Abd ar-Rahman Sanchuelo

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Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo (* around 983 in Córdoba , † 3. March 1009 ibid) came from the dynasty of Amiriden and served as regent from 1008 to 1009 de facto sole ruler of the Umayyad -Kalifen Hisham II. In the Caliphate of Córdoba . When he was proclaimed his successor by Hisham II, an uprising broke out to which he fell victim.


Abd ar-Rahman Sanchuelo was the youngest son of the important Amirid Almansor and his Christian wife, the daughter of King Sancho of Navarre , who changed her baptismal name Urraca to Abda after converting to Islam . After his grandfather, Abd al-Rahman was nicknamed Sanchuelo (meaning little Sancho ). Almansor practically alone exercised the government, but formally recognized the sovereignty of Hisham II. Almansor's son and successor Abd al-Malik al-Muzaffar also had a similar level of power. After his early death, his younger brother Abd ar-Rahman took over the government on October 20, 1008.

Many long-established Arab noblemen and other parts of the population were loyal to the Umayyads and very reluctantly endured the rule of the Amirids, especially since Almansor had hired numerous Berbers as mercenaries to secure his power. Abd ar-Rahman then caused great resentment by his ambitious step that he already forced the weak caliph in November 1008 to appoint him as his successor. Numerous negative traits such as alcoholism were ascribed to him. He was also accused of poisoning his brother Abd al-Malik.

Abd ar-Rahman made the mistake of setting out on a campaign against King Alfonso V of León at the beginning of 1009 - in the middle of winter . The Umayyad Muhammad II al-Mahdi used his absence to instigate a revolt in Cordoba. He dethroned Hisham, became the new caliph and had the Amirid residence outside of Cordoba, al-Madina al-Zahira ("the flourishing city"), destroyed. Then Abd al-Rahman went back, but the defection of his army sealed his fate. First he was imprisoned, then al-Mahdi had him executed.



  1. Date of death according to E. Lévi-Provençal (see Lit.), p. 84.