Buckower Rose Days

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The Buckower Rose Days are a multi-day city festival around the rose, which has been held annually in June in the spa town of Buckow (Märkische Schweiz) since 1965 . The festival is organized by the Buckower Rosentage e. V. organized.


Buckow coat of arms: a rose in the center of the hop tendrils

The Buckower Rose Days have been held in Buckow since 1965. The name of the festival is historically based and closely linked to the emergence of the Buckow coat of arms and the economic history of the spa town. Originally hops were grown in Buckow between the 16th and 19th centuries. However , the hops were destroyed due to powdery mildew . In search of a new source of income, the Buckowers began growing roses along their streets. Buckow rose growing was so successful in the middle of the 19th century that even the royal gardens were supplied. Because of this historical development, this festival has been celebrated for almost 45 years.

A forerunner of the Rose Days was the Rose Festival, of which a contemporary witness reported in 1936/37:

“The annual Buckower Rose Festival was a very special experience. The numerous visitors from Berlin turned the town into a sardine can. The market place was festively decorated and the innkeepers put their chairs and tables outside. A large dance hall was improvised and cordoned off from boards on the cobblestones. When the Buckow brass band played 'Sprokow' to dance, the guests […] loved to swing their legs. The bathing establishment at Schermützelsee was also spruced up. We students at the Kothaneum had rehearsed a dance, a minuet by Luigi Boccherini . […] In the evening […] we floated along the beach to the sounds of Boccherini. [...] In the late evening there was a fireworks display that made the Schermützelsee appear in a romantic light. "

- Rosemarie Bender-Rasmuss: Buckow my love. Childhood and adolescence 1924–1945.

Rose queen

Every year a rose queen is elected to take on representative tasks during the festive season. Your tasks include, for example, the opening of the Buckower Rose Days, the opening of the Hero Games and finally the end of the Buckower Rose Days. It is also your duty to present a rose to every visitor to the Buckower Rose Days. In 2006, the Association of the Queen of Roses was founded by former Buckower Rose Queens. It is your responsibility to choose the next rose queen and to advise and support you during the festive season.

The program

The Buckower Rose Days start every year with a pageant, in which the local clubs and also clubs in the area, such as the Strausberg fanfare procession, present themselves. Then the rose queen opens on the balcony of the town hall, accompanied by the Buckow gunners. In addition to the historical hero games, the fireworks display over the Buckowsee is one of the highlights. A “gourmet mile” has been set up in the city park or on the market. For the young visitors there is a disco in the marquee on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday evening the Buckower Rose Days are ended by the Buckower gunners and the Rose Queen.


  • Thomas Petzold: Club of the Buckower Rose Queens founded . In: City of Buckow (ed.): Buckower news . tape 06/2007 . Buckow 2006, p. 4 ( PDF ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Märkische Schweiz, Buckow's Chronicle. See below: The coat of arms of the town of Buckow.
  2. Rosemarie Bender-Rasmuss: Buckow my love. Childhood and adolescence 1924–1945. Collection of Contemporary Witnesses, Volume 30. Zeitgut Verlag, Berlin 2010 ISBN 978-3-933336-79-8 p. 46.