Anti-imperialist cells

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The Anti-Imperialist Cells ( AIZ ) was a left-wing extremist terrorist group active in Germany in the 1990s , which made positive reference to Islamist organizations in its letters of confession and was therefore controversial and isolated in the left-wing extremist scene.


The AIZ saw itself as the successor to the Red Army Faction , which shortly before the first written appearance of the AIZ had announced that it would refrain from armed attacks. In a declaration in 1994 they formulated their goals as follows: "Our policy will be oriented towards militant / armed attack where the FRG elites have their jobs or their homes."

In the years 1992–1996 the AIZ carried out arson and explosive attacks. On February 25, 1996, the two only known members, Bernhard Falk and Michael Steinau, were arrested. The destruction of the AIZ was achieved through cooperation between the police and the NRW constitutional protection agency. The Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf sentenced on 1 September 1999 Falk and Steinau, among other things, for four counts of attempted murder to 13 and 9 years in prison.

During the investigation, the police assumed a far larger number of people involved.

The “anti-imperialist cell” spoke up for the first time with a position paper dated May 22, 1992.

AIZ carried out nine attacks in Germany from 1992 to 1995:

Sentencing and imprisonment

On February 25, 1996, Falk and Steinau were arrested and brought to court at the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court , chaired by Judge Ottmar Breidling . The two defendants were sentenced in 1999 to 13 and 9 years in prison, respectively, for attempted murder and explosives crimes. There was no conviction for membership in a terrorist organization , as this would only have been possible with at least three people. In January 2001 the conviction was upheld by the Federal Court of Justice .

Falk turned to higher courts about the GPS monitoring during the investigation. The Federal Constitutional Court in 2005 and the European Court of Human Rights in 2010 confirmed the legality of GPS surveillance in landmark judgments .

From April 19, 1996 to May 7, 1996, Bernhard Falk and Michael Steinau went on a hunger strike in prison against the allegedly inhuman conditions of detention. The hunger strike was not reflected in the left scene.

In 1997, Jungle World reported that Michael Steinau had found a new friend in the neo-Nazi Kay Diesner, who was also incarcerated there, in the Lübeck correctional facility . Bernhard Falk was released early in July 2008, he is now a supporter of Salafism and calls himself Muntasir bi-llah .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frank Jansen : Judge Doubtless. , March 5, 2010, accessed February 5, 2015 . and
    Frank Jansen: Sauerland trial - judge without a doubt. , March 4, 2010, accessed February 5, 2015 .
  2. Jürgen Marks: AIZ - bombastic buddies. , November 17, 1997, accessed February 5, 2015 .
  3. Monitor the AIZ environment. , April 26, 1995, accessed on February 5, 2015 .
  4. ^ Letter of confession from the AIZ duo regarding the attack on Paul Breuer
  5. a b c d The anti-imperialist cell. , archived from the original on October 7, 2014 ; Retrieved February 5, 2015 .
  6. radikal (journal) No. 151, December 1994, p. 28f
  7. a b c AIZ: Bombige Kumpane by Jürgen Marks, Focus, November 17, 1997
  8. Khomeini's children in front of the Kadi ( Memento from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Report on AIZ by Uli Dillmann, Jungle World 47/1999
  9. Judgment of January 24, 2001 (BGH 3 StR 324/00) , Federal Court of Justice
  10. Observations by the navigation system "Global Positioning System" permitted ( Memento from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 70 kB) Federal Court of Justice press office on the BGH judgment of January 24, 2001 - 3 StR 324/00
  11. ^ Judgment of April 12, 2005 (2 BvR 581/01) ( memento of October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), Federal Constitutional Court
  12. Federal Constitutional Court: GPS monitoring of criminals is legal star, April 12, 2005
  13. ^ Case U. v DEUTSCHLAND (individual complaint No. 35623/05) judgment of September 2, 2010, European Court of Human Rights
  14. ^ Judgment from Strasbourg: Criminal surveillance from space Süddeutsche Zeitung, September 2, 2010
  15. Anti-imperialist cells: GPS monitoring is allowed taz, September 2, 2010
  16. ^ Neo-Nazis - stepbrothers of the left? What did Kay Diesner learn from the left? , Jungle World August 28, 1997
  17. ^ A two-man cell, the trial against the two alleged AIZ members begins in Düsseldorf , by Uli Dillmann, Jungle World November 13, 1997
  18. ^ Islamist from Dortmund threatens religious war WAZ, June 9, 2012
  19. The Salafist who photographed the Chancellery , Die Welt , September 27, 2013