Gabriele Bitterlich

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Gabriele Bitterlich (born November 1, 1896 as Gabriele Göhlert in Vienna , † April 4, 1978 in Silz , Tyrol ) was an Austrian Roman Catholic revelator , alleged seer and founder of the Engelwerk .


Gabriele Göhlert was born on November 1, 1896 in the 4th district of Vienna as the daughter of Bernhard Göhlert and Friederike van Aken-Quesar. In 1900 she moved with her family to Chernivtsi , in 1903 to Merano . There she lived in the boarding school of the English Misses . She passed her Matura at the Ursuline School in Innsbruck . She then studied German and history at the University of Innsbruck . According to the Engelwerk, she is said to have had angel visions in her early childhood, when she was four years old.

On May 23, 1919 she married the Sudeten German lawyer and fraternity member Hanns Bitterlich. She lived with her husband in Bregenz until 1921, in Šluknov (Schluckenau) until September 1928 and in Innsbruck until 1953, then again in Vienna until 1974 and finally in St. Petersberg Castle in Silz in Tyrol.

Between 1920 and 1924 she gave birth to three children. In 1930 she suffered a nervous breakdown due to the difficult situation of her family. After the Second World War, she took in three orphan girls and thus had to provide for a family of eight. In 1946 she fell ill with jaundice and meningitis .

According to her own statements, she had had visions of angels and demons since the 1930s , which led her to found the Engelwerk faith community (Opus Angelorum) on April 20, 1949. Her husband died in 1961. Since then she has been busy building up the angel work and its Guardian Angel Brotherhood, which the Innsbruck Bishop Paulus Rusch approved in the same year.

Lies by Engelwerk members bitterly justified as "angelic spirituality". She spent her twilight years at St. Petersberg Castle in Silz , which is now a monastery of the Order of Canon Regulars of the Holy Cross , which is part of the Engelwerk . There she died on April 4, 1978 and was buried by the castle wall.

She left three children: the painter Roswitha Bitterlich (1920–2015), the Roman Catholic priest Hansjörg Bitterlich (1923–1998) and Wolfram Bitterlich (* in October 1924).

The Engelwerk she founded had grown into a community of around one million members 20 years after her death.

Private revelation and teaching

Gabriele Bitterlich's alleged private revelations, written since 1930 and written down since 1947, are controversial in the Roman Catholic Church. They should have Gnostic features and be alien to the church tradition, but go back to the "Jewish Kabbalah and Old Persian dualism ".


According to Bitterlich, each person is assigned several escort angels and a guardian angel to assist in certain situations. Certain angels, described by Bitterlich in great detail, are also assigned to the various aspects of life. The more than 300 angels are divided into the traditional nine choirs and three hierarchies. Man should enter into a closer connection with his angels through gradual consecration . The ordinations are divided into guardian angel ordinations (for Catholics or those of different faiths), ordination angels, ordination in the circle of helpers as well as general, special and secret atonement ordinations; the guardian angel promise is a preliminary step.

The individual angels should correspond to certain feast days or calendar days as intercession days .

The kingdom of the angels is opposed to the kingdom of the demons ; These should be countered, among other things, by exorcisms . Certain areas of power such as cities or Jewish merchant quarters are also assigned to the demons. Among other things, midwives, peasant women and old vengeful farmers, gypsies, black cats and hens, smooth-haired dogs as well as pigs, snakes and rats are particularly susceptible to demonic influences. The medieval legendary figure bitterly interpreted Ahasver as the "fallen archangel " and the "spirit of the cursed Jewish people".

Bitterlich's descriptions of angels and demons were summarized in the manual of the Engelwerk in 1961 . She divided the angels under the leadership of Mary into the choirs of the seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, powers, princes, powers, archangels and simple angels as well as the demons under Lucifer into the ranks of gods, idols, idols, evil spirits, evil forces, evil intelligences, magicians, masters and lower demons.

History of the Bitterlich writings in theory and practice

The Engelwerk's manual , which was published in Innsbruck in 1961 and is inaccessible to outsiders , only became known to the public in extracts nine years after Bitterlich's death and sparked controversy .

The Catholic Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith restricted the use of Gabriele Bitterlich's private revelations in 1983 and, increasingly, in 1992; the private revelation was not recognized, non-biblical angel names contained in it could no longer be invoked and the use of corresponding scriptures was forbidden to Catholics both inside and outside of the angel work founded by Bitterlich . Exorcisms should only be carried out in accordance with the church's guidelines.

The theologian and book author Heinz Gstrein wrote in 1990:

“If an exorcistic wing in the Engelwerk wants to cast out devils everywhere and at every opportunity, then I must absolutely refuse. - A second dubious case in this context is evidently still taking place in South India , where the angel work and its order of the cross became active with the so-called Thomas Christians. A spiritual house in Kerala , the head of which sexually abused the young men entrusted to him, turned to the angel brothers for advice and help. However, under the strange condition that nothing should happen to the warm brother, not even his removal. The homosexual demons Dragon, Varina and Selithareth were then fought there. For the time being with the result of a gay sex murder. It has also been traced back to Dragon, the 'idol of assassination, Sodomite sin, blood revenge and blood rush'. - Such behavior is simply irresponsible. "

- Heinz Gstrein : Engelwerk or devil power

The description of the demons comes from the manual of the angel work, in which the alleged private revelations are summarized bitterly. The angel work, the Gstrein his book angel work or devil's power? before going to press, described it as a “well-researched and serious investigation into the work of the holy angels” and recommended reading it. The non-fiction author Heiner Boberski quoted and received Gstrein's text in 1993. In India, violations of the law are subject to the criminal reporting obligation when they are only at the planning stage. Failure to report is threatened with a quarter of the maximum penalty applicable to the offense in question .

Two years later, the Engelwerk priest Frederico Cunha ORC , who was under the influence of the bitter revelations, killed the 15-year-old Luís Miguel Correia in the Portuguese town of Caniçal , for which he was legally imprisoned for 13 years in 1994 for murder to cover up a crime and attempted sexual abuse was convicted. In 1998 the perpetrator fled to Rio de Janeiro while on leave .

On April 7, 2010, Father Daniel Ols OP , who was led by Pope Benedict XVI. Authorized delegate for the Engelwerk, to its members, the publication of numerous texts by Gabriele Bitterlich for use in the Engelwerk will undoubtedly play an important role in the continuation of the path taken by the Vatican. However, further use of the teachings was prohibited at least until November 2010. From the point of view of the angel work, Bitterlich's writings are a charisma and the only correct perspective for understanding the end-time task of angels in the church.


The teachings of Bitterlich found enthusiastic supporters as well as sharp opponents within the Roman Catholic Church . So said Paul Hnilica , rector of the priest community in Engelwerk, in 1988:

"When I read the writings of Mother Gabriele, I found in them such a deep knowledge of the inner spiritual structure of communist demons that cannot be explained without special supernatural enlightenment."

In contrast, the theologians Johannes van der Ploeg and Johann Auer expressly rejected the private revelations. After preparing two reports, Auer said :

"I have to admit that I tend to attribute all of this thinking to paranoid schizophrenia ."

The sharpest opponent of the Bitterlich teachings among the German bishops was the Munich auxiliary bishop Heinrich von Soden-Fraunhofen , who had made the manual of the angel work public.

Meaning today


Gabriele Bitterlich is venerated as a mother in the Engelwerk . Daniel Ols, the delegate of the Holy See for the work of angels, appointed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on March 13, 2010 to succeed Benoît Duroux, also adopted this designation in April 2010.

Angel Association

With the “Engelbund”, the Lippstadt publisher Claus Peter Clausen founded another religious community based on Bitterlich's teachings. On August 15, 2011, at the instigation of the publisher, the teachings were removed from the World Wide Web for no reason ; they have been online again in a shortened form since November 2011.


  • Follow me! Fatima-Verlag, Graz 1962 (32 pages).
  • The realm of angels. (unpublished).



Engelwerk writings based on Gabriele Bitterlich

  • Rituals of the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum. Innsbruck 1970, OCLC 816046958 .
  • The manual of the Engelwerk. Innsbruck 1961; Schondorf am Ammersee 1961, OCLC 633267522 (approx. 300 sheets).
  • Angels of the day and angels of mobile festivals. Innsbruck 1969, OCLC 74878213 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Karin Nusko: Bitterlich Gabriele, geb. Goehler. University of Vienna , accessed on October 12, 2010.
  2. ^ A b Fr. William Wagner ORC: The Work of the Holy Angels and Its Mission within the Church on the international website of the Engelwerk, accessed on October 11, 2010.
  3. War against the Devil, Ideas from the Middle Ages ( Memento from July 15, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). In: Hamburger Morgenpost . February 7, 2009.
  4. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum. Otto Müller Verlag, 1993, p. 296.
  5. a b Presentation of the history of the Engelwerk ( memento of October 13, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) on its German website, 2010.
  6. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. [2. Edition]. Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1993, ISBN 3-7013-0854-3 , p. 42.
  7. a b c d Petra Bleisch: Engelwerk. Evangelical Information Center: Churches - Sects - Religions , 1998.
  8. ^ A b Heiner Boberski : Religiously camouflaged virus ( Memento from October 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). In: Wiener Zeitung . December 9, 2005.
  9. ^ Rituals of the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum. Innsbruck 1970, pp. 12-54.
  10. The manual of the angel work. Innsbruck 1961, p. 8 ff.
  11. The manual of the angel work. Innsbruck 1961, p. 244.
  12. Roman Hanig: The demonic hierarchy of the angel work. In: Munich Theological Journal of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich , Volume 49 (1998), No. 3 ( ).
  13. The manual of the angel work. Innsbruck 1961, p. 4, 106-111.
  14. a b c See Helmut Birkhan : Magic in the Middle Ages (= Beck'sche series. Volume 1901). CH Beck Verlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-60632-8 , p. 96 ( preview in the Google book search).
  15. ^ Decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith De consociatione “Opus Angelorum”. Communion website of St. Joseph , June 6, 1992, accessed August 28, 2020.
  16. Heiner Boberski : In the realm of angels and demons. In: Heiner Boberski: Mighty - Male - Mysterious. Ecowin Verlag, Salzburg 2005, ISBN 3-902404-16-7 , p. 157 ( scan in Google book search).
  17. ^ Heinz Gstrein: Engelwerk or devil's power. Edition Tau, Mattersburg-Katzelsdorf 1990, ISBN 3-900977-07-0 , p. 170.
  18. For the names of demons, compare: The manual of the angel work. Innsbruck 1961, pp. 131, 156, 159 and 167.
  19. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. [2. Edition]. Otto Müller, Salzburg 1993, ISBN 3-7013-0854-3 , p. 245 f. and 266 (there full quotation of the text by Gstrein).
  20. Indian Penal Code, section 120. In:, accessed October 11, 2019.
  21. Walter Axtmann: Engelwerk: Murder on Madeira. In: Church intern . May 1995, p. 41 f.
  22. Manuel Catarino: Os pecados mortais do Padre Frederico ( Memento of December 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). In: Correio da Manhã . May 20, 2006 (Portuguese).
  23. ^ Lília Bernardes: Igreja nunca pagou indemnização aos pais da vítima do padre Frederico ( Memento of February 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). In: Diário de Notícias . March 29, 2010, accessed February 11, 2018 (Portuguese).
  24. Ricardo Soares: Terceiro escândalo sexual na Igreja da Madeira ( Memento of April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). In: Tribuna da Madeira . April 9, 2014 (Portuguese).
  25. a b To lead the worship of the holy angels to full development. In: , May 8, 2011, accessed October 11, 2019.
  26. New instructions about the Engelwerk ( Memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). In: Vatican Radio . November 4, 2010 (reverse November 4, 2010 lw).
  27. Heiner Boberski : The angel work. Theory and Practice of Opus Angelorum. [2. Edition]. Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1993, ISBN 3-7013-0854-3 , p. 37.
  28. David Berger : Fighters for the Truth of the Catholic Faith - On the Death of Father Prof. JPM van der Ploeg OP ( Memento from March 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Website of the magazine Theologisches , undated.
  29. a b Gernot Facius: Bizarre “Engelwerk” celebrates recognition by the Pope. In: The world . October 10, 2010.
  30. NN: Angel of the day. (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on May 26, 2013 ; Retrieved August 17, 2011 (mementos blank). .
  31. Choose Heaven or Hell: Angel Calendar ( Memento from June 30, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). In:, November 2011 / November 2012.
  32. Title recording at the Association of the Regional Libraries Austria and South Tyrol, accessed on August 28, 2020.
  33. Google Books : Entry Rituals of Opus Sanctorum Angelorum OSA. Accessed December 20, 2019.