Félix Fourdrain

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Félix Fourdrain (born February 3, 1880 in Nice , † February 23, 1923 in Paris ) was a French organist and composer.


Félix Fourdrain began his musical training at the École Niedermeyer and studied at the Paris Conservatory with Alexandre Guilmant and Charles-Marie Widor . He took composition lessons from his friend Jules Massenet . Through this he met the librettist Henri Cain , who wrote the libretto of his first opera in collaboration with Arthur Bernède . He taught at the Conservatoire de Paris , where u. a. Edmond Trudel , Floro Ugarte , Georges-Émile Tanguay , Omer Létourneau , Joseph-Arthur Bernier and Clotilde Coulombe were among his students.

Fourdrain composed a total of more than 20 works, including operas, orchestral and instrumental pieces, symphonic poems and songs.


  • Légende du point d'Argentan , opera, (Libretto by Henri Cain and Arthur Bernède), 1907
  • La Glaneuse , lyric piece, (libretto Arthur Bernède and Paul de Choudens ), 1909
  • Vercingétorix , musical drama, (libretto Arthur Bernède and Paul de Choudens), 1912
  • Madame Rolland , lyric drama, (libretto Arthur Bernède and Paul de Choudens), 1913
  • Les Contes de Praault , Fairy Game , (Libretto Arthur Bernède and Paul de Choudens), 1913
  • La Jalousie du barbouillé , Buffo Opera, (Libretto by André Alexandre after Molière ), 1914
  • Les Maris de Ginette , opera, (libretto by Henri Kéroul and Albert Barré ), 1916
  • Cadet-Roussel , comic opera, 1919
  • I love you Dolly , opera, (Libretto by Henri de Gorsse and Victor Darlay ), 1921
  • Le Secret de Polichinelle , opera, (libretto by Henri Cain and Pierre Wolff ), 1922
  • La Griffe , lyric drama (libretto by Jean Sartène ), 1923
  • La Plus jolie fille de France , opera, (libretto by Germaine Guesnier and A. de Montgon ), 1923
  • La Hussarde , opera, (libretto by Henri de Gorsse, Victor Darlay and Georges Nanteuil ), 1925
  • L'amour en cage , opera, (libretto by André de Lorde and Jean Brentano ), 1923
  • Attendez-moi sous l'orme , incidental music
  • La Mare au diable , incidental music
  • L'Eternel amour , incidental music
