The Bible - Paul

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German title The Bible - Paul
Original title San Paolo
Country of production Italy
United States
original language English
Publishing year 2000
length 2 × 85 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Roger Young
script Gareth Jones
production Luca Bernabei
music Carlo Siliotto
camera Giovanni Galasso
cut Alessandro Lucidi

The Bible - Paulus (original and Italian title San Paolo , English title The Bible: Paul of Tarsos ) is a two-part television film that tells the life of the apostle of the Gentiles Paul of Tarsus according to the Acts of the New Testament . The title role of Paul is occupied by Johannes Brandrup .


First part

The drama begins in Jerusalem , just a month after the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth . Jesus' apostles Peter and John still struggle with their assigned task of preaching the message of the Savior to people . However, when the Holy Spirit appears to them at the sacrament , they spread their faith from now on without fear.

Saul of Tarsus, son of a tent maker, and as ambitious as he is intelligent, finds himself in Jerusalem between the fronts of the smoldering war of faith . Although he, who belongs to the Jewish group of the Pharisees , strictly adheres to the rules of his friend Rabbi Gamaliel, there are always disputes with his friend Ruben, an influential Sadducee priest , who is a few years older than him. Reuben does not believe in a resurrection on the last day and is of the opinion that the Pharisees approached the rebellious followers of Jesus of Nazareth, who would claim that he was resurrected from the dead.

The farmer Barnabas also comes from far away with his wife to be baptized by Peter and John. Saul thwarted an attack on the two of them. Saul does not yet suspect that he has saved the lives of people who are closely related to the Christian faith, since he gave Ruben his word to help him in the persecution of the rebellious Christians.

But King Herod is also afraid of losing his power and sees the Christians, as well as the high council and above all the high priest, as a threat. However, their greatest enemy is Ruben. Together with their accomplices, this phalanx succeeds in brutally pushing the Christians back and driving them out of the city. Saul is also one of those who ruthlessly persecute the fleeing missionaries . On the way to Damascus , the stronghold of the Christians, Saul is blinded and falls blind from his horse. He has a vision in which Jesus encourages him and tells him that he will soon be healed, which is what happens then. For Saul, this is the signal to be baptized now and to join the Christians. His name is now Paul. When Ruben learns what Saul has done, he sees it as an unforgivable betrayal, which the friend should atone for with death. Dina, Ruben's wife, however, ensures that Paul and his new companion Barnabas can flee into the desert.

Second part

The now converted Paul has meanwhile become a committed missionary. His former friend Ruben has him relentlessly persecuted, branded as a traitor and heretic . Barnabas paves the way for him to meet the devout apostles, who, however, distrust him because he is not one of theirs and once persecuted them. Only Peter, who is accepted by all, gives Paul a chance and sends him together with Barnabas on a missionary trip to his native city of Tarsus and to Cyprus. They are tracked down by Ruben and his captors in the city of Lystra in Asia Minor . He wants to have them both stoned as heretics on the spot, but a beggar comes to their aid, whom Paul had healed only a little before.

Since Paul now shows himself adamant and often as a zealot, as soon as someone deviates even a little from the Christian faith, there is a break with Barnabas. However, his unwavering faith also helps him carry on his mission without fear and regardless of the fact that it might cost him his life. Paul wants to carry the word of God to Rome, but has to turn back, since the Roman emperor has forbidden all Jews to stay in the city. On his return to Jerusalem he is arrested. When he was tried, there were tumults, which led to the fact that the Roman tribune wanted to transfer Paul to a Roman prison. Once again Dina ensures that the attack on Paul previously planned by her vengeful husband Ruben fails. Without Rubens' knowledge, Dina is now also a Christian. When Paul's trial is pending before a Roman court, where he will be taken by ship, he thinks he's a big step closer to his goal. During the crossing, however, the ship gets caught in a severe storm.

Production, background, publication

The film was produced by Beta-Technik GmbH , the production company of the Kirch Group with the participation of Lux Film SpA Vide, Ceská Televize, Quinta Communications and RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana.

The film plot, which was shot in Ouarzazate in Morocco and Malta in the summer of 2000 , differs from the biblical story in several points:

  • The characters of Reuben and his wife Dina, as well as the enmity that Reuben develops towards Paul, are fictitious.
  • In one scene, Paul enters the inner sanctuary of the temple, which at the time was only allowed and possible for priests.
  • Paul is visited by a young man in prison, but in the film this role is played by a woman.

In fact, according to tradition, Malta is the island where Paul is said to have stayed on his way to Rome. The statue Tas-Salvatur is in honor of Paul at the place where he is said to have gone ashore.

Paulus is the first and only film in the series Die Bibel in which a German actor is cast in the leading role. Is known Johannes Brandrup , among other things, that he in the first 10 episodes of action crime series Alarm for Cobra 11 - The Highway Patrol played the detective chief Frank Stolte. In 2005 he again took part in a Bible film. In Peter - The True Story , he embodied Jesus. In contrast to the other films in the series, Paulus is stingy “with prominent supporting actors; only Franco Nero as a priest Gamaliel hire [e] the cast international glamor, otherwise almost entirely unknown Italians take to the streets of Jerusalem, "it said in .

It is his third role in a Bible film for George W. Bailey , having played Azarel in the film adaptation of Solomon and Lysias in the film adaptation of Jesus . Franco Nero is synchronized in all language versions.

The Bible - Paulus I and Paulus II is part of a five-part series in which stories from the New Testament were filmed, and forms Film 4 and 5 of the series. explained: "Like all works from this series, which Leo Kirch is very close to his heart, in 'Paulus' the various religious discourses [...] are dealt with more marginally."

The film premiered on December 3, 2000 in Italy under the title San Paolo . The premiere in Germany took place on DVD, published on November 18, 2003 by Studiocanal under the title Die Bibel - Paulus .

The film was shown in Finland on December 19, 2003 and in Hungary on May 30, 2004. In the USA it celebrated its premiere on July 13, 2004 under the title Paul the Apostle , alternatively St. Paul on DVD. It was released on DVD in Norway on November 17, 2004, in Japan on June 3, 2009 and in Argentina on October 24, 2014. It was also released in Australia, Brazil, Spain, Greece, Poland and Romania. The worldwide English title is: The Bible: Paul of Tarsos .

Voice actor

The dubbing was carried out by JohannisthalSynchron GmbH in Berlin; the script and the dialogue were directed by Klaus E. Laurien. The voice actors for the German version are:


Apostle Paul, painting by Anthony van Dyck

Paul of Tarsus (probably * before 10 to † after 60 in Rome) was, according to the New Testament , a successful missionary of early Christianity and one of the first theologians in the history of Christianity. Paul was a Jew and a law abiding Pharisee with Roman citizenship . After initially persecuting the followers of Jesus of Nazareth , after his conversion he saw himself as an apostle called by God, whose task it was to preach his gospel everywhere. It is believed that he was converted in 33.

According to the Acts of the Apostles, Paul was a Roman citizen from birth and thus belongs to a minority of Jewish residents of the empire who had this right. Saul did not change his name because of his conversion and baptism, as is mostly popularly launched, and which is also suggested by the well-known phrase "from Saul to Paul". Rather, Jews in a strange living environment and in the diaspora often chose a second name that was as close as possible to their original name.

Paul, like Peter, is said to have died a martyr's death. The Acts of Paul say that he was executed by the sword in Rome under Emperor Nero . It is possible that he died in the course of Nero's persecution of Christians in 64.

criticism was of the opinion: “Despite the considerable length, an entertaining, effective and sometimes even imaginative story, in which a few theological questions are explained in a way that is understandable for the layman. The backdrops make for beautiful pictures [...] - another successful contribution to the Bible series. "

Prism was based on the fact that Roger Young wasstaging "the fifth part of the successful Bible series"after the Bible films Josef , Moses , Solomon and Jesus and said: "With this gripping conscience drama he is an impressive illustration of the time of the persecution of Christians." said: “It will soon be done: Paulus is the last title hero for the time being in Leo Kirch's Bible project, which has now comprised twenty films. The only final epic to follow will be the 'Apocalypse' (based on the Revelation of John). With 'Paulus von Tarsus', however, the series is once again completely with itself, especially since the repentant sinner is the perfect protagonist: he is transforming from a Christian hunter to a believer capable of tolerating. ”Johannes Brandrup said that“ his boyish features ”would“ neither to convey suffering still suffered conversion and wisdom ”. In addition, “his unmarked voice does not really fit a preacher who was able to captivate the masses”. Therefore, "the Bible films 19 and 20 primarily impress with their equipment, costumes and well-groomed full beards". In doing so, "the concept of the two-parter is quite clever" in view of the fact that "the script had built up a rivalry between Paul and his childhood friend Ruben" who would "become mortal enemies".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Bible - Paul at Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  2. a b c The Bible - Paulus at Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  3. The Bible - Paulus DVD Studiocanal
  4. The Bible - Paul. In: German synchronous index , accessed on August 26, 2017 .
  5. Bibelfilm: The Bible - Paul at Retrieved August 27, 2017.