Basel Homer Commentary

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The Basler Homer comment (international abbreviation: BK) is a project to create an overall scientific commentary on the Homeric epic Iliad . The project is led by the Basel professors of Classical Philology Anton Bierl and Joachim Latacz and financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and several Swiss and German private foundations. The commentary appears under the editorship Bierl / Latacz in deliveries by Verlag Walter de Gruyter in the series Collection of scientific commentaries .

Staff (both commentators) are currently the most recent doctorate Homer experts Claude Brügger, Marina Coray, Martha Krieter-Spiro, Magdalene Stoevesandt and Catherine Wesselmann. The ancient historian Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg , the classical archaeologist Martin Guggisberg and the linguist Rudolf Wachter ( Lausanne / Basel) act as advisors at the University of Basel , and the lexicographers Rudolf Führer and Sebastiaan van der Mije (Hamburg, Lexicon of the early Greek epic ) at universities outside of Switzerland at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae ), the classical philologist and religious scholar Fritz Graf ( Ohio State University ), the linguist Michael Meier-Brügger ( FU Berlin ), the head of the Troia excavation Ernst Pernicka , ( Tübingen / Mannheim ), and the Homer experts Irene de Jong ( Amsterdam ), René Nünlist ( Cologne ) and Martin L. West ( Oxford ).

The basic concept of the Basel Homer Commentary goes back to the Homer Commentary by Ameis-Hentze-Cauer , which was created and revised several times in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by grammar school teachers Carl Friedrich Ameis , Carl Hentze and university professor Paul Cauer had been; he appeared in seven editions by 1913. The immense progress made since then in research in the various relevant research fields (language, realities, structure, etc.) and the development of mycenaeology ( Linear B ) and oral poetry in the 20th century gave the project founder Joachim Latacz the impetus for the conception of a new comprehensive one scientific commentary on the basis of all international Homer research.

The structure of the comment follows a tiered system that takes into account the needs of school and university students, high school and university teachers, classical scholars as well as Homer specialists, but also users without knowledge of ancient Greek .

Frequency of publication

The Basler Commentary (BK) was first published by BG Teubner Verlag Leipzig, which held the rights to Ameis-Hentze-Cauer , then by Verlag KG Saur , Munich / Leipzig. Since 2006 it has been published by Walter de Gruyter (Berlin / New York).

The 24 chants (books) of the Iliad are commented on in individual volumes. According to the basic Prolegomena volume , a fascicle with the Greek text (by Martin L. West) and the German translation (by Joachim Latacz; in Jamben ) as well as a fascicle with the commentary, each by one of the permanent ones , has appeared for each song since 2000 Employee is worked out. So far, the double volumes for chants 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 16, 18, 19 and 24 have been published. The double volumes for chants 7, 9, 14 and 22 are in progress (as of December 2017).


  • Prolegomena , 3rd revised edition, Berlin / New York 2009 (1st edition 2000, 2nd edition 2002). - Contents: (1) Homer commentary from the beginning up to this commentary (Latacz) - (2) History of the text (West) - (3) Formula and orality (Latacz) - (4) Grammar of the Homeric language (Wachter) - (5) Homeric Metric (Nünlist) - (6) Figures from the Iliad. Gods (Count) / People (Stoevesandt) - (7) Structure of the Iliad (Latacz) - (8) Homeric poetics in key words (Nünlist / de Jong) - (9) Figure index (Stoevesandt) - (10) Word index Homeric – Mycenaean (Guardian). ISBN 978-3-11-022153-4 .
  • Volume I: First Song (A). Fascicle 1: Text and Translation , 3rd revised edition, Berlin / New York 2009 (1st edition 2000, 2nd edition 2002). ISBN 978-3-11-022118-3 .
  • Volume I: First Song (A). Fascicle 2: Commentary (Latacz / Nünlist / Stoevesandt), 3rd reviewed edition, Berlin / New York 2009 (1st edition 2000, 2nd edition 2002). ISBN 978-3-11-020611-1 .
  • Volume II: Second Song (B). Fascicle 1: Text and Translation , Munich / Leipzig 2003, 2nd edition 2010. ISBN 3-598-74305-X .
  • Volume II: Second Song (B). Fascicle 2: Commentary (Brügger / Stoevesandt / Visser, under the direction of Latacz), Munich / Leipzig 2003, 2nd edition 2010. ISBN 3-598-74306-8 .
  • Volume III: Third Song (Γ). Fascicle 1: Text and Translation , Berlin / New York 2009. ISBN 978-3-11-020143-7 .
  • Volume III: Third Song (Γ). Fascicle 2: Commentary (Krieter-Spiro), Berlin / New York 2009. ISBN 978-3-11-020144-4 .
  • Volume IV: Sixth Canto (Z). Fascicle 1: Text and Translation , Berlin / New York 2008. ISBN 978-3-11-020146-8 .
  • Volume IV: Sixth Canto (Z). Fascicle 2: Commentary (Stoevesandt), Berlin / New York 2008. ISBN 978-3-11-020145-1 .
  • Volume VI: Nineteenth Canto (T). Fascicle 1: Text and Translation , Berlin / New York 2009. ISBN 978-3-11-020615-9 .
  • Volume VI: Nineteenth Canto (T). Fascicle 2: Commentary (Coray), Berlin / New York 2009. ISBN 978-3-11-020616-6 .
  • Volume VIII: Twenty-Fourth Canto (Ω). Fascicle 1: Text and Translation , Berlin / New York 2009. ISBN 978-3-11-020619-7 .
  • Volume VIII: Twenty-Fourth Canto (Ω). Fascicle 2: Commentary (Brügger), Berlin / New York 2009. ISBN 978-3-11-020620-3 .

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