Library of Greek Literature

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The Library of Greek Literature (BGL) is a book series by Anton Hiersemann Verlag that has been published since 1971. It offers modern German translations of significant literary, religious-theological and historiographical works of ancient-pagan, Greek-patristic and Byzantine thought. Therefore there are three departments into which the volumes are divided.

The focus is on previously untranslated texts. The translations are prepared on a scientific basis. They are combined with an academic commentary and a thorough introduction to the author's life and works with a list of his works and their editions.

Wilhelm Gessel was the editor of the Patristic Department until 2006 .

Volumes published so far

  1. Gregory of Nyssa : The great catechetical speech = Oratio catechetica magna. Edited by Joseph Barbel. 1971, ISBN 3-7772-7119-5 .
  2. Dionysius of Alexandria : The surviving work . Edited by Wolfgang A. Bienert . 1972, ISBN 3-7772-7215-9 .
  3. Basil of Caesarea : letters. Part two . 1973, ISBN 3-7772-7302-3 .
  4. Nikephoros Gregoras : Rhomean History . Part 1: Chapters I – VII. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 1973, ISBN 3-7772-7309-0 .
  5. Origen : The conversation with Herakleides and his fellow bishops about father, son and soul. The call to martyrdom. Edgar Früchtel. 1974, ISBN 978-3-7772-7401-0 .
  6. Chariton of Aphrodisias : Kallirhoe . In., Trans. u. ext. by Karl Plepelits . 1976, ISBN 3-7772-7626-X .
  7. Gregory of Nyssa: On the nature of the Christian creed. About perfection. About virginity . In., Trans. u. with note vers. by Wilhelm Blum. 1977, ISBN 3-7772-7713-4 .
  8. Nikephoros Gregoras: Rhomean History . 2nd part, 1st half volume: Chapters VIII – IX, 6. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 1979, ISBN 3-7772-7919-6 .
  9. Nikephoros Gregoras: Rhomean History. 2nd part, 2nd half volume: Chapter IX, 7 – XI. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 1979, ISBN 978-3-7772-7919-0 .
  10. Origen : The Greek preserved Jeremiah homilies . In., Trans. u. with explanations vers. by Erwin Schadel. 1980, ISBN 3-7772-8007-0 .
  11. Achilles Tatios : Leukippe and Kleitophon . Introduced, for the first time over. and ext. by Karl Plepelits. 1980, ISBN 3-7772-8008-9 .
  12. Demetrios Kydones : letters . Part 1, half volume 1 (introduction and 47 letters). Edited by Franz Tinnefeld . 1981, ISBN 3-7772-8120-4 .
  13. Gregor von Nazianz: Letters . In., Trans. u. with explanation verse. by Michael Wittig. 1981, ISBN 3-7772-8127-1 .
  14. Agapetos , Theophylact of Ochrid , Thomas Magister : Byzantinische Fürstenspiegel . Trans. U. ext. by Wilhelm Blum. 1981, ISBN 3-7772-8132-8 .
  15. John of Damascus : Philosophical Chapter . In., Trans. u. with vers. by Gerhard Richter. 1982, ISBN 3-7772-8203-0 .
  16. Demetrios Kydones: Letters 1st part, 2nd half volume (91 letters, register). Edited by Franz Tinnefeld. 1982, ISBN 3-7772-8220-0 .
  17. Johannes Kantakuzenos : History. Part 1: Book I. Ed. By Georgios Fatouros and Tilman Krischer . 1982, ISBN 3-7772-8221-9 .
  18. Origen: The Commentary on the Gospel According to Mattaeus . Part 1. Edited by Hermann J. Vogt . 1983, ISBN 3-7772-8533-1 .
  19. Markus Eremita : Ascetic and dogmatic writings . Introduced, trans. u. with note vers. by Otmar Hesse . 1985, ISBN 3-7772-8524-2 .
  20. Theophylactus Simokates : History. Edited by Peter Schreiner . 1985, ISBN 978-3-7772-8533-7 .
  21. Johannes Kantakuzenos : History. Part 2: Book II. Ed. By Georgios Fatouros and Tilman Krischer. 1986, ISBN 3-7772-8628-1 .
  22. Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita : About the Heavenly Hierarchy. About the church hierarchy . Introduced, trans. u. with note vers. by Günter Heil. 1986, ISBN 3-7772-8621-1 .
  23. Appian of Alexandria : Roman History . Part 1: The formation of the Roman Empire. Edited by Otto Veh . 1987, ISBN 3-7772-8723-7 .
  24. Nikephoros Gregoras: Rhomean History . Part 3: Chapters XII – XVII. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 1988, ISBN 3-7772-8805-5 .
  25. Georgios Gemistos Plethon : Politics, Philosophy and Rhetoric in the Late Byzantine Empire (1355-1452). Trans. U. ext. by Wilhelm Blum. 1988, ISBN 3-7772-8806-3 .
  26. Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita: The Names of God . Introduced, trans. u. with note vers. by Beate R. Suchla. 1988, ISBN 3-7772-8829-2 .
  27. Appian of Alexandria: Roman History . Part 2: The Civil Wars. Edited by Otto Veh. 1989, ISBN 3-7772-8915-9 .
  28. Georgios Akropolites : The Chronicle . Trans. U. ext. by Wilhelm Blum. 1989, ISBN 3-7772-8928-0 .
  29. Eustathios Macrembolites : Hysmine and Hysminias . Introduced, trans. u. ext. by Karl Plepelits. 1989, ISBN 3-7772-8929-9 .
  30. Origen: The Commentary on the Gospel According to Mattaeus . Part 2: Book XIV – XVII. Edited by Hermann J. Vogt. 1990, ISBN 3-7772-9011-4 .
  31. Zosimos : New Story . Translated and introduced by Otto Veh . Through and ext. by Stefan Rebenich . 1990, ISBN 3-7772-9025-4 .
  32. Basil of Caesarea: letters . Part 1. Edited by Wolf D. Hauschild. 1991, ISBN 3-7772-9026-2 .
  33. Demetrios Kydones: letters . Part 2 (91 letters, register). Edited by Franz Tinnefeld. 1991, ISBN 3-7772-9123-4 .
  34. Diodorus : Greek world history. Book 1-10. Part 1: Book I – III. Edited by Gerhard Wirth and Thomas Nothers. 1992, ISBN 3-7772-9218-4 .
  35. Diodorus: Greek world history. Book 1-10. Part 2: Book IV – X. Edited by Otto Veh and Thomas Nothers. 1993, ISBN 3-7772-9218-4 .
  36. Isocrates : Complete Works . Part 1: Speeches I – VIII. Edited by Kai Brodersen and Christine Ley-Hutton. 1993, ISBN 3-7772-9307-5 .
  37. Basil of Caesarea: letters . Part 3. Edited by Wolf D. Hauschild. 1993, ISBN 3-7772-9311-3 .
  38. Origen: The Commentary on the Gospel According to Mattaeus . Part 3: The Commentariorum Series. Edited by Hermann J. Vogt. 1993, ISBN 3-7772-9325-3 .
  39. Nikephoros Gregoras: Rhomean History . Part 4: Chapters XVIII – XXIV, 2. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 1994, ISBN 3-7772-9402-0 .
  40. Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita: On Mystical Theology and Letters . Introduced, trans. and with note vers. by Adolf M. Ritter . 1994, ISBN 3-7772-9405-5 .
  41. John Chrysostom : Eight speeches against Jews . Introduced and approved by Rudolf Brändle . Translated by Verena Jegher-Bucher. 1995, ISBN 3-7772-9525-6 .
  42. Theodoros Prodromos : Rhodanthe and Dosikles . Introduced, trans. and ext. by Karl Plepelits. 1996, ISBN 3-7772-9612-0 .
  43. Gregory of Nyssa: Letters . Introduced, trans. and ext. by Dörte Teske. 1997, ISBN 3-7772-9701-1 .
  44. Isocrates: Complete Works . Volume 2: Speeches IX – XXI, letters, fragments. Edited by Christine Ley-Hutton and Kai Brodersen. 1997, ISBN 3-7772-9711-9 .
  45. Diodorus: Greek world history. Book XI-XIII. Translated by Otto Veh, introduced and commented by Wolfgang Will . 1998, ISBN 3-7772-9739-9 .
  46. Themistios : State speeches . Transl., Introductory and explanatory notes by Hartmut Leppin and Werner Portmann . 1998, ISBN 3-7772-9809-3 .
  47. Athenaios : the scholarly meal. Book I – VI. Part 1: Book I – III. Edited by Claus Friedrich and Thomas Nothers. 1998, ISBN 3-7772-9816-6 .
  48. Athenaios: the scholarly meal. Book I – VI. Part 2: Book IV – VI. Edited by Claus Friedrich and Thomas Nothers. 1998, ISBN 3-7772-9815-8 .
  49. Gregor von Nyssa: About the six-day work. Defense letter to his brother Peter. Introduced, trans. and commented by Franz X. Risch. 1999, ISBN 3-7772-9900-6 .
  50. Demetrios Kydones: letters . Part 3 (112 letters, register). Edited by Franz Tinnefeld. 1999, ISBN 3-7772-9911-1 .
  51. Athenaios: the scholarly meal. Book VII-X. Edited by Claus Friedrich and Thomas Nothers. 1999, ISBN 3-7772-9924-3 .
  52. Pseudo-Makarios : Speeches and Letters . Introduced, trans. and with note vers. by Klaus Fitschen . 2000, ISBN 3-7772-0005-0 .
  53. Athenaios: the scholarly meal. Book XI – XV. Part 1: Book XI – XIII. Edited by Claus Friedrich and Thomas Nothers. 2000, ISBN 3-7772-0018-2 .
  54. Athenaios: the scholarly meal. Book XI – XV. Part 2: Book XIV and XV. With a register of the authors and works cited by Athenaios as well as summaries of books I-XV. Edited by Claus Friedrich and Thomas Nothers. 2001, ISBN 3-7772-0118-9 .
  55. Diodorus: Greek world history. Book XIV – XV. Translated by Otto Veh. Revised, introduced and commented on by Thomas Frigo. 2001, ISBN 3-7772-0125-1 .
  56. Asterius: Psalm homilies. Half volume 1. Ed. By Wolfram Kinzig . 2002, ISBN 3-7772-0201-0 .
  57. Asterius: Psalm homilies. Half volume 2nd ed. By Wolfram Kinzig. 2002, ISBN 3-7772-0202-9 .
  58. Libanios : Imperial Speeches . Edited by Georgios Fatouros , Tilman Krischer and Werner Portmann. 2002, ISBN 3-7772-0233-9 .
  59. Nikephoros Gregoras: Rhomean History . Part 5: Chapter XXIV, 3 – XXIX. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 2003, ISBN 3-7772-0300-9 .
  60. Demetrios Kydones: letters . Part 4 (108 letters, register). Edited by Franz Tinnefeld. 2003, ISBN 3-7772-0315-7 .
  61. Niketas Eugeneianos : Drosilla and Charikles . Introduced, trans. and ext. by Karl Plepelits. 2003, ISBN 3-7772-0302-5 .
  62. Romanos Melodos: The Hymns . 1st half band. Edited by Johannes Koder. 2005, ISBN 3-7772-0500-1 .
  63. Diodorus: Greek world history. Book XVIII – XX. Translated by Otto Veh (Book XVIII – XIX) and Gerhard Wirth (Book XX), introduced and commented by Michael Rathmann . 2 volumes, 2005, ISBN 3-7772-0505-2 / ISBN 3-7772-0517-6 .
    63.1: Diodoros: Greek world history. Book XVI. Edited by Otto Veh and Thomas Frigo. 2007, ISBN 978-3-7772-0700-1 .
    63.2: Diodoros: Greek world history. Book XVII. Edited by Otto Veh and Moritz Böhme. 2009, ISBN 978-3-7772-0914-2 .
  64. Romanos Melodos: The Hymns . Half volume 2nd ed. By Johannes Koder. 2006, ISBN 3-7772-0606-7 .
  65. Athanasius : Two writings against the Arians . Introduced, trans. and commented by Werner Portmann. 2006, ISBN 978-3-7772-0605-9 .
  66. Nikephoros Gregoras: Rhomean History . Part 6: Chapters XXX – XXXVII. Edited by Jan L. van Dieten. 2007, ISBN 978-3-7772-0707-0 .
  67. Diodorus: Greek world history. Book XXI-XL, fragments. Translated, introduced and commented by Gerhard Wirth. Half volume 1: translation. 2008, ISBN 978-3-7772-0802-2 .
  68. Diodorus: Greek world history. Book XXI-XL, fragments. Translated, introduced and commented by Gerhard Wirth. Half volume 2: commentary. 2008, ISBN 978-3-7772-0803-9 .
  69. Johannes Malalas : World Chronicle . Translated by Johannes Thurn and Mischa Meier , with an introduction and speech by Claudia Drosihn. 2009, ISBN 978-3-7772-0911-1 .
  70. Fragments of the Historian: Theopomp of Chios . Translated, introduced and commented by Barbara Gauger and Jörg-Dieter Gauger . 2010, ISBN 978-3-7772-1000-1 .
  71. Johannes Kantakuzenos: History. Part 3: Book III. Edited by Georgios Fatouros and Tilman Krischer. 2011, ISBN 978-3-7772-1112-1 .
  72. Anthologia Graeca . Volume 1: Books 1 to 5. Edited by Dirk Uwe Hansen and others. 2011, ISBN 978-3-7772-1117-6 .
  73. Hermogenes : style teaching . Introduced, trans. and ext. by Ulrich Lempp. 2012, ISBN 978-3-7772-1215-9 .
  74. Pseudo-Makarios: Sermons. Introduced from collections C and H. , trans. and with note vers. by Martin Illert. 2013, ISBN 978-3-7772-1301-9 .
  75. Dionysius of Halicarnassus : Early Roman History . Volume 1: Books 1 to 3. Ed. By Nicolas Wiater. 2014, ISBN 978-3-7772-1404-7 .
  76. Anthologia Graeca . Volume 2: Books 6 to 8. Edited by Dirk Uwe Hansen and others. 2014, ISBN 978-3-7772-1408-5 .
  77. Fragments of the historians: Ephorus of Kyme and Timaeus of Tauromenion . Translated and commented by Barbara Gauger and Jörg-Dieter Gauger. 2015, ISBN 978-3-7772-1506-8 .
  78. Libanios: sample speeches . In., Trans. and come by Ulrich Lempp. 2015, ISBN 978-3-7772-1510-5 .
  79. Anthologia Graeca . Volume 3: Books 9 and 10. Edited by Dirk Uwe Hansen and others. 2016, ISBN 978-3-7772-1611-9 .
  80. Menander Rhetor : Treatises on Rhetoric. Greek and German. BGL 88. Stuttgart 2019, ISBN 978-3-7772-1934-9

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