George Pau-Langevin

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George Pau-Langevin during the 2007 election campaign

George Pau-Langevin (born October 19, 1948 in Pointe-à-Pitre , Guadeloupe ) is a French politician of the Socialist Party (PS) and has been a minister in the French governments for various business areas since 2012.

George Pau came to Paris at the age of 17, after completing her baccalaureate, first studied literature at the Sorbonne before turning to law and studying at the University of Paris II . From 1971 she worked as a lawyer in the 20th arrondissement and from 1972 became involved in the Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitié entre les peuples (MRAP). In 1974 she married Philippe Langevin, a DDE engineer in the Seine-Saint-Denis department . In 1976 she became Vice President of the MRAP, from 1984 President for three years.

At the same time their commitment against racism Pau-Langevin was active in the PS for which they in the Council of the 20th arrondissement (until 1995 and again since 2008), 1992 for a term in the regional council of 1989 Ile-de-France was chosen . From 1994 to 1997 she was a member of the national party executive committee and national secretary for human rights.

From 1989 to 1993 and again from 1997 to 2001 she headed the ANT, the Agence nationale pour l'insertion et la promotion des travailleurs d'Outre-Mer , an agency that regulates the migration of French overseas for training and employment. In 2001 she became a member of Bertrand Delanoë's Paris municipal government . In this position she initiated the renaming of rue Richepanse in the 1st arrondissement, which was named after Antoine Richepanse , the revolutionary general who, as governor of Guadeloupe, had de facto reintroduced slavery; it has been called rue du Chevalier-de-Saint-George since 2001 .

In the parliamentary elections in June 2007 , Pau-Langevin ran for the PS in the 21st constituency, which included large parts of the 20th arrondissement, was just behind Raoul Delamare ( UMP ) in the first ballot, but she was in the second ballot with about 63% of the Voices could clearly beat. In the National Assembly, she was, among other things, deputy chairman of the socialist-led parliamentary group (SRC), a member of the judicial committee and, since 2009, legal policy spokeswoman for the parliamentary group. In the lower house elections in 2012 she ran after the reorganization of the constituencies in the 15th constituency, which roughly corresponds to the old constituency and includes large parts of the 20th arrondissement. With 73.5% of the votes in the second ballot, she clearly prevailed against Nathalie Fanfant (UMP) for a second legislative period. Her mandate is suspended due to her membership in the government.

She has been a member of the French government since 2012 , initially as Assistant Minister for Educational Success in the Ministry of Education under Vincent Peillon in the Ayrault I (from May 16, 2012) and Ayrault II (from June 21, 2012) cabinets . She was and is Minister for Overseas Territories in the Valls I (from April 2, 2014) and Valls II (since August 26, 2014) cabinets .

Web links

Commons : George Pau-Langevin  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Le Monde , Législatives 2012: Results du 2nd tour - 15ème circonscription de Paris