Butler Lampson

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Butler Lampson 2009

Butler Wright Lampson (born December 23, 1943 in Washington, DC ) is an American computer scientist who was involved in numerous important developments, especially that of the personal computer .


Lampson received his bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard University in 1964 and his Ph.D. in 1967 with a thesis on Scheduling and Protection in an Interactive Multi-Processor System. in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley with Harry Huskey . After that he was an associate professor of computer science there.

In the 1960s, Lampson was Berkeley Project Genie involved, where he in 1965 with L. Peter German and other operating system for the 940 SDS - mainframe wrote.

In 1970, Lampson was a founding member of Xerox PARC , where he worked in the Computer Science Laboratory (CSL). He summed up his vision of a personal computer in 1972 in the memo Why Alto? . In 1973, based on this idea, he and Charles P. Thacker and others developed the Xerox Alto with its three-button mouse and a screen the size of an A4 page - the first computer with a graphical user interface . All other computers built at Xerox PARC followed an architectural concept by Lampson called Wildflower .

Lampson was also involved in the development of several other revolutionary technologies at PARC, such as the laser printer , the first WYSIWYG - Word Processing Bravo (with Charles Simonyi ), the Ethernets (with Robert Metcalfe and Charles P. Thacker ), commit logs and various influential programming languages (like Mesa ). There are over 30 patents in his name.

In 1984 Lampson moved from Xerox PARC to Digital Equipment Corporation , and in 1995 to Microsoft Research , where he did research on tablet PC systems, among other things . Since 1987 he has also been an associate professor at MIT .

Lampson is married and has two children.


Web links

Commons : Butler Lampson  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Butler W. Lampson: Systems , at Microsoft
  2. ^ Butler W. Lampson: Patents , at Microsoft