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Cheribakef in hieroglyphics
Cheribakef Old Kingdom
Xr M1 q

ẖrj-b3q = f Who is under his moringa tree

Ptah-Cheribakef New Kingdom
Z4 D58 G1 N29 M1 I9 A40

Ptḥ-ẖrj-b3q = f
Thoth-Cheribakef Gr.-Roman. time
D58 N29 M1 A9 C3

Ḏḥwtj-ẖrj-b3q = f

Cheribakef (also Cheribaqef ) is a deity of Egyptian mythology . His name means “who is under his moringa tree” and identifies him as a tree deity, whose sacred plant is probably Moringa peregrina .

The main place of worship of Cheribakef is the Memphis region . His cult was already carried out in the Old Kingdom by the high priest of Ptah , the main Memphite deity, which is why he merged with this god over time. On a list of Ptah's names in the Ramesseum , he is referred to as Ptah-Cheribakef.

But he was also associated with other gods, for example he appears in the chapel of Nefertem in the temple of Seti I in Abydos as Thoth -Cheribakef. Since he was venerated in the area of ​​an important necropolis , he was also integrated into the Osiris faith . There he is one of the protective deities of the mortuary of Osiris in the ritual of the hour watch.

A very similar, but much less documented deity is Hetepbakef .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Cf. Christian Leitz u. a .: Lexicon of Egyptian gods and names of gods - Vol. 6, H̱ - s , Peeters, Leuven 2002, p. 36.
  2. ^ Gamer-Wallert: LÄ I, column 940; there referred to as Moringa arabica .