Alexander Ilyich Yegorov

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Alexander Yegorov

Alexander Yegorov ( Russian Александр Ильич Егоров , born October 13 . Jul / 25. October  1883 greg. In Busuluk ; †  23. February 1939 in Moscow ) was a military leader of the Red Army in the Russian Civil War and Marshal of the Soviet Union .


Ascent to Marshal

The first five Marshals of the Soviet Union: Mikhail N. Tukhachevsky , Semyon M. Budjonny , Kliment J. Voroshilov , Vasily K. Blücher and Alexander I. Jegorow

Egorov came from a farming family in the Samara area . He joined the Imperial Russian Army in 1901 and was made an officer in 1905. During the First World War he reached the rank of lieutenant colonel , he was wounded five times.

As early as 1904 he is said to have belonged to the Social Revolutionary Party . He later portrayed this as a "one-time aberration". After the Bolsheviks had taken power in the October Revolution in 1917, Yegorov became a commander in the Red Army.

During the civil war he was first involved in the defense of the city of Tsaritsyn as commander of the 9th and then the 10th Army and temporarily took over the overall management of the city's defense . From July to October 1919 he was the commander of the 14th Army, which was involved in the fight against the White Army in Ukraine . From October 1919 to December 1920 he led first the armies of the Southern Front, which fought against the White Guard troops under the leadership of the former Tsarist General Denikin , then the armies of the South-Western Front, which were involved in the Polish-Soviet War , with Yegorov having an important role , because he took over the defense of the Soviet south of Ukraine.

In 1925 and 1926 he was posted to the Republic of China as a consultant . In May 1927, he took over the important military district in the Belarusian SSR as commander-in-chief .

In 1931 he became Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army , in which he remained until the beginning of 1937. During this time he was instrumental in developing the defense concept of the USSR and was a great advocate of the modernization of the Red Army.

In 1934 he became a candidate for the Central Committee of the CPSU . When the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union was introduced in the Red Army in 1935 , he belonged to the group of the first five bearers of this rank. His career continued, on May 11, 1937, he became First Deputy Minister of Defense. On December 12 of the same year he was elected Deputy of Smolensk Oblast in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR .

Victim of stalinism

Due to his contacts with Stalin and Semyon Budjonny during the Polish-Soviet War in 1920 he seemed safe from persecution. In January 1938, however, Stalin publicly criticized him, and he was subsequently deported to the position of commander of the Transcaucasian Military District. On 27 March 1938 he was arrested on February 23, 1939 shot . His body was not handed over to the relatives, but rather cremated in the then only Moscow crematorium in the Donskoy cemetery and the ashes there thrown into a mass grave.

After the XX. At the CPSU party congress , Yegorov was rehabilitated by Nikita Khrushchev .


Web links

Commons : Alexander Ilyich Yegorov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files