Albert T. Olmstead

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Albert T. Olmstead (full name Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead , born March 23, 1880 in Troy , New York , † April 11, 1945 in Chicago ) was an American Assyriologist and Orientalist. He was particularly interested in the Achaemenids . Olmstead was Professor of Oriental History at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute .

His History of the Persian Empire , published posthumously in 1948, portrays the history of Persia from the decisive period of the expansion of Persian rule under Cyrus II to Greece to the burning of Persepolis by Alexander the Great for the first time from a Persian point of view instead of the traditional Greek one. The author shows how science, literature, language and myths of the ancients grew out of the intermingling of many cultures and played a role in the development of our own civilization.

Its history of Assyria is also considered an important contribution to Assyriology .

Publications (selection)

  • Western Asia in the days of Sargon of Assyria, 722-705 BC Diss. Phil. Ithaca, Lancaster Pa., 1908
  • Assyrian Historiography . Columbia, Mon. 1916.
  • History of Assyria . New York, London 1923. Reprinted by University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1951.
  • Jesus in the light of history . Scribner, New York 1942.
  • History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest . Baker Book House, 1965.
  • History of the Persian Empire. Achaemenid Period . Edited by George G. Cameron. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. 1948.
