Alexander Borbély

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Alexander A. Borbély (* 1939 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian-Swiss pharmacologist . His focus is sleep research .

life and work

Alexander Borbély studied medicine in Geneva and Zurich . After completing his doctorate, he worked for two years at the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge , USA , where he continued his education in the areas of biosignal analysis and electrophysiology . In 1971 he completed his habilitation at the University of Zurich , where he became assistant professor in 1975, associate professor in 1983 and full professor in 1992. There he was also Dean of the Medical Faculty from 1998 to 2000 and Vice-Rector for Research from 2000 to 2006.

In his research, Borbély is particularly concerned with psychopharmacology , sleep regulation in animals and humans, biomathematic models and various methodological developments. He headed an internationally known research group in the field of sleep research.

Borbély is a member and sometimes chairman of various national and international committees that are involved in the scientific or university-political environment.

In 2006 he retired and has been an honorary member of the Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), of which he is one of the founding fathers.

See also


Borbély has received several national and international prizes; Among other things, he received the Anna Monika Prize for Depression Research , the Distinguished Scientist Award from the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies, the Georg Friedrich Götz Prize from the University of Zurich and the Pisa Sleep Award .

He is an honorary doctor of the Szeged Medical University in Hungary (now part of the Szeged University of Sciences ) and the University of Warsaw .

Fonts (selection)

  • The secret of sleep. New ways and insights of research . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-421-02734-X . ( freely available online as digitized version)
  • Difficulty sleeping . In: Therapeutische Umschau , Vol. 50, Issue 10, pp. 669–720, Huber Verlag, Bern u. a. 1993, ISBN 3-456-82340-1 .
  • Fascination with the brain . 2nd edition, SHL, Bern 2001, without ISBN.
  • The healthy brain in old age . 2nd edition, SHL, Bern 2001, without ISBN.
  • Sleep . Fischer Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3-596-15561-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brief details of the person in the article Quality and Communication by Thomas Gull in the unijournal of the University of Zurich , Issue 2/00, p. 3: The new Prorector Research ( Memento from December 16, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) ( PDF file, 1.4 MB)
  2. The whole organism must be brought into focus , interview by Magdalena Seebauer with Alexander Borbély in the Unipublic of the University of Zurich on January 22, 2008 (accessed on February 24, 2009).
  3. Short biography of Alexander Borbély on the S. Fischer Verlag website (accessed on February 24, 2009).