Alfred Hrdlicka

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Alfred Hrdlicka (2005)

Alfred Hrdlicka [ ˈalfʀeːt ˈɦr̩ɟlɪt͡ʃka ] (born February 27, 1928 in Vienna , † December 5, 2009 in Vienna) was an Austrian sculptor , draftsman , painter , graphic artist , chess player and writer .


Childhood and youth

Alfred Hrdlicka grew up in the politically troubled First Republic of Austria, which was also characterized by violent struggles between socialist and conservative , increasingly also National Socialist groups and parties . His father, a communist and union official , made him aware of political issues at an early age . As early as 1933, when he was five years old, he accompanied him, who was arrested several times, to distribute leaflets in the working-class district of Floridsdorf . At the age of six he experienced a first house search, during which he was beaten by the police . At the age of ten he witnessed the annexation of Austria to the German Empire .

The years of Nazi rule and the Second World War survived his father, who temporarily had to do forced labor in a punishment company of the Todt organization , and he by diving into illegality. Alfred Hrdlicka thus withdrew from military service in 1944. He was able to do a two-and-a-half-year apprenticeship with a friend of his dental technician who also hid him temporarily . The fine motor skills acquired there were very useful to him later in the creation of his works of art. His older brother died as a soldier in the Wehrmacht off Leningrad .

Hrdlicka was a talented chess player. He learned the game during his father's illegal meetings with his fellow combatants in coffeehouses and bars , where he served as an alibi during controls. In 1953 he was nominated for the second international student team championship in Brussels, in which eight European teams with four players each took part. The Austrian team, in which Hrdlicka (two points from seven games) and another Austrian played alternately on the first and second board, was supplemented by a Belgian and a French player and reached rank 7. The team achieved a respectable success with a 2: 2 against the favored British, with Hrdlicka winning against the English master player Peter H. Clarke .

Studies and first successes

Karl Renner bust (Vienna, 1967)
Fresco in the foyer of the Alterlaa residential park (Vienna, 1973)

From 1946 to 1952 Hrdlicka studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Albert Paris Gütersloh and Josef Dobrowsky . This was followed from 1953 to 1957, also at the Academy, studying sculpture with Fritz Wotruba . From 1955 he ran a litho workshop in Vienna together with Georg Eisler , Fritz Martinz and Rudolf Schönwald . In 1960, together with Fritz Martinz, he had his first exhibition sculpture, painting and graphics in the Vienna Zedlitzhalle .

He became internationally known in 1964 when he and Herbert Boeckl Austria at the 32nd Biennale in Venice represented. In 1966 Hrdlicka first experienced the world of mentally ill people . He was so impressed by these encounters that from then on he repeatedly dealt artistically with the suffering of these people, later with suffering, fear, pain and the threat to human beings par excellence. In the following year he made a bust of the Social Democratic President Karl Renner, who died in 1950, for the city of Vienna . Their setting up was accompanied by angry protests by a group that called itself the "League against degenerate art ".

Professorships in Germany and Austria

In the decade and a half of his teaching post in Stuttgart - he was also "on leave" at the Stuttgart Academy for the duration of his teaching activity, a member of the teaching staff there - he developed his class for figurative design under difficult spatial and equipment conditions and against the resistance of jealous colleagues an attraction for numerous students. His pedagogical maxim: “This school is not a school for holding hands, but a school for challenging.” By no means remaining in the academic “ivory tower”, he participated and let his students take part in the art life of the state, so that Alfred Hrdlicka's years in Stuttgart were very special Make a contribution to the recent art history of Baden-Württemberg.

For the first time, twelve “Student Hrdlicka (s)” appeared in an exhibition at the Stuttgart Academy from May 7th to 31st, 1976. The participants - future sculptors, painters, graphic artists, art educators - were Manfred Bercher, Herbert Böhm, Heinz Dress, Gabriele Gebele, Elisabeth habenicht, Joachim von Heimburg, Fritz Gerd Hoffmann, Susanne Knorr, Bert Mahringer, Cornelia Rühlicke, Hans Daniel Sailer and Felix Summer. After five years of pedagogical work, this first balance sheet was a complete success for Alfred Hrdlicka, after all he had built the class for figurative design , now - according to Rector Wolfgang Kermer in his opening address - a "focal point" at the academy, almost from nothing.

Neolithic was the name of Alfred Hrdlicka's contribution to the IX. Congress of the IAA / AIAP (International Association of Art / Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques) art and the public from September 28 to October 28, 1979 in Stuttgart organized exhibition of its academy students: "'Neolithic' is not the new staging of outdated isms, no art association operetta" he announced at the time. “Similar to the conglomerate of interests and ideology of the 'Greens' in the political landscape, the 'neo-stone age', who have not been whipped into shape, are out for a new orientation, they are fed up with running after desk-made evolution theories as post-avant-garde statists. For the artists of tomorrow, the de-bureaucratisation and de-monopoly of the art business is a question of existence. ”At the exhibition, which took place on the open-air site of the Akademie am Weißenhof and in the Hrdlicka classrooms and for which one edited by Academy Rector Wolfgang Kermer and conceived by Peter Steiner , Neolithic titled "Zeitung der Bildhauerklasse Alfred Hrdlicka" with two art-political texts by Alfred Hrdlicka appeared, were Reinhard Bombsch, Arno Hildebrandt, Dieter E. Klumpp , Susanne Knorr, Erhard Mika, Michael Plaetschke, Franz Raßl, Diane Roemer, Hans Daniel Sailer, Wolfgang Scherible, Bernd Stöcker , Andreas Theurer , Charlotte Traum and Konrad Winzer were involved. In exchange with sculpture students from Department 1 of the HdK Berlin , the Hrdlicka class exhibited in Berlin at the same time in 1981. Robert Kudielka spoke at the opening in both Berlin and Stuttgart .

The last two representative joint appearances by Alfred Hrdlicka, initiated by Alfred Hrdlicka before he left Stuttgart in 1986, took place from September 9 to October 7, 1984 in the park of Villa Berg and in the radio studio of Süddeutscher Rundfunk (SDR) in Stuttgart and from October 13 to November 18, 1984 at the Mannheimer Kunstverein . Participants in both cases were: Reinhard Bombsch, Herbert Göser, Ursula Kärcher, Alfons Koller, Angela Laich, Chu Hwan Lim, Birgit Müller, Markus Rapp, Joachim Sauter, Johann Schickinger, Michael Schützenberger, Eva-Maria Schwarz, Helmut Stowasser, Kurt Tassotti , Mehmet Yagur and Gerhard Zirkelbach.

Among the students from the Stuttgart years should also be mentioned: Dietrich Klinge and Markus Matthias Rapp .

Important work from the 1960s to 1980s

Counter monument (Hamburg, 1983–1986)

In the 1960s to 1980s, a number of Hrdlicka's most important works were created in Germany as well as in Austria, mostly here in Vienna. From 1965 to 67 Hrdlicka produced an etching cycle that he called Roll over Mondrian . From Piet Mondrian's art, he took over the order pattern formed by box shapes and filled the boxes with drawings that depict people in their unvarnished reality. In 1974 he said, “I left the fields you see here [as with Mondrian] and filled them with reality. So in these sheets there is everything I believe that relates to our times. ”This quote shows how much Hrdlicka wants to differentiate himself from Mondrian by avoiding the abstract in favor of reality.

Furthermore, from 1968 to 1972 he completed the picture cycle Plötzenseer Totentanz in the Protestant community center near the Plötzensee Memorial , where the victims of National Socialism are commemorated in the former prison in Berlin-Plötzensee.

A sculpture in memory of Friedrich Engels was erected in Wuppertal in 1981 . Hrdlicka himself called it The Strong Left . The political controversies that this work, like many of Hrdlicka's works, sparked are reflected in the official naming as a memorial in the Engelsgarten . From 1983 to 1986 he created at Hamburg Dammtor the counter-monument whose two parts of Hamburg firestorm and doom-KZ prisoners of contrast with the established in the 1930s war memorial.

In addition to his work on sculptures, Hrdlicka continued to produce highly regarded cycles of drawings and etchings, including on the political events of the French Revolution , the German Peasants' War and the 1848 Revolution . In his cycles, however, Hrdlicka also dealt intensively with personal biographies, including that of the serial killer Fritz Haarmann ("Vampire of Hanover"), with the Johann Joachim Winckelmanns , Franz Schuberts , Richard Wagner , Adalbert Stifters , Rudolf Nurejews , Leo Tolstois , Auguste Rodins and Pier Paolo Pasolinis .

In 1988 the memorial against war and fascism was erected on Albertinaplatz in Vienna . Hrdlicka himself described it as his most important work. As in previous work by him, the erection of the memorial was accompanied by violent hostility. It was criticized from various sides. For example, some clashed with the positioning of a monument, which above all also commemorates the time of the rule of the Nazi regime in Austria , at such a prominent and central location right next to the Vienna State Opera . Others criticized the dedication to “all victims of the war”, also because one of the sculptures depicts a fallen Wehrmacht soldier with a bucket helmet lying on the floor. Representatives of the Israelite Religious Community , including Simon Wiesenthal , then campaigned for a further memorial, which was erected on Judenplatz as a memorial for the Austrian Jewish victims of the Shoah ( Rachel Whiteread , 2000) .

Late years

Orpheus I (Vienna, 2008)
Hrdlicka's grave in the Vienna Central Cemetery (own composition)

After accepting a professorship at the University of Applied Arts Vienna , Alfred Hrdlicka lived and worked again mainly in Vienna from 1989 onwards, with his exhibition and stage design projects, such as Intolleranza 1960 (Stuttgart 1992) or the Ring des Nibelungen (Meiningen 2001) mainly took place in Germany. His first wife, Barbara Hrdlicka, née Wacker, died in 1994. In 1999, his lover Flora took her own life and tried to poison Hrdlicka in the process. Hrdlicka processed the events in an extensive cycle of drawings, Der Fall Flora . In 1999 Hrdlicka married his longstanding muse, the artist Angelina Siegmeth.

Due to various occupational diseases and a stroke , Hrdlicka was only able to draw in recent years. Disc problems prevented him from continuing to practice stone carving, and he devoted himself more to work on stage sets. Alfred Hrdlicka died in Vienna on December 5, 2009 at the age of 81. He was buried on December 19, 2009 in the Vienna Central Cemetery in the grave of his first wife Barbara, which was declared an honorary grave . (Grave site: Group 31B, Row 13, No. 20).

Political stance

From an ideological perspective, Hrdlicka remained connected to communism throughout his life and came out vehemently, sometimes provocatively, against fascism and anti-Semitism . In 1994, for example, he defended the writer Stefan Heym (who had been persecuted by the Nazi regime because of his Jewish origins) against hostility from the GDR dissident Wolf Biermann by calling Biermann (who had a Jewish father, but was not a Nazi persecuted person himself had been) described in an open letter as an "adapted idiot" and wished him the "Nuremberg race laws" suffered by Heym. Hrdlicka liked to refer to himself as “the ancient Stalinists”, which repeatedly led to controversial discussions. As an active party member of the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ), he had already resigned in 1956 when the Soviet army violently put down the Hungarian popular uprising . Hrdlicka remained active in the cultural and political environment of the KPÖ in later years. From 1994 until his death he was a member of the Alfred Klahr Society . At times he was also a board member of the Society for the Promotion of Relations with the Korean People's Democratic Republic . In the years of the rise of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) under Jörg Haider , Hrdlicka again stood in the National Council election in Austria in 1999 as the non-party leading candidate of the KPÖ in Carinthia.

According to Hrdlicka, the founding of the German party Die Linke on June 16, 2007 was also thanks to his mediation. In 2000 he brought together the politicians Gregor Gysi and Oskar Lafontaine for a dinner in Saarbrücken. Hrdlicka was considered a friend of Lafontaine, who paid a speech on his 80th birthday.

One of Hrdlicka's most sensational political protest actions in the media was the one in the run-up to the Austrian federal presidential election in 1986, which was marked by controversies about the Nazi past of candidate Kurt Waldheim of the Austrian People's Party ( Waldheim affair ). Together with Peter Turrini and Manfred Deix , Hrdlicka then created a meter-high wooden horse as a sign of protest. In doing so, he took up a statement made by the then Federal Chancellor Fred Sinowatz ( SPÖ ), who had acknowledged Waldheim's attempts to justify himself with the remark: "So let us note that Waldheim was not in the SA, but only his horse."

Although a staunch atheist , Hrdlicka repeatedly created works with religious references and in the context of sacred buildings. In 2009, as one of his last works, a bronze relief was created in honor of the nun, Sister Maria Restituta , who was executed in 1943 for “favoring the enemy and preparing for high treason” and beatified in 1998 , which can be seen in the Barbara Chapel in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna .

Even in the last months of his life in 2009, Hrdlicka intervened by letter to the editor against the deletion of the head of the cultural office in the city of Wittlich (Rhineland-Palatinate), since he said the deletion of the job was due to the efforts of the then job holder, Justinus Maria Calleen, to “come to terms with the National Socialist past and living memory work ”. Hrdlicka saw his point of view confirmed by the action of the Wittlich city government, according to which “50 percent of Germans and Austrians are still fascists and anti-Semites”. He referred to the responsible politicians as “ block attendant of art.” The outgoing mayor of the city, Ralf Bußmer, then reported Hrdlicka for “sedition, defamation and insult”. At the time of the start of the investigation by the Trier public prosecutor, Hrdlicka was no longer able to be questioned for health reasons.

Despite his anti-fascist engagement, he described himself as "Greater German".

In principle, Hrdlicka did not accept any honors or medals. In 1976, however, he had received the Max Lütze Medal in Stuttgart and in 1993 the Max Pechstein Prize of the city of Zwickau.


The strong left (Wuppertal, 1981)

Hrdlicka reflected on and worked very consciously politically in his works. Throughout his life he shook the power relations of this world with his means of expression. The oppression of small people, the artistic tracing of their oppressive living conditions, power and powerlessness in history and in the present were subjects of his artistic work, in which he did not follow the general tendency towards abstract art in the art world of the 20th century , but consistently further developed his own figurative- expressive style, which remained committed to realism throughout his life .

Hrdlicka expanded his subject areas further. War , violence and fascism are the dark sides of human activity, against which he consciously wanted to agitate politically with his art. The artist became a convinced Marxist, which he remained despite all the opposition that was met with him. He sees himself and his art as a representative for the oppressed as well as the politically and socially persecuted. Based on this thought, there should be - in his opinion - no art without a statement and position reference. Instead of, as Karl Marx demanded, “overturning all conditions in which man is a humiliated, enslaved, abandoned, contemptible being”, Hrdlicka makes it his task to show and denounce all these conditions through his art.

According to Oskar Lafontaine , he lived “a relentless humanism, which also shows murder and terror and sexual brutality with expressive stylistic devices and sometimes shocking clarity”. In his artistic style, Hrdlicka stuck to figuration. He worked figuratively and expressively in his sculptures, paintings and graphics and deliberately avoided any kind of non-representational imagery.

He summed up the motto of his work in the sentence “All power in art comes from the flesh”. In his self-interpretation “Meat = Art” from 1973, he schematized this idea. He drew a triangle with "meat = art" at the top. He divided this meat into two categories: nature, embodied in "hot meat" and ideology, embodied in "battered meat". Hrdlicka's art therefore consists of these components: horny meat or battered meat, or a combination of both. Thus, according to Hrdlicka, the formation or representation of flesh, i.e. of the human being and his physicality, whether in an excited or injured state, is an essential necessity in art.

Sculptures, drawings, paintings (selection)

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1960: Wiener-Kunsthalle, Zedlitzgasse (joint exhibition with Fritz Martinz )
  • 1962: Künstlerhaus, French Hall, Vienna (joint exhibition with Fritz Martinz )
  • 1963: Exhibition pavilion in the Zwerglgarten, Salzburg
  • 1964: 32nd Biennale (Venice), together with Herbert Boeckl
  • 1971: Drawing today , Vienna Secession
  • 1975: Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin : Exhibition of the 53 etchings cycle Like a Dance of Death (Premiere 1974 Galerie Valentien, Stuttgart)
  • 1976: St. Louis, Mon .: art in stuttgart 1976 (participation in exhibition)
  • 1977: Stuttgart: Art in the Cityscape , ( Marsyas I , Sonny Liston , dying )
  • 1987: Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck: Austrian contemporary artists: works on paper; Kermer Collection, Stuttgart
  • 1994: drawing - painting - sculpture . From the holdings of the Hilger Gallery and private property. ( St. Ingbert Museum )
  • 2003: A cross-section of his work. Greith House , St. Ulrich im Greith
  • 2005: Städtische Galerie Neunkirchen : Stuttgart encounters: the donation from Wolfgang Kermer
  • 2008: Exhibition in the Kunsthalle Würth (Schwäbisch Hall)
  • 2008: Cathedral Museum Vienna : Religion, Flesh and Power - the religious in the work of Alfred Hrdlicka
  • 2008: Educational Association of the KPÖ Styria: Alfred Hrdlicka: Sculpture, mixed media, drawing, graphics from the Arsenschek collection
  • 2008: Künstlerhaus Vienna : Hrdlicka. The titan and the stage of life
  • 2010: Belvedere (Vienna): Alfred Hrdlicka. Ruthless!
  • 2013: Figure as resistance , open-air show on Jungfernstieg , Hamburg (together with Bernd Stöcker and Werner Stötzer )
  • 2013: Stuttgart, art district, gallery in Gustav-Siegle-Haus: Hrdlicka souvenirs (Alfred Hrdlicka and students: Reinhard Bombsch, Robert Honegger, Susanne Knorr, Thomas Kosma, Hans Daniel Sailer, Joachim Sauter, Eva Schärer, Hans Schickinger, Jan Schneider , Ben Siegel, Bernd Stöcker, Andreas Theurer)
  • 2018: Galerie Bose, Wittlich
  • 2019: On the barricades , Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Berlin

Stage sets (selection)

  • Faust I and II, Bonner Schauspielhaus (1982)
  • Luigi Nono: Intolleranza, Stuttgart (1992)
  • König Lear, Schauspielhaus Cologne (1994)
  • Ring of the Nibelung, Meiningen (2001)
  • The King Kandaules, Kleines Festspielhaus, Salzburg Festival (2002)

Bibliography (selection)

Writings, pictures, sculptures

  • Alfred Hrdlicka - The Aesthetics of Horror - The Anabaptist Cycle. With contributions by Jürg Meyer zur Capellen, Daniela Winkelhaus-Elsing and Christine Pielken: Rhema-Verlag, Münster 2003, ISBN 3-930454-43-2 .
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Three Cycles: Winckelmann , Haarmann , Roll over Mondrian . Essay and captions by Johann Muschik. Verlag für Jugend & Volk, Vienna / Munich 1968. 87 p. With 32 whole. Fig.
  • Pablo Neruda : Estravagario. With etchings by Alfred Hrdlicka. Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg 1971. 105 pp.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - sculpture and drawings. Introduction by Alfred Hrdlicka. With a catalog of works by Manfred Chobot. Jugend & Volk, Vienna / Munich 1973. 164 pp.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Etchings. Volume 1: The early etchings. Volume 2: Political Etchings and the “Like a Dance of Death” cycle. Volume 3: Etchings on Psychopathology. Ullstein, Frankfurt 1975. Number no. Fig.
  • Hrdlicka, Alfred: The letters of the caretaker Leopoldine Kolecek. Edition Hilger, Vienna 1978. 58 pp.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Faust. Stage sets. Ed .: Ernst Hilger. With photos by Bettina Secker, a text by Paul Kruntorad and poems by Zoltan Ver. [Text to the pictures: Alfred Hrdlicka]. Edition Hilger, Vienna 1983. 104 pp.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka: Chess. Drawings 1. Claassen, Düsseldorf 1983. 101 p., 106 partly color illustrations and an integrated original etching by Alfred Hrdlicka.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka: shows . Confessions in words and pictures. Ed .: Walter Schurian. dtv, Munich 1984. 277 p., b / w-fig. ISBN 3-423-02891-2
  • Bettina Secker: Alfred Hrdlicka - Neolithic . Kindler, Munich 1984. 157 pp., Numerous. Fig.
  • Those who speak against annihilation: psychology, fine arts and poetry against war. Ed .: Erich Fried , Alfred Hrdlicka, Erwin Ringel, Alexander Klauser u. a. Europaverlag, Vienna 1986. 199 p., Numerous. partly in color.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka: The complete works (writings) . Ed .: M. Lewin. Europa-Verlag, Vienna 1987. 287 pp.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka: From Robespierre to Hitler. The perversion of the revolution since 1789. Rasch & Röhring, Hamburg 1988. 223 p., Numerous. partly in color.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - the image of women. Editor: Ernst Hilger. Hilger, Vienna 1988. 131 pp. ISBN 3-203-51036-7
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - texts and pictures for the sculptor's 60th birthday. Ed .: Ulrike Jenni and Theodor Scheufele. Moos & Partner, Graefelfing 1988. 244 pp.
  • Georg Büchner : Lenz . With pictures by Alfred Hrdlicka and an essay by Theodor Scheufele. Hilger Gallery, Frankfurt am Main / Vienna 1989. 106 pp.
  • Georg Büchner: Woyzeck . Newly produced according to the manuscripts. by Henri Postmann. With pictures by Alfred Hrdlicka and contributions by Hans Mayer , Henri Poschmann and Theodor Scheufele. Book guild Gutenberg , Frankfurt / M., Vienna 1991. 243 p., M. color illus. ISBN 3-7632-3806-9
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - drawings. Essays by Theodor Scheufele, K. Winnekes, H. Froning. Ed .: Galerie Nawrocki, Cologne. Külby, Loerrach 1992.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Works 1942–1992. Ed .: Theodor Scheufele. Hilger, Vienna 1993.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - drawings. With contributions from Alfred Hrdlicka, Christian Lenz, F. Thomas Meisl, Theodor Scheufele, Walter Schurian. Ed .: Barbara Hrdlicka. Harenberg Edition, Dortmund 1994. 304 p., Numerous. Color ill. ISBN 3-611-00423-5 (also catalog for the exhibition "Drawing - Painting - Sculpture" in the Museum St. Ingbert , October 2 - December 4, 1994)
  • Hrdlicka, Alfred: Small world history. Harenberg, Dortmund 1996. 182 pages, ISBN 3-88379-708-1
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - sculptures, drawings, prints 1945–1997. Ed .: K. Klemp and P. Weiermair. Stemmle, Zurich 1997. 191 p., Numerous. Fig.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - sculptures, drawings, prints 1945–1997. Stemmle, Zurich 1997. ISBN 3-908162-75-0
  • Alfred Hrdlicka, sculptor • painter • draftsman . Ed .: Sylvia Weber. Swiridoff, Künzelsau 2008. ISBN 978-3-89929-130-8

Secondary literature

  • Alfred Hrdlicka. Texts by Johann Muschik a. a. by Heinz Moos, Munich 1969. 178 p., numerous. Fig.
  • Karl Diemer: figure. Viennese naturalists (Georg Eisler, Alfred Hrdlicka, Fritz Martinz, Rudolf Schönwald, Rudolf Schwaiger) , Vienna 1969, 88 pp., Numerous. Fig.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - graphics. With the collaboration and contributions of Elias Canetti, Manfred Chobot, Karl Diemer, Ernst Fischer, Wieland Schmied, W. Stubbe, Kurt Weidemann. Propylaeen-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1973. XXVIII, 214 / p. M. numerous part. color fig.
  • Wolfgang Kermer : Address for the opening of the exhibition "Students of the Hrdlicka Class" on May 7, 1976 at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart . In: Akademie-Mitteilungen 7 / Staatliche Akademie der bildenden Künste Stuttgart / For the period April 1, 1975–31. May 1976. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, August 1976, pp. 86–90, 1 fig. [With the reproduction of the press feedback on the Stuttgart debut exhibition of the Hrdlicka class]
  • Art in the cityscape: Stuttgart 1977 . May to October 1977. With contributions by Manfred Rommel and Ulrich Gertz. Ed .: Cultural Office of the State Capital Stuttgart. Stuttgart, o. J. (1977), o. P. [34–35, with illustration], with a map in the appendix [original. Installation of the sculptures Marsyas I (1959/1962, bronze after stone), Sonny Liston (1963/1965, bronze after stone), dying man (1955–1959, bronze after stone) in front of the entrance to the Kleiner Schlossplatz]
  • Alfred Hrdlicka's strong left. The dispute over the Wuppertal angel monument. Edition Hungerland, Wuppertal 1981. 140 p., With numerous. b / w fig.
  • Kunstverein Darmstadt: German contemporary erasers. Darmstadt 1982, pp. 90f. ISBN 3-7610-8121-9
  • Mennekes, Friedhelm : Not a bad opium. The religious in the work of Alfred Hrdlicka. Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stuttgart 1987. 246 pp., 247 partly in color. Illustrations ISBN 3-460-32551-8
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - the great French revolution. Essay: Peter Gorsen . Contribution: Alain Mousseigne and Walter Schurian. Ed .: Galerie Hilger. Vienna: Albertina, 1989. XXIV, 87 p. M. color u. b / w-fig.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Memorial against war and fascism in Vienna. Edited by Ulrike Jenni. In two volumes. Volume 1. Volume 2: Theodor Scheufele: The memorial on Vienna's Albertinaplatz and the press. A documentation (1978–1992) Akad. Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Graz 1993. 224 and 318 pp., ISBN 3-201-01572-5
  • Alfred Hrdlicka and the Flora case. Report of a murderous bondage. As told by Susanne Ayoub. Molden Verlag, Vienna 2000. 134 p. M. numerous mostly color.
  • Stuttgart encounters: the Wolfgang Kermer donation ; Municipal Gallery Neunkirchen, May 18–24. June 2005 / [Ed .: Neunkircher Kulturgesellschaft gGmbH; Nicole Nix-Hauck. Catalog: Wolfgang Kermer]
  • Dietrich Schubert: Alfred Hrdlicka: Contributions to his work . Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Worms 2007. ISBN 978-3-88462-256-8
  • Christian Walda: The crucified man in the work of Alfred Hrdlicka. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 2007. ISBN 978-3-205-77708-3
  • Wolfgang Kermer: Viennese blood at the Weissenhof: Alfred Hrdlicka's years in Stuttgart. With two texts by Alfred Hrdlicka . Stuttgart: private printing, 2008
  • Peter Bogner , Alfred Hrdlicka. The Titan and the Stage of Life, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-901749-74-2
  • Trautl Brandstaller , Barbara Sternthal (ed.): Alfred Hrdlicka - A homage. Residenz Verlag, St. Pölten 2008, ISBN 978-3-7017-3087-2
  • Hans-Dieter Schütt : Alfred Hrdlicka: Stone time man . The New Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-360-01951-6
  • Peter Anderberg: Alfred Hrdlicka as a chess player . In: Kaissiber 36 , January – March 2010. pp. 44–47.
  • Alfred Weidinger: Alfred Hrdlicka - parallel worlds. Biographical notes 1928–1964 . In: Alfred Hrdlicka - Merciless! Vienna 2010, pp. 13–56.
  • Hannes Fernow: Cyclical Remembering: Alfred Hrdlicka's etching cycle "Like a dance of death" - The events of July 20, 1944. Vienna 2012

Exhibition catalogs

  • Alfred Hrdlicka. With contributions by Wieland Schmied, K. Diemer and A. Hrdlicka. [Exhibition catalog]. Kestnergesellschaft , Hannover 1974. 109 p., 96 fig.
  • Bernhard Buderath: Alfred Hrdlicka - anatomies of suffering. Sculptures, sculptures, paintings, graphics and stage sets. [Exhibition catalog Jahrhunderthalle, Hoechst]. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1984. 187 p., Numerous. Fig. ISBN 3-608-76192-6
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - sculpture, drawings, graphics. [Exhibition catalog]. Verlag der Akademie der Künste, Berlin 1985. 133 pp., Numerous. Fig.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Works 1954–1993. [Exhibition catalog Museum Würth]. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1993.
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Merciless! [Exhibition book Belvedere Palace]. Vienna 2010.

Films and radio broadcasts about Hrdlicka

  • A life between art and passion. Confessions of Alfred Hrdlicka. Documentation, 50 min., A film by Sylwia Rotter, production: ORF , first broadcast: November 9, 2000
  • Alfred Hrdlicka - Würth Art Gallery, Schwäbisch Hall. Exhibition video, 2008 (available online; see web links )
  • I am a butcher - portrait of Alfred Hrdlicka . Film by Ines Mitterer and Claudia Teissig, production: ORF , 2009
  • Alfred Hrdlicka. Sequences . The master tells about his life and his art, 174 min., Double DVD, a film by Andrea Bönig , 2012
  • Prolet is not a dirty word . Audio picture by Susanne Ayoub . Production ORF - Radio Ö1. First broadcast in 2003

Web links

Commons : Alfred Hrdlicka  - collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. Tagesspiegel : Der Polterer - On the 80th birthday of the sculptor Alfred Hrdlicka , February 27, 2008
  2. Peter Anderberg: Alfred Hrdlicka as a chess player, Kaissiber 36, January-March 2010, pages 44 - 47
  3. Der Standard : Alfred Hrdlicka died , December 6, 2009
  4. The appointment took place on October 1, 1971, initially as an “artistic teacher for the field of figurative design”, cf. Akademie-Mitteilungen 1: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart: for the period from October 1, 1971 to March 31, 1972. Edited by Wolfgang Kermer . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, April 1972, p. 4
  5. a b Wolfgang Kermer: Viennese blood at the Weissenhof: Alfred Hrdlicka's years in Stuttgart. With two texts by Alfred Hrdlicka. Stuttgart: private printing, 2008
  6. ^ Exhibition by students . In: Akademie-Mitteilungen 7: Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart: for the period from April 1, 1975 to May 31, 1976. Edited by Wolfgang Kermer. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, August 1976, pp. 86–90 (with the reproduction of exhibition reviews).
  7. Students Hrdlicka (s) exhibit. State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Am Weißenhof, exhibition hall new building, May 7th to 31st, 1976 (Leporello with illustrations of work samples from all exhibitors).
  8. ^ "Neolithic": newspaper of the sculptor class Alfred Hrdlicka: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart Am Weißenhof 1 . Ed .: Rector of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Dr. Cantz'sche Druckerei, 1979. The 16 unpaginated pages of the “newspaper” with numerous illustrations of examples of works, with the brief vitae and various statements of the participants appeared in an edition of 1000 copies as a contribution to the IX. Congress of the IAA / AIAP art and the public in Stuttgart.
  9. Rainer Vogt: Heavy stones that get into a river: Students of the sculptor class Hrdlicka in the park of the Villa Berg . In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten , September 11, 1984.
  10. An ART premiere: Insights into German academies. Students of the Alfred Hrdlicka class, Stuttgart Art Academy: Sculptures on Karl-Reiss-Platz and drawings in the house of the Kunstverein (Karl-Reiss-Platz) . Mannheimer Kunstverein e. V., October 13 - November 18, 1984 (invitation card, published by the Culture Office of the City of Mannheim).
  11. Christian Walda: The crucified man in the work of Alfred Hrdlicka. Immediately vivid intersubjectivity through corporeality in art . Vienna [et al.] 2007.
  12. SPD - Wuppertal : Engelsgarten - dispute over a monument in Wuppertal is historical soil of socialism ( Memento from July 5, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  13. a b c d Die Presse : Grand Master of Sculptures: Alfred Hrdlicka is dead ( Memento from December 17, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), December 5, 2009
  14. Alfred Hrdlicka and the Flora case. Report of a murderous bondage. As told by Susanne Ayoub. Molden Verlag, Vienna 2000
  15. Der Standard : Alfred Hrdlicka buried , December 19, 2009
  16. Polemic: Hrdlicka hits the beet . In: Der Spiegel . No. 50 , 1994 ( online ).
  17. Announcements of the Alfred Klahr Society, 4/2009, p. 28. (PDF; 788 kB)
  18. a b I am a classic , Berliner Zeitung , February 23, 2008.
  19. Lafontaine confirmed Hrdlicka's account, cf. Identity of a Red , Oskar Lafontaine, speech on January 19, 2008 in the Galerie Berlin (copy) ( Memento from November 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  21. Der Standard : In memory of Alfred Hrdlicka, photos by Robert Newald , December 7, 2009
  22. ^ Trierischer Volksfreund v. February 12, 2009
  23. ^ Trierischer Volksfreund : Mayor files criminal charges for sedition , March 27, 2009
  24. ^ Trierischer Volksfreund : Alfred Hrdlicka is not considered to be able to be heard , May 25, 2009
  25. Austria: The clever little brother. In: Der Spiegel. Retrieved May 25, 2020 .
  26. ^ Peter Beye : Laudation for Alfred Hrdlicka . In: Akademie-Mitteilungen 8: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart: for the period from June 1, 1976 to October 31, 1977. Edited by Wolfgang Kermer, Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, March 1978, p. 33– 34
  27. ^ City of Zwickau: list of winners. In: October 8, 2009, archived from the original on January 14, 2011 ; accessed on August 23, 2018 .
  28. ^ Michael Lewin: Alfred Hrdlicka. The complete work. Vienna 1987.
  29. Pies, Leschke: Karl Marx 'communist individualism. Tübingen 2005.
  30. ^ Alfred Hrdlicka - drawings. Preface by Oskar Lafontaine . With contributions by Alfred Hrdlicka, Christian Lenz, F. Thomas Meisl, Theodor Scheufele, Walter Schurian. Ed .: Barbara Hrdlicka. Harenberg Edition, Dortmund 1994. 304 p., Numerous. Color ill. ISBN 3-611-00423-5
  31. ^ FAZ : Hrdlicka in Berlin. All power emanates from the flesh , February 23, 2008
  32. [1]
  33. Acquired in 1975, banished to the magazine for decades
  34. ^ The "Plötzenseer Totentanz" by Alfred Hrdlicka in the Ev. Community Center Plötzensee in Berlin-Charlottenburg ( Memento from December 5, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  35. Ilse Krumpöck: Die Bildwerke im Heeresgeschichtliches Museum , Vienna 2004, p. 78 f.
  36. Newsletter Art Dealers Dr. Karger from June 29th, 2020
  37. Der, June 18, 2009: Light moments against dark forces
  38. Niklas Maak (FAZ, February 27, 2008): Alfred Hrdlicka on the eightieth: The political quake in the ancient stone ( Memento from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  39. Volker Plagemann, Babette Peters: Art in Public Space: Initiatives of the 80s. Verlag DuMont, Hamburg 1989, ISBN 3770124820 , p. 176
  40. Realized by Alfred Hrdlicka, see: Akademie-Mitteilungen 1: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart: for the period from October 1, 1971 to March 31, 1972. Ed. By Wolfgang Kermer, Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, April 1972, p. 5
  41. ↑ Culture news . In: Stuttgarter Nachrichten , No. 169, July 26, 1975, p. 23
  42. A bronze version of the (marble) sculpture (1955–1959) shows a large-format image in its installation in front of the Königsbau in Stuttgart in 1977 in: Akademie-Mitteilungen 8: Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart: for the period from June 1, 1976 until October 31, 1977. Edited by Wolfgang Kermer, Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, March 1978, p. 35
  43. ^ Austrian contemporary artists: works on paper; Kermer Collection, Stuttgart . Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, May 19 to June 13, 1987. [Foreword: Magdalena Hörmann; Catalog editing: Wolfgang Kermer] Innsbruck: Galerie im Taxispalais, 1987, pp. 17-19, m. Fig.
  44. Stuttgart encounters: the Wolfgang Kermer donation . Städtische Galerie Neunkirchen, May 18 to June 24, 2005. Ed .: Neunkircher Kulturgesellschaft gGmbH, Nicole Nix-Hauck. Catalog: Wolfgang Kermer
  45. On the death of the sculptor Alfred Hrdlicka at hr info, April 13, 2008, 25:15 min., MP3 file
  46. Entry in the Baden-Württemberg State Bibliography , accessed on January 14, 2018
  47. Entry in the Baden-Württemberg State Bibliography, accessed on January 14, 2018