Carl Hayden

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Carl Hayden Carl Hayden Signature.svg

Carl Trumbull Hayden (* 2. October 1877 in Hayden's Ferry, today Tempe , Arizona Territory ; † 25. January 1972 in Mesa , Arizona ) was an American politician of the Democratic Party . He was the first seven-term Senator from the United States and one of the longest-serving politicians in the United States Congress .


Carl Hayden, son of the entrepreneur and Judge Charles T. Hayden and Sallie Calvert Davis, graduated from Stanford University , among others, economics , history and philosophy . From 1906 Hayden worked as a sheriff in Maricopa County .

He was a member of the United States House of Representatives for eight terms from 1912 to 1927 for his state of Arizona . He then represented his home state from 1927 to 1969 for a total of seven terms in the US Senate. From 1957, Carl Hayden was the longest-serving Senator in his party at the age of 12 and was President pro tempore of the Senate for an extremely long time , due to the majority held by the Democrats during the presidencies of Dwight D. Eisenhower , John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson . This made him the second highest member of the Senate and the highest ranking senator.

Carl Hayden was always considered a very influential politician, the New York Times even compared his influence with canon law . As a speaker in parliament, he rarely appeared, which earned him the title Silent Senator . He secured his influence rather quietly , in background discussions and in the hallways of parliament, as well as in the traditionally important congress committees . One colleague noted, "Nobody exercised more influence with less eloquence" . The Los Angeles Times saw Hayden's influence as coming from the fact that he supported so many senators in their projects that in return everyone supported him for his projects.

The Central Arizona Project , according to Hayden's own statement, one of the most important achievements of his career


Among the special achievements during his tenure was u. a. the Central Arizona Project , a 541 km long water course , the longest and most expensive in US history, which Hayden played a special role in creating.


Various institutions were named after him in honor of Carl Hayden. Among other things, a high school district was in Phoenix in Carl Hayden High School renamed, the United States Department of Agriculture called a device Carl Hayden Bee Research Center , the Department of Veterans Affairs awarded the name Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center to an institution. A bust of Hayden is on display in the oldest office building in the Senate, the Russell Senate Office Building . The eulogy at Hayden's funeral was given by former US President Lyndon B. Johnson , who held the presidency during Hayden's final years in the Senate.

Secondary literature

  • Udall Morris: Carl Hayden: Quiet History Maker. 1972
  • Ross Rice: Carl Hayden: Builder of the American West. 1994
  • Jack August: Vision in the Desert: Carl Hayden and Hydropolitics in the American Southwest. 1999
  • James Johnson: Arizona Politicians: The Noble and the Notorious. 2002


Web links

Commons : Carl Hayden  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
  • Carl Hayden in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cabell Phillips: Dozen Key Men in Congress. In: New York Times. January 3, 1960
  2. ^ A Clash of Elderly Power Personalities in Congress . In: New York Times. June 25, 1962
  3. ^ Carl Hayden — Man of History and Few Words. In: Los Angeles Times. April 18th 1971