online Award Audience Award , the ARD PiNball Young Talent Award (from 2006 to 2012: premiere on the internet ), the German Children's Radio Play Prize and the Children's Radio Play Prize of the City of Karlsruhe will be awarded. Since 2016, a prize has also been awarded for the best acting performance in a radio play.


The radio play days were launched in 2004 by ARD as a counter-event to the radio play week founded in 1986 , which had been organized annually by the Berlin Academy of the Arts until then. In 2004 and 2005, the ARD radio play days were organized at the WDR in Cologne . Since 2006 they have been taking place in the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) and in the State University of Design in Karlsruhe and are each organized by SWR and one or two other broadcasting corporation (s).


As part of the ARD Radio Play Days, the ARD German Radio Play Prize is awarded by an independent jury of five to the best of twelve nominated radio plays. In addition, listeners can also vote for their own favorites online or analogously with the ARD Online Award . Since 2006, talented radio play makers from the independent radio play scene for short radio plays (max. 20 minutes) have also been honored with the ARD Pinball young talent award. The German Children's Radio Play Award also honors the best author / adaptation performance in the field of children's radio play. At the same time, a children's jury awards the city of Karlsruhe 's children's radio play prize . In addition, a prize for the best acting performance in a radio play has been awarded since 2016. This can also be distributed among several actors from a production.

Event partners and supporters

Since the ARD Radio Play Days moved from Cologne to Karlsruhe in 2006, the ZKM and the Karlsruhe University of Design have been among the festival's event partners. The city ​​of Karlsruhe has also been one of them since 2010 . In addition, the event has been supported by the Federal Association of the Hearing Aid Industry (BVHI), Sparkasse Karlsruhe and, since 2017, by tonies® since 2016 .


  • A radio play festival. ARD radio play days until Saturday in Karlsruhe , in: Wiener Zeitung , November 8, 2007.
  • Double stroke of luck. Thilo Reffert dominates the ARD radio play days , in: FAZ , November 16, 2010.

Web links