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Halicarnassus (Turkey)
Halicarnassus '(Halicarnassus') location in Turkey
Reconstruction of the mausoleum at Halicarnassus, around 1880
House of the Temple was built on the model of the tomb of Mausolus in Halicarnassus.

Halicarnassus ( German also Halikarnass ; Greek  Ἁλικαρνασσός , Latin Halicarnassus) was an ancient Greek city ​​on the southwest coast of Asia Minor . The city was in the area of ​​today's Turkish city ​​of Bodrum .


Already in Linear B documents from Pylos , dating from the early 12th century BC. Originating in the 4th century BC, female slaves from Zephyria ( ze-pu 2 -ra 3 ) are mentioned. Among other things, because Zephyria is an old name of Halicarnassus according to Strabo , it is assumed that Zephyros is the Mycenaean name of a Bronze Age settlement in the area of ​​the later Halicarnassus. A few kilometers west-northwest of Halicarnassus, a necropolis with 48 chamber tombs was discovered near Müsgebi, the Mycenaean ceramics from the 14th to 12th centuries BC. BC and other Mycenaean grave goods contained. It is therefore likely that Mycenaean Greeks (among others) already lived in the vicinity of Halicarnassus; A Mycenaean settlement - similar to Miletus and probably Iasos - is also not excluded.

Halicarnassus gained fame in classical antiquity through the mausoleum of Halicarnassus , which is counted among the classical seven wonders of the world . His most famous son is Herodotus , the "father of historiography". The poet Heraklit of Halicarnassus and the historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus also come from this city.

Since the year 480 BC Artemisia I , daughter of Lygdamis , ruled over Halicarnassus as guardian of her son Pisindelis, which also included the islands of Kos and Nisyros . In the Greek campaign of Xerxes she participated with five ships on the side of the Persians . She advised Xerxes, who valued her cleverness and determination, against the sea battle at Salamis . In the 5th century BC BC Halicarnassus belonged to the Attic League .

From 392 B.C. Chr. There was Hekatomnos of Mylasa as a Persian satrap over Caria . With him the dynasty of the Hecatomnids was founded, which was continued by all his children. He had three sons, Maussolos , Idrieus and Pixodaros ; and two daughters, Artemisia II and Ada . Both were married to their brothers Maussolos and Idrieus, respectively. Maussolos succeeded his father as ruler and made Halicarnassus the capital of his empire instead of the old Mylasa . In addition to a port, which was only accessible through a narrow canal, he had walls and watchtowers built to be secure both on land and at sea. A massive palace ensured him a view in all directions. Since Maussolos, despite his Carian descent, had a great interest in Greek culture, he had a Greek theater and a temple built for Ares in addition to the military improvements in the city . After his death, his wife Artemisia II took control of Caria and Rhodes . She called the most famous Greek artists to Halicarnassus to furnish the grandiose tomb for Maussolos, the mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Artists such as Leochares , Timotheos , Skopas and Bryaxis contributed to this “wonder of the world”. The tomb had a base of 33 mx 39 m in size, a cella with a ring hall made of 36 Ionic columns rose above it , a pyramid formed the roof, on which stood a team of four and on top the figures of the Maussolos and Artemisia (friezes and the statue of Maussolos can be seen today in the British Museum in London). 351 BC After the death of Artemisias her brother Idrieus ascended the throne. Idrieus was born after his death in 344 BC. Replaced as regent by his wife Ada until her remaining brother Pixodarus in 340 BC. Chr. Appropriated the throne. His son-in-law Orontobates received after the death of his father-in-law in 335 BC. The satrapy Caria of Darius III. and thus ended the rule of the Hecatomnids.

334 BC BC Halicarnassus was the last bulwark of the Persians against the conquest of Alexander the great in Asia Minor (main article: Siege of Halicarnassus ). Memnon of Rhodes expanded the city ​​and port as the base of operations for the Persian fleet. By a decree of the great king Dareios III. he was now commander in chief. Alexander had siege towers and wall breakers used against the city . After persistent fighting, Memnon's troops withdrew to the port area and defended the base until the following year 333 BC. The neutralization of Halicarnassus meant for Alexander the conclusion of the conquest of the west coast of Asia Minor.

From about 280 BC. Until 200 BC BC Halicarnassus belonged to the Ptolemaic Empire.

The expansion of the Seleucids and the subjugation of the Greek cities of Asia Minor called Rome onto the scene. In the war against Antiochus III. Halicarnassus stood on the Roman side and thus retained his independence for several decades.

Since 129 BC BC Halicarnassus belonged to the Roman province of Asia .



Web links

Commons : Halicarnassus  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Strabo, Geographica 14,2,16.
  2. John Chadwick, Die mykenische Welt , Reclam, Stuttgart 1979, p. 109. Geographical indications are also given. In connection with slaves from Zephyros, slaves from Miletus, Knidos, Lemnos and Aswija (= Asia, probably western Asia Minor) are also listed. S. ibid.
  3. Jorrit M. Kelder: Mycenaeans in Western Anatolia. In: JP Stronk, MD de Weerd (Ed.): TALANTA. Proceedings of the Dutch Archeological and Historical Society XXXVI-XXXVII (2004-2005). 2006, p. 62 f .; Adnan Diler: Stone Tumuli in Pedasa on the Lelegian Peninsula. Problems of Terminology and Origin. in: Olivier Henry, Ute Kelp (Ed.): Tumulus as Sema: Space, Politics, Culture and Religion in the First Millennium BC. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston 2016, p. 60 f.

Coordinates: 37 ° 2 ′ 16.4 ″  N , 27 ° 25 ′ 26.8 ″  E