Sculptor Galaxy

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NGC 253
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NGC 253 Galaxy.jpg
Image taken with the 2.2 m telescope at the La Silla Observatory
Constellation sculptor
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 00 h 47 m 33.1 s
declination -25 ° 17 ′ 18 ″
Morphological type SAB (s) c  
Brightness  (visual) 7.3 likes
Brightness  (B-band) 8.0 likes
Angular expansion 29 ′, 0 × 6 ′, 8
Position angle 52 °
Surface brightness 12.9 mag / arcmin²
Physical data
Affiliation Sculptor group  
Redshift +0.000814 ± 0.000020  
Radial velocity +244 ± 6 km / s  
Stroke distance
v rad  / H 0
(11 ± 1)  x  10 6  ly
(3.35 ± 0.24)  Mpc 
discovery Caroline Herschel
Discovery date September 23, 1783
Catalog names
NGC  253 • UGCA  13 • PGC  2789 • ESO  474-29 • MCG  -4-3-9 • IRAS  00450-2533 • 2MASX  J00473313-2517196 • SGC  004507-2533.9 • GC  138 • H  V-1 • h  61 • h 2345 • MRC 0045-255

The Sculptor galaxy or silver dollar galaxy (also called NGC 253 ) is a bright bar-spiral galaxy of the Hubble type SBc in the constellation Sculptor . NGC 253 has an angular extent of 29 ′, 0 × 6 ′, 8 and an apparent magnitude of 7.3 mag, making it the third brightest galaxy outside of the Local Group after Centaurus A and Messier 81 . With a distance of 11 million light years, the Sculptor Galaxy is one of the closest galaxies outside of the Local Group and of similar size and shape to the Milky Way , the diameter is about 100,000 light years.

However, the position of this galaxy in the sky is too far south to be easily observable in Central Europe, so that it is not included in the Messier catalog despite its brightness . The galaxy was discovered by Caroline Herschel on September 23, 1783 and is the closest starburst galaxy .

The Sculptor galaxy is the brightest member of the Sculptor galaxy group , approximately 10 million light years away , which also includes the galaxies NGC 55 , NGC 247 , NGC 300, and NGC 7793 .

Detail of the Hubble Space Telescope showing individual stars of the galaxy

Web links

Commons : NGC 253  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e f SEDS : NGC 253
  3. SuW 11.2016 p. 66f
  4. Seligman