Bernd Grönwald

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Bernd Grönwald (born February 25, 1942 in Leipzig ; † January 28, 1991 in Weimar ) was a German architect, architectural theorist and historian, and university lecturer who worked in the GDR.

Bernd Grönwald

Activities (overview)

In the second half of the 1980s, Bernd Grönwald was considered the leading architectural scientist in the GDR in the field of theory and history as well as socialist urban planning. He gained an international reputation as a scientist and specialist, university lecturer and vice-president and director of the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture of the GDR Building Academy . He was partly responsible for theoretical and practical work on the history of the Bauhaus as well as on the further development of architecture and urban planning in the GDR, pursued academic work on Marxist-Leninist cultural and art studies and on the development of architecture and the environment in developed socialist society. He worked in the Association of Architects of the GDR , as a member of the Social Council of the University of Architecture and Building Weimar (HAB), as a member of the Scientific Council of the Building Academy of the GDR, as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Civil Engineering / Architecture at the Ministry of Higher Education and technical schools of the GDR and as chairman of the editorial board of the magazine "Architektur der DDR" (from January 12, 1987). With Christian Schädlich he initiated the International Bauhaus Colloquia in Weimar and also the “ Hannes Meyer Design Seminar” (1982–1986, leading from 1983; projects with architects from the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA), the “1. Ferdinand Kramer seminar for designers and architects ”and the international seminar“ Bio strategies for the building industry ”(from 1986). The fields of work and activity as a scientist and architect include contributions to

  • Development of spatial, wide-span constructions for lightweight metal construction (1960s)
  • Theory and Practice of Environmental Design (1970s)
  • Basic work on Marxist-Leninist architectural theory (1970s)
  • History of modern architecture, in particular the Bauhaus in connection with the reopening of the Bauhaus Dessau (1970 / 1980s)

as well as to

  • Aspects of reproduction in socialist urban development (from 1986).


Childhood and youth

Bernd Grönwald (1959)

Bernd Grönwald was the only son of the engraver and former social democratic worker athlete Ernst Grönwald and the clerk Helga Grönwald, nee. Girl. The family made it possible for him to attend a folk music school and the Humboldt High School in Leipzig (primary school graduation in 1956, average 1.08) up to graduation in 1960 (very good). At the same time he was active in competitive sports as a track and field athlete. Parents and school encouraged active social work at an early stage, which was reflected, for example, in the delegation to the pioneering republic of Wilhelm Pieck in 1954. It played an important role in further development in connection with vocational training. In the years 1960–1962 B. Grönwald did a year and a half military service in a motorized rifle regiment of the then still voluntary NVA on a T-34 and joined the SED in 1961 after a corresponding candidacy . He retired from military service as a private, in 1971 he was appointed first lieutenant in the reserve.


After a brief activity as an unskilled worker in the construction practice at VEB Bau-Union Leipzig / Eilenburg, he began studying architecture at the Weimar University of Architecture and Building (HAB) in September 1962. His marriage to his wife Marlis in the same year resulted in close contact with the Mehler-Rülicke family. An intensive exchange of ideas developed with Käthe Rülicke in the intellectual environment of the Berliner Ensemble , which shaped the young students politically and analytically and critically. During his studies he worked as an assistant at the chairs of interior design ( Horst Michel ) and statics and strength theory (Siegried Speer) and was funded in 1965 by a Wilhelm Pieck scholarship . In the second academic year of 1963, a survey internship on building stock in Quedlinburg that was in danger of being demolished lastingly shaped Grönwald's basic understanding of monument conservation. After specialization, he graduated in 1967 in the field of production buildings. As early as the third year of his studies, B. Grönwald took on an independent teaching position as an assistant, leading seminars in technical mechanics, statics and strength theory. After completing his studies, with this experience, he was employed as a scientific assistant in the department of building construction and support systems, which was newly formed after the university reform at the time. Initially, he was given practical design and project planning tasks such as for a social building of the VEB Büromaschinenwerk Sömmerda and for the construction of a test and laboratory building (project central laboratory of the HAB Weimar) and for the use of spatial bar structures in the design of buildings in agriculture and industry. Between 1968 and 1971 he also worked on four engineering-theoretical research assignments, which were awarded to him with two assignments by the Building Academy of the GDR / Institute for Industrial Construction and also by the MLK Leipzig and the VEB Lapro-Potsdam. Some of the results were published and, with dealing with the problems of lightweight metal construction and its application, led directly to practical implementation as well as basic work in the implementation of the PhD A.


The dissertation with doctorate to Dr.-Ing. for the application of spatially supporting lightweight metal structures in the scientific field of "production construction", developed in collective work with Dagmar Seyfarth (title: "The application of selected systems of lightweight metal construction for the building categories of agriculture and food industry") ended in 1971. The position, which had meanwhile been run as a senior assistant, was thus canceled. This was followed by intensive teaching activities with lectures and seminars in the subjects of load-bearing systems, statics and strength theory as well as building construction and architectural theory in the fields of architecture and urban planning. As head of a working group, B. Grönwald pushed extensive conceptual work on the re-profiling of architecture and town planning training at the Weimar HAB, which could also have an impact on university pedagogical development in the early 1970s. This resulted, among other things, in the formation of the architecture and regional planning and urban development sections with corresponding curricula. In 1976 he was accepted into the Association of Architects of the GDR (BdA), between 1974 and 1977, as part of an unscheduled aspiration, Bernd Grönwald carried out a sociological study at the Institute for Cultural and Art Studies at the Academy for Social Sciences in Berlin and obtained his doctorate in 1977. sc. phil. In terms of content, this research concentrated on the work process in relation to the development of cultural needs in the working class as well as the requirements for the design of the work environment and was developed in close cooperation with Finnish, Swedish and Soviet colleagues. Practically or empirically, this work was combined with previous studies in the planning for the textile combine Leinefelde and the redesign of the production and the factory of the VEB Automobilwerke Zwickau . Both main areas of work shaped the scientific development of Grönwald until 1979 and resulted in numerous publications at home and abroad, planning principles and scientific follow-up work. However, due to changes in the state plan, the plans in Zwickau were not implemented, which he viewed as a fatally wrong decision.


Opening of the exhibition cabinet in Haus Am Horn on the 50th anniversary of the Bauhaus exhibition in 1973 (from left to right: Lilo and Konrad Püschel, Christian Schädlich, Bernd Grönwald)

By retiring in the field of theory and history in architecture at the HAB in 1971, the opportunity arose to receive a teaching position for architectural theory corresponding to Grönwald's fields of interest. At the same time as this teaching post, he was offered the elective function of secretary of the party organization of the SED at the HAB in 1971, which he held until 1978. He gave up this activity in 1978 on his own initiative and turned down further offers for full-time positions in the period that followed, in order to devote himself specifically to professional work and above all to architectural training. B. Grönwald rebuilt the teaching area, which he took over in 1971, over a decade and, after self-didactic familiarization with the history of the Bauhaus and modernism, initiated a research project on the history of the Bauhaus in 1973, in which he played a key role.

With the establishment of a research group in Weimar, it was possible to establish contacts with many former Bauhaus members. Intensive correspondence and lasting friendships developed with Max Bill , Peter Keler , Ferdinand Kramer , Georg Muche , Richard Paulick , Margaretha Reichardt , Konrad Püschel and many others. At the same time, contributions to social science research for the planning and implementation of measures to develop the socialist work culture in industry were put into practice.

Bauhaus / Weimar and Dessau

After the reconstruction of the model house Am Horn built by the Bauhaus in 1923 , the development of the conservation objectives for handling the building and the establishment of a small Bauhaus exhibition on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the 1st Bauhaus exhibition (1973, redesign 1986) after intensive public relations work, including numerous lectures on the progressive legacy of the Bauhaus (Urania), in 1976 the then government and political leadership of the GDR finally succeeded with a study, with a resolution of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the SED from 7 April 1976 and a subsequent decision by the GDR Council of Ministers to repeal the fundamentally wrong decisions condemning the Bauhaus from the 1950s. As a result, international Bauhaus colloquia were held in Weimar and the Bauhaus Dessau was initially reconstructed (1976) and reopened in 1986. B. Grönwald was a permanent member of the Bauhaus Research working group and was significantly involved in the very contradictory process of reviving the Bauhaus Dessau and the acceptance of the Bauhaus in the GDR. In terms of monument preservation, as well as in historical research and in the conceptual work on the appropriation of the Bauhaus heritage for the present and the future, he brought a lot of his own strength and performance. Appointed professor for architectural theory at the Weimar HAB in 1979, B. Grönwald became the minister for building, building and construction after a joint conception on the future use of the Bauhaus Dessau was presented after a severe hindrance to the reopening of the Bauhaus in Dessau at the end of the 1970s Technical education and culture, the head of the office for industrial design (AiF) and the chairman of the council of the Halle district of December 3, 1980 from 1981 onwards and commissioned by the building academy and the then Ministry for higher education and technical education, the new formation to prepare a new institution "Bauhaus Dessau" as a "center for design" with working groups for urban development and architecture, product and environmental design, visual arts, cultural and public relations work as well as scientific documentation and collections. This task, which bundled the conceptual work on the development of the scientific and productive management areas of the Bauhaus Dessau in a fee contract, was carried out at the same time as the director of the architecture section at the HAB Weimar (1980–1986). It offered him a wide range of opportunities to combine teaching, advanced training and research and to implement it - it is noteworthy that diploma students supervised by him have won prizes in the UIA competition of international architecture schools. As part of a design competition for the Schiller Museum in Weimar in 1981, he was able to commit all scientific areas of the architecture section of the HAB to participate and thus pave the way for a comparison of the most varied of approaches and an intensive conceptual and content-related discussion about one of the few new museum buildings in the GDR. However, up to the completion of construction in 1988, concepts and investments were interwoven in a complex manner.

Bauakademie / Berlin

Bernd Grönwald and Georg Muche in 1983 in Haus Am Horn

In addition to these individual initiatives, B. Grönwald led projects and basic research topics that increasingly dealt with the interrelationship between the environment, people and architecture and created the scientific basis for a call to the Bauakademie on February 1 and May 1, 1986 to follow the GDR to Berlin. In Berlin, an intensive discussion about these topics resulted in close contact with the former director of the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture and his predecessor Hermann Henselmann , who was supported by the ongoing exchange with Käthe Rülicke . The full professorship for architectural theory in Weimar was converted into an honorary professorship for architectural theory at the HAB. Until then, the university activities offered many opportunities to hold guest lectures abroad and to establish and expand partner relationships with universities abroad, which led to contracts between the HAB and them. This particularly affected universities in the Soviet Union, Vietnam (1982), Cuba (1983), Italy, France and Finland and combined with invitations to guest lectures and exhibition openings as well as participation in the design of various exhibitions in the Federal Republic and West Berlin. B. Grönwald represented the GDR at international congresses (Moscow 1972, 1974 and 1976, IKAS Helsingor 1984, UIA, Cairo 1985, Brighton 1987). This role came to him in the spring of 1989 in the successful legal dispute in Switzerland over the acquisition of the estate of Hannes Meyer, which was managed by Lena Meyer-Bergner, for the Bauhaus Dessau and the ETH Zurich . The activity as director of the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture and Vice-President of the Building Academy of the GDR focused primarily on a reorientation of the scientific work on urban and regional research as well as the theoretical and practical work to help the cities and regions in the GDR on a fundamental process of change the reproduction of the building fabric and urban planning.

The necessity of this change process was foreseeable on the basis of an elaborated, scientifically founded foresight and was highlighted by him in a study in 1986. At the same time, he endeavored to develop IT applications for urban and architectural planning by bypassing the existing embargo constraints on the GDR for planners and the next generation at the building academy. With the leadership of the 1st and 2nd Berlin design seminars he initiated in 1987 and 1988 at the Bauhaus Dessau for the design of Friedrichstrasse in Berlin-Mitte and construction in the Prenzlauer Berg district , immediate urban development and monument conservation focal points were dealt with. The research results resulting from this activity and many years of preoccupation with the architectural history of the GDR showed that the development process of the decay of the cities in the GDR, the deformation in the development of the settlement structure and the lack of innovation in architectural design were predictable for a long time, but the scientific foresight and urban planning were not societal Found more breeding ground.

B. Grönwald tried to bring this point of view, his own relationship and his responsibility to this development process to bear in the symposium he prepared and chaired on January 17th, 1990 in Berlin. Before that, on October 5, 1989, the 57th plenary meeting of the Building Academy of the GDR on urban planning and architecture, which he was responsible for, had been canceled, which is why he told those responsible that he was no longer willing to continue his work under the given political circumstances. The social events and the possibilities of continuing work in the sense of the above-mentioned symposium made this decision irrelevant. The task now was to expand the contacts and fields of cooperation with scientific institutions and academic personalities in Germany under changed, supposedly lighter circumstances , for which the Bauhaus Dessau location was particularly suitable. Founded in 1986 and since then by B. Grönwald together with Prof. Dr. Berthold Burckhardt / TU Braunschweig led seminar “Biostrategies for Building” could be intensified. In addition, after the fields of experience on urban planning and urban development, primarily in work on the urban renewal process in Dresden and the city of Eisleben, as well as the establishment and management of a project, it was possible to gain concrete experience of urban planning and urban development at the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture at the Bauakademie in the planning and research groups led by Grönwald An interdisciplinary scientific planning group for the urban planning of Leipzig resulted in encouraging the German Association of Cities , which has been operating across Germany since June 13, 1990, to hold a conference in Dessau. In view of the urgent need for redevelopment, he was initially able to propose at least five East German cities with striking historic city centers as pilot projects and “model cities for urban redevelopment” for the urban monument protection program from 1991 (Stralsund, Quedlinburg, Görlitz, Leipzig, Meißen and Weimar in the urban monument protection program for the newcomers Countries). The necessary and successful approach was quickly expanded (until 2005 the funding program ultimately comprised 162 cities in the former GDR).

Bernd Grönwald in 1989 in front of the Am Horn house in Weimar

In the medium term, the reunification of the Association of German Architects (BDA) was on the way, in the run-up to which the so-called Bauhaus Conference Dessau was organized on June 24, 1990. It brought the Dessau declaration of the BDA "On the way to a democratic building culture" on the way. Despite these activities and advisory work for the Modrow government , the continuation of the core work for B. Grönwald was interrupted due to a condition to evaluate and dissolve the building academy and the announced dismissal on December 31, 1990. Bernd Grönwald rejected these measures and after his retirement and a spa stay in Bad Elster, in view of the loss of the values ​​for which he had argued in his professional career and lack of understanding of his broad range of activities as a science manager at Haus Am Horn , chose den Suicide. He wanted the turnaround in the GDR and helped to prepare it. How it actually happened in the end he couldn't bear.


Bernd Grönwald lived with his family at Am Horn 61 in Weimar until his death. He had a work residence at Schönhauser Allee 115B in Berlin. Since 1962 he was with Marlis Grönwald , geb. Mehler married. The marriage has three sons, Jens, Ingo and Holger Grönwald .


  • 1970: Socialist labor activist
  • 1970: Collective of Socialist Labor
  • 1971: Socialist labor activist
  • 1972: DSF badge of honor in silver
  • 1974: GDR Medal of Merit
  • 1976: Medal “50 Years of the Bauhaus” in recognition and appreciation of special services to preserving the humanist legacy of the Bauhaus
  • 1978: activist of socialist work
  • 1980: Order Banner of Labor Stage I
  • 1980: Collective of Socialist Labor
  • 1985: Schinkel Medal of the Association of Architects of the GDR in silver
  • 1985: Hannes Meyer plaque from the Halle District Council
  • 1986: University plaque for outstanding merits of the HAB Weimar
  • 1989: proposed for the GDR architecture prize


  • BdA - Association of Architects of the GDR (since 1971, 1982–1986 member of the presidium of the federal executive committee of the BdA; left the presidium in 1986 and in 1989 from the federal executive committee)
  • Member of the Weimar district leadership of the SED 1971–1982
  • Member of the Erfurt district leadership of the SED in 1982
  • Representative of the GDR in the UIA World Association of Architects
  • IKAS - International Congress for Architecture and Urban Development / Hamburg (1984–1989), member of the preparatory committee
  • BISS - Bartlett International Summer School / London (from 1986 participation with main lectures and publications)

Exhibition designs

  • 1973–1986 - Author of the cabinet exhibition "Model House Am Horn" Weimar (building history)
  • 1986 - Participation in the GDR Bauhaus exhibition at the Bauhaus Dessau
  • 1971/1989 - Moscow / Weimar: Source identification / advice on exhibitions on the life's work of the architect and Bauhaus director Hannes Meyer (author Klaus-Jürgen Winkler)
  • 1982 - Advice on the synopsis and exhibition "History of the HfG - Ulm"
  • 1986 - Alfeld / Leine, idea and conception of the exhibition on " Walter Gropius and the Fagus works ", design with A. Emmrich and others
  • 1987 - Participation in the building exhibition of the GDR in Berlin in the design of the exhibition part "Urban Development"

Fonts (selection)

  • On the creative specifics of civil engineering. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 20th Jg., Issue 3/4, 1974, pp. 277–283
  • The 6th Building Conference, Impulse and Commitment , in: Architecture of the GDR 1/1976 (with H. Sonntag)
  • Main directions and tasks in the further development of cultural needs related to the work process. In: AIF information , Berlin 1978 a
  • Plan design . In: form + Zweck 4, Berlin 1978 b, p. 3f.
  • Theses on building design . In: form + Zweck 24/3, Berlin 1981, pp. 15-17
  • Postmodernism - an alternative architecture? In: Architecture of the GDR 31/6, Berlin 1982 a
  • Architectural programmatic for the 80s , in: Architektur der DDR 31/6, Berlin 1982 b, pp. 335–339
  • Theory of architecture in the training of architecture students at the Weimar University of Architecture and Building , in: Architektur der DDR 31/6, Berlin 1982 c, pp. 365–367
  • “Humanization of Labor” in the developed capitalism of the seventies . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 28. Jg., Issue 5/6, 1982 d, pp. 361–368 (with Eberhardt lead)
  • Architectural progress today and for tomorrow . In: Architektur der DDR 32/12, Berlin 1983 a, pp. 749–751 as well as Scientific Journal of the HAB Weimar 29th Jg., Heft 4/6, 1983 b, pp. 351–355
  • Historicity and innovation. In: form + Zweck 16, Berlin 1984, pp. 39–40
  • Pokrok architektury dnes a pre buducnost, zbornik vedeckych a adborych prac 1985. In: SVST fakulta architektura , Bratislawa 1985 b, p. 43
  • Preface. Laudation for Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Speer on the occasion of his retirement. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 31. Jg., Issue 2 Series A, 1985 c, pp. 33–37
  • Laudation for Claude Schnaidt on the honorary doctorate at the HAB Weimar on May 27, 1983 . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 31st vol., Issue 2 Series A, 1985 d, p. 72
  • Laudation for lecturer Dipl. Grafiker Werner Claus on the occasion of his departure from university. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 31. Jg., Issue 2 Series A, 1985 e, pp. 85–87
  • May 8, 1945 - Liberation from fascism in urban planning and architecture. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 31st vol., Issue 3, 1985 f, pp. 101-104
  • Georg Opitz 1921–1987 . In: form + Zweck 6, Berlin 1987
  • Scenarios to encourage communication. Contribution to the symposium of the 2nd Science Day of the ILS Dortmund, ILS pocket books, Dortmund 1988 a
  • On the innovation problem in the industrial areas of the GDR . In: Innovations in old industrial areas. Contributions to the 1st Science Day of the ILS / NRW, ILS pocket books, Dortmund 1988 b, p. 24 ff.
  • Interactions between research on urban development, state leadership activities and structural practicability in 40-year development in the German Democratic Republic. In: 6th Conference on Urban and Regional Research of the UN / ECE Commission for Europe, Leipzig 1988 c, p. 181 ff.
  • On the relationship between the development of the productive forces and the urban-architectural form . In: Proceedings of the 9th Bartlett International Summer School, London 1988 d, p. 180 ff.
  • On the tasks of the urban development institutes of the socialist countries during the period of perestroika and economic reforms , printed manuscript, Warsaw 1989 a (with Klaus Andrä)
  • Role of aesthetics . In: offer 2, organ for aesthetics, special issue Aesthetics and Empiricism , printed manuscript of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin 1989 b, p. 73ff.
  • with Grönwald, Marlis: Haus Am Horn. Experiment for the series. In: Schubert, Werner: Weimar. Insights into the history of a European cultural city. , Leipzig 1999, pp. 263–277 ( online )
  • 40 years of urban and architectural development in the GDR. A lecture from 1989 , in: Bernhardt, Christoph, Flierl, Thomas, Welch-Guerra, Max (eds.), Urban development debates in the GDR. Hidden reform discourses. Contributions to the 7th Hermann Henselmann Colloquium on the history of urban planning as a history of society , Berlin 2012, pp. 184–193, ISBN 978-3-943881-13-4


  • Knoop, Sophie: Bauhaus with a new profile. Interview with Bernd Grönwald , in: Wochenpost No. 51 of December 19, 1986, p. 3
  • Hain, Simone: A German Fate. In memoriam Bernd Grönwald . In: ARCH + 107, 1991, p. 21f, ( online )
  • Siebenbrodt, Michael: The house on the Horn in Weimar - Bauhaus site and world cultural heritage: construction, use and preservation of monuments. In: Heritage at Risk. The Soviet Heritage and European Modernism. IV. World Heritage Sites of the 20th Century - German Case Studies , 2006, pp. 112–118 [1] (PDF file)
  • Schnaidt, Claude : Bernd Grönwald . In: In other words. Writings 1950–2001 , Weimar 2009, ISBN 978-3-86068-373-6 , p. 276
  • Flierl, Bruno : Hope to the end. An obituary for Bernd Grönwald . In: Bernhardt, Christoph, Flierl, Thomas, Welch-Guerra, Max (eds.), Urban development debates in the GDR. Hidden reform discourses. Contributions to the 7th Hermann Henselmann Colloquium on the history of urban planning as a history of society , Weimar 2009, pp. 177–183
  • Behling, Klaus: Bernd Grönwald. In: "Suddenly and unexpectedly ...": Suicides after the Wende and Unity , Berlin 2015

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. According to the source text "Brief explanation of the proposal by the GDR Bauakademie to award the" Architecture Prize of the GDR "to Prof. Dr. Bernd Grönwald on the Day of the Construction Worker" on June 25, 1989, including formulation of the main focus areas listed here
  2. ^ Grönwald: Hannes Meyer Seminar at the Bauhaus Dessau , in: Architektur der DDR 8/1982, ders .: III. Hannes Meyer seminar at the Bauhaus Dessau. In: Architektur der DDR 31/8 1982, p. 509, III, ders .: The 4th Hannes Meyer Seminar in the 35th year of the GDR - a contribution to solving new tasks in the GDR's housing program . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 30. Jg., Issue 4, 1984, pp. 199–208 and ders .: Drafts for urban renewal. 4th Hannes Meyer seminar. In: form + Zweck 1 (17th year), Berlin 1985 a, pp. 35–38 and Hannes Meyer and the architecture of our time. Ceremonial lecture on the award of the Hannes Meyer plaque by the Halle District Council on November 14, 1985. In: BdA-Mitteilungen des Halle 2, Halle 1985 b
  3. The main titles for this are Grönwald: Work culture and work environment design. Theses for the conference on working culture in socialist companies (working material printed as manuscript), Erfurt / Dresden 1974, the other: The design of the working environment in socialist industry - a significant element in the development of socialist working culture. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar, 22nd year, Issue 1, 1975, pp. 83-91, collective of authors from the GDR Bauakademie, Institute for Industrial Building (co-authorship): Guideline on working and living conditions. Draft guideline for the planning of supply and care facilities as well as their functional and structural classification in industrial plants . In: Design bases for industrial works, volume 3 (draft Berlin 1975, edition recommended for use May 1976), Berlin 1976 a, Grönwald: Work environment design as a contribution to increasing the socialist work culture after the IX. Party congress of the SED . In: Weimarer contributions , Weimar 1976 b, ders .: Work environment design to a comprehensive social activity in the implementation of the resolutions of the IX. Develop party congress! Theses for the central designer conference of the GDR , printed manuscript, Dresden 1977 a, ders .: Strategy for work environment design . In: form + Zweck 3, Berlin 1977 b, p. 2f., Ders .: Fachbuch “Arbeitsumweltgestaltung” , Berlin 1977/1978 (with Gerhard Baumgärtel ), ders .: Arbeitsumweltgestaltung im Industriebau , Berlin 1980 (with Gerhard Baumgärtel), ders .: Work environment and work organization - definition and subject matter . In: Scientific journal of the HAB Weimar 28th Jg., Issue 5/6, 1982 a, p. 352f. as well as: Work environment design for the 80s - balance sheet, tendencies and the historical context . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 28th Jg., Issue 5/6, 1982 b, pp. 353-360.
  4. Cf. for example Grönwald: The bourgeois ideology in its structural and spatial reflection in the architectural development of state monopoly capitalism . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 20th Jg., Issue 2, 1973, pp. 125-131, ders .: Current problems in dealing with the bourgeois ideology in the architectural development of capitalism . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 21. Jg., Heft 5, 1974, S. 353-361, ders .: The working environment in the developed capitalist countries - the subject of increasing activities of monopoly capital and the bourgeois ideology in the class struggle . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar, Heft 1, 1976, pp. 49-57, ders .: Theses on the development of cultural needs in the working class and the resulting consequences for the design of the working environment . In: Information on sociological research in the GDR 12, No. 6 1976, pp. 20–33 or ders .: On the culture of the socialist working environment . In: Contributions to the design of the working environment 3, Dresden 1985, p. 118
  5. See for example Grönwald: Legacy and Obligation . In: form + Zweck 15/2, Berlin 1983, pp. 5–8, ders .: On the 100th birthday of Walter Gropius . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar A-31/2, 1985, pp. 97-100 as well as numerous other publications see below
  6. Cf. for example Grönwald: Architekturkritik und Sozial Praxis , in: Architektur der DDR August 8/1985 (with Gerd Zimmermann), ders .: Building in the production and reproduction process of socialism . In: The production of the build environment. Proceedings of the 8th Bartlett International Summer School, London 1987 a, p. 55ff., Ders .: Aspects of the social development of cities in the 1990s as a result of relevant influences of the reproduction of basic structural funds as well as urban planning and architecture development in the GDR . In: Information on sociological research in the GDR 3/1987 b, pp. 18–24, ders .: New demands on architectural science and architectural practice for increasing the socio-economic and cultural effectiveness of building . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 33 / 4-6, 1987 c, pp. 194–198 and the like: Social conception and urban renewal can only be realized through practical building. Introductory lecture to the scientific symposium "Social Concepts and Urban Development" of the Building Academy of the GDR on January 17, 1990 in Berlin. In: Helms, Hans G. (Ed.), Die Stadt als Gabentisch , Leipzig 1992, p. 316
  7. Barbara Berning, Making good even better. in: Horst Bartzsch (Red.), The best has many names , Erfurt 1981, pp. 197–200
  8. Four-part series of articles in the daily newspaper "Das Volk" , district organ of the SED Erfurt of February 27, 1962 ( "You can rely on my tank" , "We introduce: Private Bernd Grönwald" ), February 28, 1962 ( "Notes on a large NVA troop exercise ” ) and March 1, 1962 ( “ I want to build cities ” ); Picked up in 1982 by Stade, Heinz: Future - projected hard on reality. Conversation with Bernd Grönwald , in: Das Volk , Erfurt January 2, 1982, p. 6
  9. ^ Pretzsch, Alfred: Freehand drawing in the free time . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 12th Jg., Issue 2, 1965, pp. 191–194
  10. See author collective, headed by Bernd Grönwald: Model of a section architecture at the HAB Weimar , Weimar 1968 a, as well as Grönwald (co-authorship): Guiding principles for the implementation of the university reform at the HAB Weimar , Weimar 1968 b and the same. (Co-authorship): Concept for Implementation of the university reform at the HAB Weimar , Weimar 1968
  11. ^ Grönwald: Architecture section . In: 125 years of tradition University of Architecture and Construction Weimar . Scientific journal of the HAB Weimar 31st vol., Issue 4–6 Series A, 1985, p. 194
  12. Cf. Grönwald: Theses on the science profile at the Architecture Section , Weimar 1969, ders .: Theses on the research profile at the Architecture Section , Weimar 1969 and the other with Horst Schiefelbein and Klaus Jürgen Winkler: Theses on the fine arts at the Architecture Section , Weimar 1969
  13. Cf. Grönwald: Societal objectives to prepare an investment project in the automotive industry / IVE phase , Zwickau 1974, ders .: Cultural sociological investigation (interview survey after expert analysis) to prepare the planning of the basic fund reproduction for the planning period 1976-80 and for the long-term preparation of an investment measure in the VEB Automobilwerke "Sachsenring" Zwickau , Zwickau 1974/1975 as well as the following: Basic sociological concept for the organization of a break for the preparation of a new investment in the automobile industry for the eighties , Zwickau 1975
  14. Grönwald: Max Bill in Weimar , in: Bildende Kunst 8, Berlin 1987, pp. 349–351
  15. Grönwald: Georg Muche and his work in the GDR . In: form + Zweck 8/6, Berlin 1975, pp. 25–27 and ders .: Laudation for Georg Muche , in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 28, Issue 4/5, 1979, pp. 291–294
  16. ^ Marlis and Bernd Grönwald: Margaretha Reichardt (1907–1984). Bauhaus tradition and creative work in the present . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar A-31, 1985, pp. 91-94
  17. Grönwald: On some aspects of the further appropriation and maintenance of the Bauhaus legacy in the GDR . Special issue on 50 years of Bauhaus Dessau. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 23, Issue 5/6, 1976, pp. 458-460
  18. Grönwald: Use concept for a recreation zone in the VEB Textilseidenzwirnerei Leinefelde , 1973
  19. See, inter alia, Marlis and Bernd Grönwald: Haus am Horn - Experiment for the series . In: form + Zweck 15/2, Berlin 1983, pp. 18-23
  20. Cf. Grönwald: Responsibility and tasks of Marxist-Leninist research on the Bauhaus heritage . Special issue for the scientific colloquium December 1976. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar, 1976
  21. Kegler 2012, p. 2,
  22. Cf. Grönwald: Cultural-political significance and social impact of the maintenance and appropriation of the Bauhaus in the GDR , in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 28, Issue 4/5, 1979, pp. 309-312
  23. See Steffi Knop, Bauhaus with a new profile. Interview with Prof. Dr. sc. Phil. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Grönwald , in: "Wochenpost" No. 51, Berlin 1986, p. 3 as well as Bernd Grönwald, In Focus: New Life in the Bauhaus. Heritage maintenance, practice-related research and further training in Dessau , in: "Neues Deutschland" from November 29th / 30th, 1986, p. 9.
  24. See for example Grönwald: Bauhaus Dessau 1986 , in: Bildende Kunst 11, Berlin 1986, pp. 486–490, ders .: A site for heritage, research and further education . In: Freiheit, December 4, 1986, p. 6 and ders .: Bauhaus Dessau today . In: Deutsche Volkszeitung No. 3 of January 16, 1987, p. 12
  25. Grönwald: The student competition for the XIV. UIA Congress , in: Architecture of the GDR 30/11, Berlin 1981, pp. 685–689, III as well as this: The UIA Prize for GDR students - a conceptual contribution to inner-city redesign , in: Architektur der DDR 31/1, Berlin 1982, pp. 30–35
  26. Cf. Olaf Weber A museum for the "difficult companion" . On the criticism of the Schiller Museum in Weimar , December 31, 1990
  27. On the change in the leadership of the Architecture Section in an extended Section Council meeting on January 8, 1986 cf. Change in the management of the architecture section . In: "Konstruktiv", organ of the SED party leadership at the University of Architecture and Building Weimar , 12th year, issue No. 2 of February 16, 1986, p. 1f. Horst Siegel (architect) was his successor .
  28. This collaboration resulted in publications such as Grönwald: Work environment design as part of socialist work culture . In: Sonderheft HAB Weimar / MISI Moscow, in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 24, Heft 2, 1977, pp. 165–170, ders./Baumgärtel, Gerhard: Усло в ия для кратко в ременно г о отденно г о отдерно пимеренпна . In: Техническая эстетика 15 , Moscow 1978, pp. 14-17, III, ders: WCHUTEMAS / WCHUTEIN . In: form + Zweck 13/2, Berlin 1981, p. 2, ders .: Project planning of supply and support facilities in industrial companies . In: Schubin, Ljubim. F .: Вышая школа , Moscow 1986 a or ders .: Сохранять и развивать революционное наследие художественных школ 20-х годов! In: ВХУТЕМАС-МАРХИ 1920–1980. ТРАДИЦИИ И НОВАТОРСТВО . Moscow 1986 b, p. 39f.
  29. Grönwald: Cairo 1985 - Brighton 1987, review and expectations for the XVI. World Congress of the UIA , in: Architecture of the GDR 6/1987
  30. Grönwald: On the death of Lena Meyer-Bergner . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 28th Jg., Issue 1, 1982, pp. 19-25
  31. See Grönwald: New requirements for architecture. In: form + Zweck 2, Berlin 1987 (19th year), pp. 41-44
  32. ^ To Grönwald: 1st international conference on IT applications in construction, architecture, urban and regional planning . In: Architektur der DDR 31/8, 1982 cf. ders .: Computers in Urban Planning and Architecture , in: Architektur der DDR , 4/1988, pp. 7–9 as well as: Urban planning and architectural design . In: To intensify the preparatory processes by using computer-aided processes (CAD / CAM) . Working group report of the 53rd plenary meeting of the GDR Building Academy. In: Bauforschung / Baupraxis 224/1988, p. 17f.
  33. Cf. for example Grönwald: On the topicality of architectural theoretical research in the perspective of 30 years of architectural development in the GDR , in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 26, Issue 2, 1979, pp. 73-78, that is: The GDR architecture after 1986. Development context and prospect of a qualitatively new stage in the implementation of the principles for the socialist development of town planning and architecture (study). Weimar 1985 (with Gerd Zimmermann), that is: Tradition and present of an architecture school in the GDR . In: Deutsche Bauzeitschrift 3/1986, p. 286, ders .: Perspectives and development tendencies of urban planning in the GDR . ILS pocket books, Dortmund 1988, ders .: Urban planning and architecture in the GDR - a historical overview . In: Bauinformation 1989 and ders .: Theses on the workshop: History of GDR architecture , 5th Bauhaus colloquium 27.-30. July 1989, in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar, Issue 1–3, 1990, pp. 152ff.
  34. See Grönwald: Aspects of the prognosis of long-term development of urban planning and architecture in relation to urban reproduction . In: Bauinformation 1989 a, p. 15 ff.
  35. See Grönwald: New tasks for urban development and architecture research in the 90s . In: Architektur der DDR , 38/9 1989 b, p. 4ff and ders .: Intensive reproduction of the building fabric and urban development . In: Intensive reproduction of the building fabric . Scientific conference of the Ifö / BA 1989, Magdeburg 1990
  36. Hain 1991, p. 21, , the intended contribution “On aspects and tasks of cultural-aesthetic value formation in the architectural work of the 90s - theses to prepare the 57 . Planar Conference of the Building Academy of the GDR ” was therefore only discussed in the urban development and architecture section of the Building Academy of the GDR.
  37. Grönwald / Burkhardt: Bio strategies for building - a new catchphrase or a social requirement? In: Bio strategies for building. Reports on the International Seminars , ed. from Bauakademie Berlin and Bauhaus Dessau, Berlin: Bauinformation 1990, pp. 7–9. (Building research-building practice booklet 273 and new Bauhaus booklets 2).
  38. For preliminary work cf. Grönwald: building in the city . In: Passages - analyzes and drafts for Leipzig . In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der HAB Weimar 67, 1988, pp. 4-8
  39. Based on contacts that B. Grönwald was able to make as head of a delegation of experts from the GDR to the building committee of the German Association of Cities in the context of the city meeting in 1988 (see “General-Anzeiger” Bonn of June 10, 1988, p. 8).
  40. ^ Association of German Architects - BDA, Dessau Declaration. On the way to a democratic building culture , Bauhaus Conference Dessau, June 24, 1990;
  41. ^ Letter from Eberhardt Blei to Bruno Flierl in preparation for the colloquium "Science and Personnel History Bernd Grönwald" on January 28, 2009 at the Bauhaus University Weimar, July 2008.
  42. Blei, Eberhardt: Is “Bernd Grönwald” personal, institutional, social or disciplinary history? - Research fields and sources. September 24, 2007 (revised versions of January 28, 2008 and January 31, 2009) and panel discussion DFF Leipzig “Can our cities still be saved?” 1990
  43. ^ Claude Schnaidt : Bernd Grönwald . In: In other words. Writings 1950–2001 , Weimar 2009, p. 276
  44. Bruno Flierl quoted from Peter Marcuse , Missing Marx. A Personal and Political Journal of a Year in East Germany, 1989–1990 , New York 1991, p. 287 and Flierl 2009, p. 177–183.
  45. cf. Breitenfelder, Katja: The Haus am Horn in Weimar - Climate adapted design & Energy efficiency of a Bauhaus and World Cultural Heritage site. Leuven 2012, p. 12