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The Amirids ( Arabic بنو عامر, DMG Banū ʿĀmir orالعامريون, DMG al-ʿĀmiriyūn ) were an Arab dynasty in Andalusia (978-1085).

The rise of the Amirids began under Almansor (Abi Amir al-Mansur), when he ruled the Caliphate of Córdoba from 978 to 1002 and ousted the ruling Umayyad caliph Hisham II from power. His successful campaigns against the Christian kingdoms, u. a. Barcelona (985) and Santiago de Compostela (997) led the caliphate to the highest point of its power. However, the strong recruitment of Berbers for the army and the resulting tensions with Arab and Slavic troops laid the cause for the downfall of the caliphate.

Abd al-Malik (1002–1008) was able to successfully assert his father's power as a treasurer / imperial administrator and continue the successful campaigns against the Christians. In 1004 León was conquered and sacked again. But he was poisoned by his brother Abd ar-Rahman Sanchuelo (1008-1009). This now strove for the office of caliph and forced Hisham II to appoint him as his successor. This led to a popular uprising in Cordoba and the deposition of Hisham II. When Sanchuelo fell fighting for rule in Cordoba, the influence of the Amirids in the capital was broken.

During the power struggles that broke out in the Caliphate of Cordoba and the emergence of the Taifa kingdoms , Abd al-Aziz (1021-1061), the son of Abd ur-Rahman Sangul, secured power in Valencia . Between 1065 and 1076 the Amirids were expelled from Valencia by the Dhun Nunids ( Toledo ) under Abd al-Malik (1061-1065) . Although the city was recaptured under Abu Bakr (1076-1085), the Amirids were finally overthrown by the Dhun Nunids in 1085.

Vassals of the Amirids established other dominions in Almería (1012-1038), Tortosa (1038-1061) and the Balearic Islands (1019-1114). At the beginning of the 11th century, the empire of Denia and Murcia (1019-1076) was of particular importance when it owned the most important navy in the western Mediterranean under al-Mujahid (1009-1045) and sought to rule over Sardinia and Corsica . However, he was badly beaten in 1015 and 1021 by the allied fleet of Pisas and Genoa . This initiated the rise of these Italian sea towns in the western Mediterranean.
