Alain Gresh

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Alain Gresh

Alain Gresh (born 1948 in Cairo , Kingdom of Egypt ) is a French journalist and publisher of the monthly newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique .


Alain Gresh grew up with his mother and his Coptic stepfather in Cairo. His biological father was the communist activist Henri Curiel , who had lived in exile in France since 1950. Gresh studied mathematics at the University of Paris VII with a master's degree in 1971, Arabic at the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales with a diploma in 1977 and in 1983 at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences with a dissertation on the PLO doctorate . The focus of his books and magazine articles is on the problems of the Arab world.

Gresh has been writing articles in Le Monde Diplomatique since 2001 and has also been its editor since 2011.

Fonts (selection)

  • De quoi la Palestine est-elle le nom? 2010
  • (Mhrsg.): India, the barefoot great power . Berlin: taz, 2009
  • (Mhrsg.): Africa. Pride & Prejudice . Berlin: taz, 2009
  • with Philippe Rekacewicz , Dominique Vidal , Jean Radvanyi , Gilbert Achcar : Atlas du monde diplomatique . Paris, 2003.
  • 1905-2005: les enjeux de laïcité . 2005
  • L'Islam, la République et le Monde . 2004
  • Palestine: Vérités sur un conflit . 2001
    • Israel - Palestine: the background to an endless conflict . From the Franz. By Bodo Schulze. Zurich: Rotpunktverlag, 2002
  • With Tariq Ramadan : L'islam en questions . 2000
  • With Dominique Vidal: Les 100 portes du Proche-Orient, Éditions de l'Atelier . 1996
  • Palestine 47, un partage avorté . 1994

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Françoise Germain-Robin: Rien ne sera plus comme avant , interview with Alain Gresh, in: L'Humanité , February 24, 2011
  2. ^ Alain Gresh , at Le Monde Diplomatique.