Database of cultural assets in the Trier region

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The database of cultural assets in the Trier region is a publicly accessible, non-commercial database of cultural assets in the Trier region , the former Trier administrative district in Rhineland-Palatinate .

The database has existed since 1992 and has been on the Internet since 1998. It contains cultural objects from the city of Trier and the districts of Bernkastel-Wittlich , Trier-Saarburg , Vulkaneifel and the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm.

The database currently contains 42,331 data sets with more than 29,000 images (as of December 2019). It is probably the most extensive such online directory in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Frequent contents are, for example, Roman monuments, prehistoric menhirs, former synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, half-timbered buildings, medieval churches, palaces, castle ruins, natural monuments - especially trees and waterfalls -, railway bridges, railway tunnels and steam locomotive monuments or western wall bunkers.

The database can be searched according to numerous criteria and is divided into many categories. All objects can be displayed geographically in different map systems: as a destination in Google Maps , on a topographic map , on an aerial photo , on the Prussian map (1843–1873), on the map of the Rhineland (1803–1820) or with other map services.

A copy of the database is kept in the long-term archive of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek .

In 2018, the culture database was the winner of the ideas competition Ehrenamt 4.0 - Internet, social networks, digital tools - how digital is volunteering in Rhineland-Palatinate?

The Trier culture database is often referenced in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia . Example: Entry for Porta Nigra (Trier) in the database of cultural assets in the Trier region .

The project is supported by the Folklore and Open Air Museum Roscheider Hof ( Konz ), the Trier University of Applied Sciences , Department of Economics and Computer Center, or by NETGIS, the Society for Geoinformation and Environmental Planning, Trier.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. State Chancellery Rhineland-Palatinate - Control Center for Volunteering and Citizen Participation: Prize Winners 2018 awarded
  2. ^ Description of the culture database
  3. Wochenspiegel : Database of cultural assets receives award (2018)