Arne Hoffmann

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Arne Hoffmann (born May 12, 1969 in Wiesbaden ) is a German journalist , author , blogger and men's rights activist .


Hoffmann studied literature and media studies in Mainz.

In 1996 his master's thesis Political Correctness was published. Between language censorship and minority protection , which deals with the phenomenon of political correctness . According to Hoffmann, political correctness arises in democratic states in civil society , whereas in totalitarian regimes it is prescribed by the state. Hoffmann advocates a strict separation of the North American concept of political correctness from the concept of German political correctness , which the opponents of political correctness use as a political battle term. He comes to the conclusion that the allegations of censorship , demagoguery and “left-wing proselytizing” have no basis whatsoever in Germany. Jens Kapitzky described the book in 2000 as “the only determinable book publication on German forms of political correctness”. Sabine Wierlemann, on the other hand, described the work as fragmentary and criticized the fact that important areas of feminist language criticism were excluded.


From 1997 Hoffmann published books in the field of BDSM , until 2001 under the pseudonyms Sabrina Schneider and Cagliostro . Hoffmann published several guides on various sexual practices.

In 2001 he published Are Women Better People? In Focus , his theses on the situation of men were taken up by Michael Klonovsky and also received positive reviews in Darmstädter Echo . Part of his book, published in 2005, Why Hohmann goes and Friedman stays. Debates anti-Semitism in Germany from Möllemann to Walser appeared together with an interview with Hoffmann in Junge Freiheit , the book was published by Edition Antaios . The book Untouched was published in 2006 . In it Hoffmann describes the problems of people without sexual and partnership experience . In 2007 Hoffmann published the book Der Fall Eva Herman . Witch hunt in the media.

Save our sons

In his book Save Our Sons , published in 2009, Hoffmann puts forward the thesis that the devaluation of men also through an "institutionalized feminism" leads to an open discrimination against boys who, hardly noticed, are meanwhile the losers in education in the school system.

The book was received differently in the public discussion. In a review on Deutschlandradio , Susanne Mack commented : “Hoffmann's appeal to protect young people from educational frustration, computer addiction and social decline cannot unfortunately be dismissed as the private scare tactics of an offended macho . The author sometimes paints in black and white, no question about it. But the book thrives on sociological factual material and is therefore of considerable political explosiveness. "Andreas Ruffing states that Hoffmann names" undoubtedly important concerns and demands ", but criticizes Hoffmann's" pointed position against 'feminism' ". The journalist Katrin Rönicke ruled in Friday : "The book [...] is a brief summary: Much punditry, complements the felt to a good portion of three-quarters knowledge, was a very special blend of good thoughts and absurd crap." The sociologist Rolf Pohl According book titles like Hoffmann's such as Männerbeben and Rettet Unser Söhne are part of an increasingly aggressive discussion climate. A hostile defense against women and mothers as well as an increasingly aggressive anti-feminism should be noted. In an article in the Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Rettet our Sons is counted among other popular scientific writings on the so-called “boy crisis”, in which “the boy problem” is stylized as one of the most important challenges. In common, Hoffmann and other authors have, in addition to an "anti-feminist attitude", often also "a blatantly large distance from theory and the extremely selective reception of empirical results."


Hoffmann is a columnist for the magazine strangely free . Articles by him can be found on the Internet platforms , and Kopp Online . Since 2006 he has also published articles in Die Brücke , which sees itself as a forum for anti-racist politics and culture.

2011 wrote Hoffmann in peculiarly free an article about Kachelmann process because of rape . In it he cited several investigations in which the number of false accusations was between 27% and 50% of the reported rapes. The sociologist Ilse Lenz judges in the papers for German and international politics that Hoffmann misrepresented the research results. Hoffmann reinterpreted results to support his point of view that false accusations are common. Hinrich Rosenbrock also noted a selective use of statistics. It can be stated that Hoffmann only uses the data as evidence that support his argument.

Hoffmann runs the Genderama blog , in which he takes up publications on gender topics from a large number of publications. Criticism provoked that Hoffmann also regularly linked articles from Junge Freiheit . In 2010 , Malte Conradi ranked his blog arnehoffmann.blogspot in the Süddeutsche Zeitung as one of the best blogs that dealt extensively with the controversial theses of Thilo Sarrazin.

He also wrote regularly for Gentlemen's Quarterly on sex.

Positioning in the men's rights movement

Arne Hoffmann is considered a pioneer of the German men's rights movement . He is a member of the men's rights association MANNdat and a founding member of Agens eV He was active in the AG Men , the men's political initiative of the Pirate Party .

Thomas Gesterkamp cites Hoffmann as an example of actors in the men's rights movement, where "there are always overlaps and connections to right-wing extremist circles and publications". Hoffmann regularly provides "the masculinist side " How much equality can the country tolerate " with articles from Junge Freiheit ."

Walter Hollstein refused to bring Hoffmann in connection with the political right.

In his master's thesis, the social psychologist Hinrich Rosenbrock describes Arne Hoffmann as a “populist media maker”. Hoffmann is certainly not a right-wing ideologist , but he chooses his allies for the men's rights movement primarily according to the benefits he sees for them and less according to their democratic and ethical foundations. In his opinion, Hoffmann's gender-political statements concentrate “in particular on alleged hostility towards men in the media, discrimination against men, (sexual) violence against men and problems in the upbringing of boys as well as anti-feminism ." In doing so, he subordinates feminism to undifferentiated enmity to men and sees it at the same time as media dominant. According to Rosenbrock, Hoffmann does not provide any evidence for this claim. Rosenbrock also claims that, according to Hoffman, the majority of the media in Germany belong to women.

The Munich youth researcher Axel Dammler quotes Hoffmann as an exemplary right-wing ideologue in the gender struggle . An interview by Hoffmann with the right-wing Junge Freiheit was subtitled Feminism has become a totalitarian ideology. Arne Hoffmann on gender mainstreaming , in which Hoffmann argued that feminism was about a “gigantic re-education” at the expense of the boys, which in its exclusivity even has “totalitarian aspects”.

Hoffmann sees himself as “ left-wing liberal ”. After a dispute with men's rights activists like Michail Savvakis (The Masculist) , who had defended the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik and portrayed him as a victim of "political correctness", Hoffmann announced in August 2011 that he was withdrawing from the "men's political internet scene". He did not want to continue to be “the left-liberal fig leaf for ultra-right masculists” and complained that a vocal minority was leading a “destructive debate with a right-wing populist background” and was trying to pin the men's rights movement to right-wing extremist positions. Hoffmann resumed blogging in Genderama at the beginning of 2012 in order to “give left-liberal men's rights activists a voice” and to establish a “left” men's rights movement. He tries to completely redefine and reinterpret the term “men's movement”. The men's movement that arose in Germany in the 1970s is, in his opinion, a feminist project that does not deserve to be called the men's movement.

In 2004, the now deceased Munich professor Christof Kellmann , on behalf of the Kellmann Foundation named after him, presented the first (and so far only) “ Belfort-Bax ” with 2000 euros “in recognition of his pioneering sociological, economic and legal analyzes in the field of gender equality” -Prize “to Arne Hoffmann.

Publications (selection)

  • Plea for a left male policy. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4954-3625-3 .
    • Abridged version: Not am Mann. Sexism against men. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2014, ISBN 978-3-579-07065-0 .
  • Save our sons. How the future is being blocked for the boys and what we can do about it. Pendo, Munich et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-86612-227-7 .
  • Man quake. The stronger sex returns (= light strike. 7). Lichtschlag Medien und Werbung, Grevenbroich 2007, ISBN 978-3-939562-03-0 .
  • Untouched. People without relationship experience - ways to fulfilled love and sexuality. Kreuz, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-7831-2705-X .
  • Why Hohmann leaves and Friedman stays. Anti-Semitism debates in Germany from Möllemann to Walser. Edition Antaios, Schnellroda 2005, ISBN 3-935063-26-1 .
  • The lexicon of breaking taboos. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-89602-517-1 .
  • Are Women Better People? Plea for a confident man. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-382-9 .
  • Lexicon of sadomasochism. The inside guide to the dark side of eroticism: practices and instruments, people and institutions, literature and film, politics and philosophy. Lexikon-Imprint-Verlag, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-290-3 .
  • Political correctness. Between language censorship and protection of minorities. Tectum-Verlag, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-89608-117-9 .


  • Sebastian Eder: It's a woman's world. Arne Hoffmann has been fighting against the oppression of men in Germany for 20 years, in: FAS No. 34, August 27, 2017, p. 11.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Gesterkamp: Men's Congress in Düsseldorf: Taboo breakers among themselves . In: the daily newspaper , September 20, 2012.
  2. Gerhard Hafner: The fight against purple poodles. In: Friday. April 9, 2013.
  3. ^ Arne Hoffmann at mvg-Verlag Munich 2012
  4. ^ Political Correctness. Between language censorship and protection of minorities. Master's thesis, 1996, DNB 949188379 .
  5. Vera Heitmann: Political Correctness - An annotated bibliography. In: Susanne Nies (Ed.): Political Correctness in (inter) national politics. On the genesis and dissemination of a concept. (= OEI working papers 36/2001) Working papers of the Eastern European Institute of the Free University of Berlin , Berlin 2001, p. 126 (PDF; 1.3 MB) .
  6. Lucian Hölscher (Hrsg.): Political Correctness: the linguistic dispute over the National Socialist crimes . Wallstein, Göttingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-8353-0344-7 , annotated selection bibliography, p. 206-210, p. 207 f .
  7. Jens Kapitzky: voice criticism and political correctness in the Federal Republic of Germany . Essen studies on semiotics and communication research, Vol. 1, Shaker, 2000, p. 54.
  8. ^ Sabine Wierlemann: Political Correctness in the USA and in Germany. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-503-06144-4 , p. 32.
  9. ^ Arne Hoffmann in the catalog of the German National Library
  10. Michael Klonovsky : The privileged sex. In: Focus magazine. No. 15 of April 7, 2003, Munich, pp. 118 ff.
  11. The Reconstruction of Truth. In: Darmstädter Echo , March 25, 2002, p. 6.
  12. Moritz Schwarz: "Fear of a second Sebnitz". In: Young Freedom . No. 18/06 of April 28, 2006, Interview with Hoffmann.
  13. Self-help for adult virgins. In: Der Spiegel . August 10, 2008.
  14. ^ Susanne Mack: Boys as losers in education. Deutschlandradio Kultur, accessed on July 31, 2012.
  15. Andreas Ruffing: Arne Hoffmann: Save our sons. Review on the website of the Association of Catholic Men in Germany (GKMD), accessed on July 31, 2012.
  16. Katrin Rönicke: Please no genderama! In: Friday. April 13, 2009.
  17. ^ Rolf Pohl: Men - the disadvantaged sex? Defenses against femininity and anti-feminism in the discourse on the crisis of masculinity. (PDF; 181 kB) In: Mechthild Bereswill, Anke Neuber (Ed.): In the crisis? Masculinity in the 21st century . Westfälisches Dampfboot Verlag , Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-89691-231-2 .
  18. Barbara Drinck, Melanie Schmidt, Daniel Diegmann: Boy Research, Boy and Girl Education . In: Journal for Educational Science. 14, No. 1, 2011, pp. 171-182, doi: 10.1007 / s11618-011-0171-x .
  19. Article by Arne Hoffmann. strangely free , accessed on July 31, 2012.
  20. a b c Hinrich Rosenbrock: The anti-feminist men's rights movement. Mindset, networks and online mobilization. Published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86928-073-8 , pp. 46 ff., 90 ff., 104 (PDF; 2.25 MB).
  21. cf. z. E.g .: the bridge 2006/1
  22. Arne Hoffmann: Acquittal: Are you the next Jörg Kachelmann? - Police officers and scientists: women often lie about rape allegations.
  23. Ilse Lenz: The new anti-feminism . In: Sheets for German and international politics . 7/11, July 2011.
  24. “Furthermore, it can be stated that Arne Hoffmann mainly uses data that fit into his worldview. [...] Statistics are often used selectively by him. [...] Another example of this handling of statistical data can be found on the subject of rape or in connection with allegedly massive false accusations. [...] Here it becomes clear that Arne Hoffmann strengthens the male victim ideology with quotes taken out of context and tends to discredit rape victims. "Hinrich Rosenbrock: The anti-feminist men's rights movement. 2012, pp. 48-50.
  25. Johanna Kutsche: The rhetoric of right-wing men. In: The time. May 12, 2010.
  26. Malte Conradi: The best blogs on Sarrazin's theses. on: , September 7, 2010, accessed on July 31, 2012.
  27. Arne Hoffmann at GQ
  28. ^ A b Thomas Gesterkamp: Gender struggle from the right. How men's rights activists and family fundamentalists radicalize themselves against the enemy image of feminism. In: Department of Economic and Social Policy of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Ed.): WISO Discourse. Expertise and documentation on economic and social policy. March edition, Bonn 2010, ISBN 978-3-86872-270-3 , p. 14 (PDF; 190 kB)
  29. Ilse Lenz: Men are victims . In: the daily newspaper - June 30, 2011.
  30. Andreas Kemper: [R] real guys. On the fellowship of the men's RIGHT movement . Unrast, Münster 2011, ISBN 978-3-89771-104-4 .
  31. Walter Hollstein: Are men's rights activists “right”? In: The world . May 11, 2010, accessed July 31, 2012.
  32. ^ Anton Pelinka: Global Ethic and Law . LIT Verlag Münster, 2011, ISBN 978-3-643-50293-3 ( [accessed on February 7, 2019]).
  33. Axel Dammler: Pink Knights & Black Princesses What is really “typically male” and “typically female” . Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2011, ISBN 978-3-579-06693-6 , p. 122.
  34. Hinrich Rosenbrock: The anti-feminist men's rights movement. Mindset, networks and online mobilization. ( Memento of October 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2nd edition. Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86928-073-8 , pp. 46 f., 90 ff., 104 (PDF; 2.2 MB).
  35. Andreas Kemper: Men's movement versus men's rights movement . In: ders .: The masculists . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2012, ISBN 978-3-89771-523-3 , pp. 28-44.
  36. Belfort Bax Prize. Prize winner 2004: Arne Hoffmann . Kellmann Foundation Humanism and Enlightenment, accessed on January 22, 2014.