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Akakallis ( Greek  Ἀκακαλλίς ; also called Akalle ) is a female figure in Greek mythology .

Akakallis was a local Cretan heroine , daughter of King Minos and the Pasiphaë and the lover of Hermes and Apollo . The latter gave birth to sons Naxos , Miletos and Amphithemis , whose alternative name was Garamas . When she became pregnant with Amphithemis, Minos banished her to Libya as punishment for this forbidden relationship , where she gave birth to this son. After Miletus was born, she fled from fear of her father and abandoned the child in the forest. However, Apollo made sure that wolves fed and guarded it until it was discovered by shepherds who took care of it.

According to Cretan legend, Akakallis fathered Kydon , eponym and mythical founder of the Cretan city of Kydonia with Hermes . In contrast fabled the Arcadians , Kydon have the tegeates had a father and be with his brothers Archedios and Gortys moved to Crete. According to Stephen of Byzantium, it was not Hermes or Tegeates but Apollo who was the father of Kydon. According to the same author, Akakallis also gave birth to Oaxos , the eponymous hero of the Cretan city of Oaxos on the Ida Mountains .

Perhaps identical with the Minos daughter is a nymph of the same name . According to a local legend of the inhabitants of the town of Elyros in southwestern Crete, Apollo was cleansed of the blood of the python in the house of the Atonement Priest Karmanor , which was in Tarrha . It was here that the god fell in love with the beautiful nymph Akakallis, who became the mother of Phylakides and Philandros . A goat nursed the two sons, and the Elyrians sent a brazen image of this goat as a Christmas present to Delphi .



  1. This form of name is offered by the Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 1, 2.
  2. ^ Antoninus Liberalis , Metamorphoses 30; Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika 4, 1492 with Scholion .
  3. Apollonios of Rhodes, Argonautika 4, 1490ff.
  4. Nikandros from Kolophon in Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses 30.
  5. ^ Pausanias , Helládos Periēgēsis 8, 53, 4.
  6. Stephanos of Byzantium, Ethnika , s. Kydonia .
  7. Stephanos of Byzantium, Ethnika , Oaxos .
  8. ^ Pausanias, Helládos Periēgēsis 10, 16, 5.