Danica Dakić

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Danica Dakić (* 1962 in Sarajevo ) is one of Bosnia native artist and university professor who primarily with funds from the video art , installation and photography works. Her work is shown at international art exhibitions around the world, including a. at documenta 12 (2007) and at the 58th Biennale di Venezia (2019), where she represented the pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Danica Dakić grew up in Yugoslavia , studied from 1981 to 1985 at the Academy of Arts in Sarajevo and then moved to the University of Arts in Belgrade , where she continued her studies until 1988 and completed her studies in painting. In 1988 she left Yugoslavia and went to Germany, where she studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the class of Nam June Paik from 1988 to 1990 .

She spent the time of the Bosnian War in Germany, and in 1997 she returned to Sarajevo for the first time. Dakić lives and works in Düsseldorf , Weimar and Sarajevo . Parallel to her artistic work, she works as a professor at the Bauhaus University Weimar , where she heads the international master’s course “Art in Public Space and New Artistic Strategies / Public Art and New Artistic Strategies”.


The artist works across media - from drawing to photography, video and sound works, film, performances and plastic objects. With performative and participatory processes, she creates images and voices that question social, political and cultural contexts in their constant change and also in their utopian potential. She also includes personal factors in her work. Her own migration experience is always a basis for dealing with a complex world. The long-term cooperation with the photographer Egbert Trogemann, the composer Bojan Vuletić and the producer Amra Bakšić Čamo is characteristic of her way of working . Her projects are often based on lengthy research and production processes, which make intensive collaboration with the protagonists in her works essential. Based on an architecture, a place of history or an (art) historical picture template, she creates stages with the participants on which their own, individual picture worlds and narratives arise beyond political, social or economic constraints.

The Bosnian War and the Siege of Sarajevo have had a major impact on her artistic development and earlier work. From 1997, in collaboration with the Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art (SCCA), she developed works in the urban space of Sarajevo that dealt with the upheaval in a post-war society and highlighted processes of language development: in the video projection MADAME X (1997) she positioned herself for the first time after all changes in her hometown caused by the war. Her speaking mouth could be seen in an alley in Sarajevo, but no sound was heard. With WITNESS (1998) she installed a video and sound intervention on the empty pedestal of the monument to the writer Ivo Andrić in the city park in Sarajevo, in order to use the missing bust of the Nobel Prize winner to question the description of history in times of great upheaval.


Her video installation ZID / WALL (1998) asks about the politics and architecture of speaking in a complex present. The viewer is confronted with a “speaking wall” that is both a barrier and a means of communication. 64 mouths speaking in parallel in different languages ​​combine their stories into a babylonian babble of voices, a collage of individual stories that cannot all be understood.


The video installation AUTOPORTRAIT (1999) is an autobiographical representation of the artist. Her face is shown, staged like an old-master portrait. Instead of the eyes, however, the viewer sees a second mouth. The lack of eyes makes it difficult to identify the person depicted. The start of speaking forms another reference to the artist herself, who literally speaks two languages ​​at the same time. The mouths speak text collages from two fairy tales in Bosnian and German. The work also became the cover picture of the exhibition “I am something different” at the K20 Kunstsammlung NRW in Düsseldorf (2000). The art historian Reinhard Spieler explains: "The face with the two mouths that speak different languages ​​reflects the experience of migration and globalization as well as the manipulation possibilities in genetic and medical technology as well as in the digital world, which increasingly affect our identity formation process and threaten to dissolve it . "


In the four-part photographic series LA GRANDE GALERIE (2004) the artist draws on the genre of the tableau vivant . The eponymous painting Vue Imaginaire de la Grande Galerie en Ruines (1796) by Hubert Robert , which shows the Louvre under construction during the artist's lifetime as a ruin, forms the starting point for this series, which was realized in Kosovo . In the run-up to her trip to Kosovo, the artist had an oversized brochure made for the picture. She had her protagonists, a group of Roma refugees, pose in natural poses and in everyday clothes in front of this backdrop. The imaginary ruin of the painting enters into a dialogue with a "non-place" marked by the "precarious reality of war and displacement." (Georgia Holz) Two further pictures from the Louvre collection, Nicolas Régnier's fortune teller (approx. 1626) and Georges de La Tours Cardsharps (1635), used the performers from the Roma enclave in Kosovo to deal with attributed and assumed “Gypsies "-Roll. In the LA GRANDE GALERIE series, the photographic (re) staging of the art historical models is given "a performative character, a strategy that undermines the voyeuristic gaze and deliberately evades an imagery that has been handed down by the mass media." (Georgia Wood)


EL DORADO was created as a three-part series of works for documenta 12 in Kassel (2007), which expanded spatially and medially in the exhibition as a video and photo installation in Schloss Wilhelmshöhe as well as a sound installation and performance in the wallpaper museum. The motif and conceptual starting point of this project was the panorama wallpaper El Dorado (1849) exhibited in the wallpaper museum in Kassel, on which landscape and architectural motifs can be seen that represent Africa, America, Asia and Europe. The title refers to the legend of a golden land that became a symbol for the search for a paradisiacal world. The artist worked a. a. together with a group of young people who were housed in a home for unaccompanied, minor refugees in Kassel. Historical and modern wallpaper in the museum served as a projection surface for dreams and fears, in front of which the protagonists shaped their personal life situation, their longings and ideas of the future into scenic representations.


The starting point of the video installation is a historical panorama wallpaper from 1842/1843 with the motif of a paradise island. With the help of a floor-to-ceiling reproduction of this wallpaper and a piano, the small stage of a home for the protection of mentally and physically disabled people in the Bosnian Pazarić became a film set for two weeks. The actors are 40 residents who wore Victorian paper masks printed with faces for the filming. They did not stage a play and did not follow a given storyboard - as actors and audience they played themselves and reinvented themselves in the process. Against the backdrop of the heavenly wallpaper, they developed performances, told stories from their lives, sang and improvised on the piano. ISOLA BELLA created a space between reality, between biographical facts and fantasy.

Flashback ,
Lichtparcours 2016, Braunschweig


The work FLASHBACK (2016) is an image of the interaction between humans and nature in the artist's work. In the arched architecture of the Dragon Bridge in Braunschweig , she installed a semicircular steel arch that let fine water vapor escape from integrated nozzles. With its own reflection in the water, the arch completed itself to form a complete circle. The architecture of the bridge and the steel arch construction combined with their reflections in the water to form an oversized eye. Nature becomes the observer and observer. Art historian Reinhard Spieler explains: "With the appearance and illumination of the eye in the landscape and its disappearance, the visitor enters into a constantly changing dialogue with nature."


With the ZENICA TRILOGIE project, Danica Dakić represented the pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 58th Venice International Biennale in 2019 . In her exhibition, which included three video works and a graphic portfolio, she explored the utopias of the city of Zenica (Eng. "Pupil"). Zenica was considered to be an up-and-coming center of industrialization in socialist Yugoslavia and was also an architectural example of a modern city. Since the Bosnian War , she has experienced the downside of modernity with extreme environmental pollution, unemployment and collective resignation. Together with the protagonists from Zenica, the artist asked about the dreams and spaces of action of the individuals. Walter Gropius ' " Total Theater" served as inspiration for removing the boundary between stage and audience, between the real and the imagined. After its premiere in Venice, ZENICA TRILOGIE was also on view at the Bauhaus Museum Weimar .

Works in public collections

Works by Danica Dakić can be found in museum collections such as the Tate Modern , London, the Ars Aevi Museum of Modern Art, Sarajevo, the Center Georges-Pompidou , Paris, the CAPC - Museum of Contemporary Art of Bordeaux , the Generali Foundation , Vienna / Salzburg, in the collection of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, in the MACBA - Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona , in the mhk - Museum landscape Hessen Kassel , in the NMNM - Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Sarajevo as well as in other public collections including the Klassik Stiftung Weimar , the Landtag North Rhine-Westphalia , Düsseldorf, the CNAP - Center National des Arts Plastiques, Paris, the Collection Neuflize Vie, Paris, the Collection Société Générale , Paris, in the FRAC - Champagne-Ardenne, Reims and in the cultural center at the Minoriten, Graz.


Solo exhibitions (selection)

Participation in group exhibitions

  • 1998: 5 locations , installation in the Ludwig Forum for International Art , Aachen.
  • 1999: La casa, il corpo, il cuore - construction of identities MUMOK , Vienna.
  • 1999–2001: After the Wall , Moderna Museet in Stockholm and Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin.
  • 2003: In the gorges of the Balkans , Kunsthalle Fridericianum , Kassel.
  • 2003: Poetic Justice , 8th Istanbul Biennale . A video work by Dakić was projected onto the inside of Tophane's cathedral in Istanbul's Beyoglu district .
  • 2004–2005: THE GOVERNMENT - How do we want to be governed? , shown under different titles at MACBA , Barcelona., then at Miami Art Central, Miami , at the Wiener Secession, Vienna , and at Witte de With , Rotterdam.
  • 2005: Sculpture Biennale Münsterland , Borken.
  • 2006 "Do you understand that?" - New Media Art from Southeast Europe , Exhibition Hall Contemporary Art Münster and in the Art Association Arnsberg. The video work I like, I don't like (2000) was shown together with Maja Bajevic.
  • 2007: documenta 12 , Kassel. The work El Dorado was shown .
  • 2007: Talking Pictures , K21 Art Collection NRW , Düsseldorf.
  • 2007 The ABC of Images , Pergamon Museum , Berlin.
  • 2008 The Bearable Lightess of Being , 11th International Architecture Biennale , La Biennale di Venezia .
  • 2010: 17th BIENNALE OF SYDNEY *, cur. David Elliott
  • 2010: LIVERPOOL BIENNIAL 2010 *, cur. Lorenzo Fusi
  • 2011: ISLANDS, WORLDS, Musrara New Gallery and Musrara Mix Festival, Jerusalem, cur. Avi Sabag
  • 2011: STRANGE & CLOSE, CAPC - Musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, cur. Charles Esche, Eilat Galit 
  • 2012: DOWRY, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova - MSUM, Ljubljana, cur. Dunja Blazevic
  • 2013: 2ND BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART D-0 ARK UNDERGROUND, Titova Atomska Ratna Komanda, Konjic *, cur. Basak Senova, Branko Franceschi
  • 2014: 31st SÃO PAULO BIENNIAL *, cur. Charles Esche, Galit Eilat, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Pablo Lafuente and Oren Sagiv  
  • 2015: 6th MOSCOW BIENNALE. OUR LAND / ALIEN TERRITORY Central Manege, Moscow *, cur. Yulia Aksenova
  • 2015: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, cur. Ellen Blumenstein
  • 2015: 31ª BIENAL DE SÃO PAULO, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves, Porto *, cur. Charles Esche, Galit Eilat, Oren Sagiv, Ricardo Nicolau and Paula Fernandes 
  • 2016: Lichtparcours 2016, Braunschweig
  • 2017: APRÈS BABEL, TRADUIRE, MuCem, Marseille, cur. Barbara Cassin
  • 2019: OPERA MONDE, Center Pompidou Metz, cur. Stéphane Ghislain


  • Danica Dakić. With texts by Boris Buden , Söke Dinkla , Ronja Friedrichs, Peter Gorschlüter , Sabine Maria Schmid, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2018. ISBN 978-3-903228-44-3
  • Danica Dakić: Emily, Gandy gallery 2011 (without ISBN)
  • Danica Dakić. With texts by Horst Bredekamp , Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos , Tihomir Milovac, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig, 2009 ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2
  • Danica Dakić: Casa del Lago, Kunsthaus Langenthal, 2009 ISBN 978-3-905817-15-7
  • Danica Dakić: Role-Taking, Role-Making , Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Düsseldorf 2005 ISBN 3-938821-26-4
  • Danica Dakić : Voices and Images , Revolver, Frankfurt am Main, 2004 ISBN 3-86588-016-9
  • Danica Dakić in: Bauhaus women - teachers and graduates of the Bauhaus University Weimar , exhibition catalog, 2019, p. 42 ff.
  • Danica Dakić: Zenica Trilogy, exhibition catalog, The Pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 58th International ARt Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, 2019

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biennale Arte 2019 | National Participations. March 4, 2019, accessed May 4, 2019 .
  2. Reinhard Spieler: Searching for gold in the refugee home . In Dossier: Heads in NRW, "K.WEST", June 2007.
  3. Government President Düsseldorf artist Danica Dakic visited . Press release of May 30, 2003 by the Düsseldorf district government.
  4. Danica Dakic  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.hr-online.de   - Profile for the Documenta at hr on May 8, 2007.
  5. Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos, Tihomir Milovac: Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 5-6 .
  6. Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos, Tihomir Milovac (eds.): Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 136 .
  7. ^ Danica Dakić - Witness. In: scca.ba. Retrieved June 22, 2020 (American English).
  8. Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos, Tihomir Milovac: Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 134 .
  9. Heimat as a collage. Retrieved June 22, 2020 (German).
  10. Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos, Tihomir Milovac: Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 110 .
  11. Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos, Tihomir Milovac: Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 110 .
  12. Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos, Tihomir Milovac: Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 80-95 .
  13. ^ Horst Bredekamp, ​​Tom Holert, Sabine Folie, Ulrike Groos: Danica Dakić . Bookstore Walther Koenig, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86560-679-2 , p. 68-77 .
  14. Reinhard Spieler: Flashback. In: https://danicadakic.com/works/flashback.php . Danica Dakić, accessed on June 25, 2020 (German, English).
  15. ^ Weimar Classic Foundation: Danica Dakić - Zenica Trilogy. In: https://www.klassik-stiftung.de/ihr-besuch/ausstellung/danica-dakic-zenica-trilogie/ . Klassik Stiftung Weimar, accessed on June 25, 2020 (German, English).
  16. https://danicadakic.com/exhibitions.php
  17. www.danicadakic.com. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  18. ^ Prayer , Kunstverein Ulm, June 9 - July 28, 2002. Curated by Brigitte Hausmann. Catalog of the Kunstverein published in Ulm 2002, ISBN 3-935506-05-8 . Online ( Memento of the original from June 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Retrieved December 10, 2008.) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kunstverein-ulm.de
  19. Triptych , Mala Galerija, Ljubljana, November 25 - December 14, 2008. Curated by Igor Spanjol. Online  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed March 31, 2009.)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.mg-lj.si  
  20. Danica Dakić ( Memento of the original of August 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 29 August - 8 November 2009. Catalog will be published by Walther König bookstore, Cologne 2009.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kunsthalle-duesseldorf.de
  21. Hammer Projects: Danica Dakić | Hammer Museum. Retrieved July 9, 2020 .
  22. ^ Announcement on the exhibition ( Memento of the original from October 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed October 3, 2014.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mmk-frankfurt.de
  23. 5 Orte , Ludwig Forum for International Art, January 16 - March 8, 1998. Curated by Annette Lagler .
  24. La casa, il corpo, il cuore . MUMOK - Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, Vienna, June 24 - October 10, 1999. Curated by Lóránd Hegyi . Catalog published by MUMOK, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-900776-81-4 .
  25. ^ After the Wall . Moderna Museet in Stockholm, October 16, 1999 to January 16, 2000 and the National Gallery in the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, October 1, 2000 to February 4, 2001. Curated by Bojana Pejic . Catalog published by Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Berlin 2000. Ronald Jones: After The Wall: Art And Culture In Post-Communist Europe ( Memento from July 9, 2012 in the web archive archive.today ) . In: Artforum from March 2000. ISSN  0004-3532
  26. In the gorges of the Balkans . Kunsthalle Fridericianum, August 30 - November 23, 2003. Curated by René Block . Catalog published by Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel 2003, ISBN 3-927015-35-0 .
  27. Poetic Justice . 8th International Istanbul Biennial, September 20 - November 16, 2003. Curated by Dan Cameron . Eleanor Heartney: Mending the breach . In: Art in America, December 2003. ISSN  0004-3214 ( Accessed March 31, 2009).
  28. How do we want to be governed? , Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, ​​2004. Curated by Roger Buergel and Ruth Noack. Available online (Accessed March 31, 2009)
  29. How do we want to be governed? (Figure and Ground) , Miami Art Central. Curators: Roger Buergel and Ruth Noack. November 29, 2004 - January 30, 2005. Catalog How Do We Want to Be Governed? Figure and Ground published by Miami Art Central, 2005.
  30. ^ THE GOVERNMENT - Heavenly Spaces of Action Vienna Secession, Vienna, February 24 - April 24, 2005. Curated by Roger Buergel and Ruth Noack. Available online ( memento of the original dated June 4, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed March 31, 2009.) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.secession.at
  31. Be what you want but stay where you are . Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam. April 29 - June 19, 2005. Curated by Ruth Noack and Roger M. Buergel. Witte de With presents from April 29 till June 19 the exhibition? Be what you want but stay where you are? ( Memento of November 2, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (Retrieved March 31, 2009.)
  32. ^ Catalog published by Dumont, Cologne 2005, ISBN 3832176667 .
  33. Do you understand that? , Exhibition Hall Contemporary Art Münster, October 28th - December 17th, 2006. Curated by Gail B. Kirkpatrick and Necmi Soenmez. Online (Accessed March 31, 2009)
  34. ^ Documenta 12 , Kassel. June 16 - September 23, 2007. About the works by Danica Dakić shown on the official documenta blog: Online ( Memento of the original from April 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed March 31, 2009.) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.documenta12blog.de
  35. Talking Pictures - Theatricality in Contemporary Film and Video Works . Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K21, August 18 - November 4, 2007. Curated by Doris Krystof. Catalog published by DuMont, Cologne 2007, ISBN 3-8321-9044-9 . Online (Accessed March 31, 2009)
  36. The ABC of Images , Pergamon Museum Berlin, June 27 - September 9, 2007. Curated by Moritz Wullen . Catalog published by SMB, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-88609-587-2 . Online (Accessed March 31, 2009)
  37. The Bearable Lightess of Being , the 11th International Venice Architecture Biennale, 13 September to 23 November 2008. Curated by Lóránd Hegyi. Online ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed March 31, 2009.) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.labiennale.org