Identitarian movement

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The Identitarian Movement (also Identitarian Generation , short Identitarians or IB ) describe several actionist , folk- oriented groups that, according to their self- image, represent what is known as “ ethnopluralism ”. They assume a closed, ethnically homogeneous "European culture" whose "identity" is threatened above all by "Islamization" . Specialist journalists, scientists and constitutional protection officials describe such ideas as “ racism without races ” and assign the groups to right-wing extremism . In Germany, the identities can be monitored by the intelligence service by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) because the “positions of the IBD are not compatible with the Basic Law ”. They are also monitored by the state security authorities in Austria and France.

Founding history

The Identitarian Movement arose in France and found supporters in other European countries. It was also influenced by the neo-fascist CasaPound movement founded in Italy in 2003 .

In Austria it was entered in the register of associations in 2012 under the name Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Identity , in Germany since 2014 as the Identitarian Movement Germany . Approximately 400 German members were assumed in 2016. The fact that open neo-Nazism has turned to a more harmless form due to the increased pressure of repression since 2010 is one of the reasons for its establishment.

In Germany, the group emerged from the “Sarrazin Movement”, a cultural racist splinter group that referred to the writing Germany creates abolish itself by right-wing populist publicist Thilo Sarrazin , and was founded in October 2012 as a Facebook group.

It represents the German offshoot of the organization "Génération identitaire", which was originally founded in France as the youth section of the " Bloc identitaire ". This, in turn, is the successor and replacement organization of the right-wing extremist Unité radicale (UR), which was banned as an association dangerous to the state in 2002 after an attack by one of its members on French President Chirac on the national holiday .


Ideologically, the identitarians represent an ethnopluralism. He assumes a biologically based uniformity of a community of people and descent (homogeneity) and strives for the cultural “keeping” of society from external influences that are defined as “foreign” or even “hostile”.

The IB therefore calls for “ethno-pluralistic diversity” instead of “cultural (supra-national) uniformity”, a position that consequently seeks an ethnically and culturally homogeneous society instead of a multicultural structure at the national level.

Each “ people ” - meant in a völkisch meaning as an ethnic collective - has a separate common culture and its “own character”, which are to be protected against threats and intermingling. The term “race” is avoided - according to political scientist Roland Sieber - but the reference to the National Socialist slogan “You are nothing, your people is everything” is “obvious”. In racism research, the “ethnopluralist” conception represented by the Identitarian Movement is defined as “ racism without races ” ( Stuart Hall ). The Identitarian Movement rejects the possibilities of social change, integration and cultural adaptation, flexible identity formation or a change in religious convictions, general individual decisions regarding modernity, culture, values ​​and traditions, both on the part of the local population and on the part of migrants. The groups are supposedly assigned unchangeable character traits that are determined by the chance of birth in a certain world region. The IB activists meet democratic parliamentarism with hardly concealed rejection. For example, a social order based on an idea of ​​ethnic purity is certified as needing “no party state”. The identitarian movement strives for an “ identitarian ” - as opposed to representative - democracy .

The Identitarian Movement follows the tradition of the anti-democratic " Conservative Revolution " of the Weimar Republic , supported above all by bourgeois intellectuals and academics .

By using language that is as innocuous as possible and a sometimes subtle strategy of influencing public discourse , negative associations in society with right-wing extremist slogans and ideas should be overcome and societal connectivity achieved. New conceptual and theoretical constructs serve this goal; In addition, fields of sayability are to be expanded, thereby creating a new acceptance of extremist values ​​and ideas. The IB's focus on an alleged ethno-cultural identity as a central feature of belonging to the community is in contradiction to the liberal nature of the Basic Law , which defines human dignity as a fixed point.

In a rejection of the idea of ​​universal human rights, a discussion volume edited by Martin Sellner and Walter Spatz , two leading figures of the IB, says, for example: “The collective term human being in its identitarian significance is only appropriate for the respective peoples. There is no worldwide demand or approval. This is ultimately an expression of the machinations of an abstract identity that separates us from our own. "

At the center of the identity propaganda is the catchphrase of the “ great exchange ”: At present, the European population is being “exchanged” for a non-European one, which is largely made up of criminals and social service sneaks. Migration is a “pure population exchange”. This company is run by a “social asylum migrants lobby”. The IB calls for "resistance". "The people" is "the last line of defense." In their propaganda, the Identitarian movement operated a martial war rhetoric and draws parallels between the current situation and the so-called Reconquista , the gradual reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Muslim sphere by Christian forces between the 8 . and 15th century. The IB also uses the strategies of delegitimization, generalization, victimization , reversal and the negative terms to create the impression of a crisis and threatening situation. Politicians explicitly function as enemy images and scapegoats; on the other hand, migrants and refugees are presented differently explicitly but definitely as danger and threat (“settlers”, “invasion”, “terror refugee”, “selfugees” who “move into their own garden and claim their wife and daughter”).

Contrary to its self-image and the image conveyed to the outside world as the intellectual and avant-garde spearhead of a new-right non-violent and negative resistance movement, the IB had already shown an affinity for martial arts in the past . This is z. B. Regular part of the "summer universities" of the French IB, to which German activists also travel. A sports program consisting of kickboxing and boxing training was also offered at a strategy meeting of IB Schwaben 2019 . On the part of the IB there have also been isolated violent actions or criminal offenses in the past.

Identity Movement Logo

The movement's logo is the Greek letter Lambda (Λ = L ) in yellow on a black background, often the other way around. It is believed that the identities borrowed it from the ornamentation of the shields of the Spartan hoplites in movie 300 . There and in the comic book , a small group of Spartan fighters confronts a Persian invading army in the battle of Thermopylae . Volker Weiß , Arno Frank and Danijel Majic see parallels between the ideology of the IB and the film plot, which is to be interpreted as a defensive struggle against a “ multicultural armed forces” (Weiß) and the rescue of occidental culture. In addition, it is pointed out that the comic book is revisionist (Frank) and the film is popular in right-wing circles because of its culture war symbolism (Majic). Frank does not consider it to be a coincidence that the lambda symbol is reminiscent of the symbol of the National Socialist Sturmabteilung (SA).

Networking in the right-wing and right-wing extremist milieu

Banners of the Identitarian Movement at a demonstration of the Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) in Geretsried

There are overlaps in Germany with other groups on the right-hand side, for example with student associations, especially the German-Austrian umbrella association Deutsche Burschenschaft or the Pro NRW movement . The Identitarian Movement Germany receives journalistic support from the journal Blaue Narzisse, which is assigned to the New Right . Members of the group also found their way into the AfD , be it in the youth organization through to the state chairman or as a candidate for the state parliament. There it is above all the “ Patriotic Platform ” that represents the demand for “closer cooperation between the Identitarian Movement and the AfD”, since this movement also represents an “Alternative for Germany”.

Tactically on the far right, alternating between conservative and right-wing extremist, the group is close to the Institute for State Policy and the weekly Junge Freiheit , promoting them or using them as “their key word”. The right-wing publisher and co-founder of the Institute for State Policy Götz Kubitschek praised the IB 2016 as an “inimitable, spectacular alliance” that collects “the brave parts of the youth”. At the end of 2019, however, he wrote that “the state [...] had succeeded in criminalizing a young, patriotic approach which, under normal conditions, could have been a great success due to two founding criteria: nonviolence and internationality. [...] It will go on [...] The boys [...] have to think again, reinvent themselves, get the hang of it. "

In 2015, a study by the Berlin Senate Department for the Interior came to the conclusion that there was an action unit against refugees from the Pro Deutschland citizens' movement , HoGeSa Berlin, the Identitarian Movement and the Berlin NPD . This “right-wing extremist potential to participate” is also reflected in the increase in incidents relevant to criminal law. The cultural racist concept was also taken up by the youth organization of the NPD with a campaign “Identity - Become who you are”.

There are still close personal and financial ties with the Compact magazine managed by Jürgen Elsässer . Identity spokesman Martin Sellner is a member of the One Percent Initiative , an alliance project together with Elsässer and its magazine, Götz Kubitschek ( Institute for State Policy , Secession , Antaios Publishing House ) and Hans-Thomas Tillschneider (Alternative for Germany). According to media reports, the initiative presented at the Compact conference and supported by the magazine's website has donated over € 10,000 to the Identitarian Movement.

In Austria, the media speak of a “network of identities with the FPÖ ”. They are connected “excellently” with right-wing populist to right-wing extremist groups across national borders. Above all, “Hungarian and Polish neo-Nazis” are emphasized. The Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW) pointed out in 2016 that in the "case of the 'Identitarians'" [...] the dominance of members of German nationalist corporations [has] reached such proportions that they are also used as their actionist arm and / or recruiting fore can be viewed ".

The Austrian Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the Identitarian Movement as follows (2014): “The scene appearing as a 'movement' places the 'identity of one's own people' at the center of its propaganda. Under the guise of having to protect the respective country or “all of Europe” from “Islamization” and from mass immigration, attempts are made on a pseudo-intellectual basis to disguise one's own racist / nationalist worldview. The distancing from neo-Nazism in public statements is to be seen as a tactical maneuver, since there are officially known neo-Nazis in the ranks of the movement elite and there are contacts in other right-wing extremist scene areas. "

The ideology of the racist and anti-Semitic Alt-Right , particularly present in the USA, is influenced by the Identitarian Movement. Conversely, American right-wing extremism supports the Identitarian Movement organizationally and financially, in particular Aktion Defend Europe . Ideological parallels exist, for example, with regard to the use of a “moderate-sounding” euphemistic usage that is supposed to obscure “national-chauvinistic” ideas and make them appear more acceptable. The principle of universal human rights is rejected and a “protection” of “biocultural diversity” is put in its place.

Within the Identitarian Movement, the theses of Alexander Dugin , a theoretician of the Russian extreme right and “ neo-Eurasists ”, are also discussed . The IB also advertised with a picture showing Dugin with a bazooka shouldered .


Identitary at Pegida -Demo in Dresden, 2015
Flag of the Identitarian Movement at a Pegida demo in Dresden, 2020

Forms of action that are politically sometimes called “right-wing or right-wing extremist communication guerrillas” were repeatedly chosen . However, it is said, “should not be lightly misunderstood as practices of a new social movement”. Actions are definitely violent against things and against people. The procedure was also referred to as the appropriation of left protest culture.

In March 2010, the French "Génération Identitaire" gained public attention when activists demonstrated in a fast food shop masked with pork heads. In France, the left demanded the dissolution of the “Génération Identitaire”, the government decided against it. Similar actions also took place elsewhere, some with pig heads. In doing so, she tied in with the activities of neo-Nazis around Michael Kühnen (donkey head and sign “I am a donkey because I still believe that the German Wehrmacht has committed crimes”).

The first campaign of this kind took place in Germany in 2012. A group of “National Socialists Rostock” masked themselves and danced through Rostock for a few minutes on “ hard bass ” . According to Roland Sieber, such appearances have been spreading among European neo-Nazis since 2011. In fact, something similar also took place elsewhere, partly again with pigs' heads.

With short dance acts and masquerades based on the example of other right-wing groups, with the performance of an IS installation, a stage cast, the disruption of an academic event on the subject of "asylum" or a several-minute occupation of the Brandenburg Gate , the group causes a regularly low number of participants and a short duration , sometimes just seconds, by spreading it on social media to public attention.

On July 4, 2017, the movement in Cottbus distributed pepper spray to women "in defense against criminal foreigners". According to the public prosecutor's office, this was an undisclosed meeting. During a house search carried out in August 2017 at Robert Timm, the head of the identity department in Berlin-Brandenburg, documents and data carriers were seized.

On March 10, 2018, Martin Sellner , head of the Identity Movement in Austria, was arrested at London-Luton Airport and prevented from entering the UK. He wanted to attend an event organized by the British identities at Speakers' Corner in London .

In 2018, according to Volker Weiß, the Identitarian Movement was “barely visible in the media, not to mention real activities”.

On August 25, 2018, the Identitarian Movement organized a "street festival" in Dresden under the name Europa Nostra (Our Europe), to which identitarians from all over Europe traveled.

On July 20, 2019, the "IB Festival" took place in Halle an der Saale with around 250 visitors. At the end of 2019, the IB started the theory blog Originem online .

As emerged in August 2020 from a response from the federal government to a parliamentary request from the FDP parliamentary group, there were findings that the Identitarian Movement “founds associations whose names do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the IBD itself, and also for the purpose of renting event locations uses". According to the FDP domestic politician Benjamin Strasser , such a development "runs the risk of attracting and training young people in the shadow of these stealth clubs for the right-wing extremist ideology of identities".

Defend Europe

In 2017, IB activists chartered the ship C Star under the slogan “Defend Europe” with the aim of preventing refugees from crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. To do this, they wanted to observe and disrupt rescue missions by non-governmental organizations that rescue refugees from distress at sea. The initiators included the co-leader of the Identitarian Movement in Austria, Martin Sellner.

As early as May 2017, members of the Identitarian Movement briefly obstructed the departure of a SOS Méditerranée ship from an Italian port and occupied a museum ship in Bremen. The obstruction of the rescue of shipwrecked migrants is considered life-threatening and criminally relevant, since the law of the sea basically obliges the rescue of shipwrecked people. PayPal froze the Defend Europe account because company policies forbade payments or donations to organizations “that support hatred or violence,” which they had previously raised € 63,000 within three weeks. The YouTube video of the campaign was also removed because it violated the terms of use. The subsequently used IB account at Steiermärkische Sparkasse was also canceled after the campaign organization “Aufstehn” signed a campaign.

Nevertheless, the IB activists managed to charter the C Star ship for their campaign. Vice-captain of the ship is Alexander Schleyer, a former German marine who writes for the new right-wing magazine Blaue Narzisse and was a member of parliament for the FPÖ MP and party chairman in Lower Austria, Christian Höbart , until the end of March 2017 .

The C Star was arrested in the Suez Canal on July 17th while she was sailing into the Mediterranean.

Shortly afterwards, the ship was arrested in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by Turkish police and crew members interrogated. The captain and the first officer, who were also arrested, were accused of forging documents, among other things, as 5 out of 20 prospective seafarers from Sri Lanka who completed part of their training on the ship as far as Cyprus did not use their flight ticket but applied for asylum.

On August 11, 2017, the ship sent a pan-pan message that the ship was unable to maneuver off Libya because the engine had failed. The EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia in Rome ordered the ship Sea-Eye to assist the C Star, as this ship was the closest to the C Star. The Sea-Eye is a ship of the NGO of the same name, against which the crew of the C Star had previously demonstrated. The crew of the C Star refused to help and denied an emergency. According to data from the tracking website , the ship resumed its route on the same day. The campaign ended on August 18, 2017, and the C Star headed for a position east of Malta . Its government refused the ship entry into Maltese ports, which was welcomed by the local human rights groups Aditus Foundation, Graffiti, Integra Foundation , the Jesuit Refugee Service (Malta) and The Critical Institute . According to their own statements, the Maltese authorities refused to provide "services". An emergency, as claimed by the Identitarian Movement, never existed. In October 2017, it became known that the Identities had left the ship in August without leaving any food or money; the crew has since been provided with food and drinks on the ship by the Catalan Red Cross. ITF top trade unionist David Heindel spoke of a "farce" and described the organization of the mission of the Identitarians as "schoolboy-like". Identity member Martin Sellner, who was part of Defend Europe, said on Twitter: “We have not let [the crew] down. We left the ship at the end of our paid charter. "

Economic activities

According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, efforts by the identity movement to benefit financially from the implementation of identity projects by founding commercial enterprises can be seen. These include the media agency "Occident Media", the company "Schanze Eins" as a financial service provider to attract investors for identical real estate projects and the "Cohort UG", which is behind the IB shop "Phalanx Europa", through the merchandise and propaganda materials to be expelled. In 2019, the attempt by the Identity Movement to acquire Reinsberg Castle in Saxony failed .

Crimes in Germany

According to the Ministry of the Interior , the authorities registered a total of 114 crimes related to the identity movement in Germany between April 2017 and August 2018, the vast majority of which were incidents such as the affixing of stickers, the spraying of walls and the holding of unregistered meetings. In Munich there was in August 2018 right-wing extremist incidents of police to initiate investigation for sedition led and using prohibited symbols. In June 2020, an activist of the movement who attacked two police officers with pepper spray in front of the house of the Identitarian Movement in Halle (Saale) in 2017 was sentenced to an eight-month suspended sentence; the co-defendant was acquitted.

Criminal proceedings in Austria

At the instigation of the Graz Public Prosecutor's Office , the police carried out searches of members of the Identitarian Movement Austria (IBÖ) at the end of April 2018 . The authorities charged the group with forming a criminal organization . In terms of criminal acts, three incidents of hatred , one damage to property and one coercion with bodily harm were ascribed to her. The accused hate speech consisted of a banner with the inscription "Islamization kills", which the IBÖ had attached to the office of the Graz Greens, as well as the hoisting of a banner with the inscription " Erdogan get your Turks ham!" At the Turkish embassy. As a result of the investigation, the group's bank account was terminated. The charge was heavily criticized by legal experts and politicians in the run-up to the trial. For example , Helmut Fuchs, the former director of the Institute for Criminal Law at the University of Vienna , doubted that the criminal organization had been committed. You have to be "very careful that your convictions are not punished," warned the Neos judge Irmgard Griss . The judicial spokesman for the SPÖ , Johannes Jarolim , considered the indictment to be "excessive".

On July 26, 2018, the Graz Regional Criminal Court acquitted the 17 defendants of the charge of forming a criminal organization and of inciting hatred. Two defendants were sentenced to fines for damage to property and another for coercion in the unit of assault . The public prosecutor's office appealed against the judge's ruling, so that the Graz Higher Regional Court had to rule on the verdict. On January 23, 2019, this largely confirmed the decision of the Graz Regional Criminal Court. Only the conviction for coercion in offense with bodily harm was referred back to the criminal district court for a new decision. This conviction was based on the fact that the rector of the University of Klagenfurt detained an IBÖ activist during a disruptive action and that he then forcibly tore himself away. The criminal district court was now obliged to decide whether the rector acted in his capacity as a civil servant and whether, depending on this, simple or serious bodily harm was carried out.

In March 2019, a police house search took place in the Vienna apartment of Martin Sellner, co-head of the Austrian identities . According to Sellner, he is being investigated for “founding or membership in a terrorist organization ”. The reason for this is a donation he received from Brenton Tarrant , the Christchurch assassin . Sellner denied ever having had contact with the assassin.


Social and Political Science

In an interview, the social scientist Alexander Häusler from the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences referred to the right-wing extremist origin of the identity movement in France. One wants to "make racism modern and hip" (2013). Häusler later added that it was a matter of addressing young people with “nationalist and racist campaigns”. In the glossary of the nationwide information and competence network BIKnetz - Prevention network against right-wing extremism, Häusler stated on the Identitarian Movement Germany (IBD) that the forms of staging of the movement in neo-Nazi, new-right and anti-Muslim milieu were positively received.

The historian Volker Weiß sees “well-known slogans”. The identity claim that “one has nothing in common with the extreme right” is astonishing (2013). The assertions not to be racist were not convincing after the group based ideologically “essentially” on concepts “of the right-wing extremist theorist Guillaume Faye”. On this in turn, PEGIDA initiatives built on, for which “the commitment of protagonists of the extreme right is evident” (2015). The “ avant-garde touch of the IB” remains “limited to the advertising material”. The image galleries of the IB and its followers in the social networks, on the other hand, originated "from the world of« black romanticism »and neo - folk through to open blood-and-soil kitsch" (2017) Weiss also emphasizes "the rigid ideas of gender identity" emerged. Hence the identity “campaign against any form of uncertainty about a fixed gender fate”. The American masculinist and “ apocalyptic misogynist” Jack Donovan, for example, was “happily welcomed as part of one's own family” with his writing The Way of Men , because his “reduction of society to the instinctive behavior of the animal world” was “correct as a correspondence with the own thinking ”.

The educationalist and right-wing extremism researcher Benno Hafeneger locates the Identitarian Movement in the “radical right-wing camp” (2013). It stands "in the culture-fighting tradition of thinking in the gray area of ​​right-wing conservatism, right-wing populism and right-wing extremism".

According to the Austrian sociologist Oliver Marchart , the identity movement is the “right-wing extremist response to post-identity social movements” (2013). She represents xenophobic ideas, such as ethnopluralism.

A study by political scientist Gudrun Hentges et al. came to the result (2014) that the identitarians were in a "field of tension" between Front National , French Nouvelle Droite or German New Right and conventional German neo-Nazism .

The media scholar Jeffrey Wimmer sees a “right-wing extremist movement” at work, which uses the newer opportunities for participation for anti-democratic purposes (2014).

The identity group in Austria (IBÖ) is classified by the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW) as right-wing extremist (2014). Accordingly, there are contacts with neo-fascists in other European countries, such as Italy and Hungary. Leadership cadres come partly from organized neo-Nazism . The movement shows a "pronounced militancy". It is a "right-wing extremist youth organization with diverse fascist echoes in theory, aesthetics, rhetoric and style". A broad impact is sought through actionism and accompanying public relations work. The increasing pressure of repression on the neo-Nazi scene after 2010 had "significantly" led to a tactical distancing from "open neo-Nazism" as a "not very promising model" due to legal and police restrictions.

The group has a “manageable number” of followers and draws on “historical topoi and dramaturgical forms of expression from the entire fundus of the extreme right”, according to historian and memorial worker Michael Sturm (2015).

According to the political scientists Julian Bruns , Kathrin Glösel and Natascha Strobl (2017), the identities tactically distanced themselves from the outside world from anti-Semitism , but repeatedly denigrated the culture of commemoration as a “ guilt cult ”. Alexander Markovics of the Austrian Identitarians also relativized the National Socialist crimes by equating refugee movements to Europe with the Holocaust and stating that both were “genocide” and, in the case of migration, the “autochthonous” population of Europe was the victim. Natascha Strobl also states with reference to the terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch (2019) that such acts are preceded by a social discourse that marginalize and stigmatize religious minorities . The identitarians worked on this discourse, and when they “proclaim that they are the last generation to prevent the fall of Europe, then violence is linguistically present in this narrative ”.

Despite the alleged demarcation and distancing of the IB from anti-Semitism , the political scientist Elke Rajal (2018) came to the conclusion, after examining over a hundred articles by identities and their environment, that these texts are "bursting with open, coded, secondary and structural anti-Semitism ". If one uses appropriate allusions but does not name Jews directly, according to Rajal these codes can be "understood (or even ignored) by the target audience".

The sociologist Thorsten Mense (2018) attested the IB a “ totalitarian worldview in which every single person is inescapably subordinated to 'his' culture and origin and pluralism is seen as a threat”. He pointed out that - even if the identitarians always emphasized that they were not racists - it was racism “only under 'ethno-cultural' signs”, “to divide people into 'organic communities' based on their origin, culture and religion to attribute unchangeable properties and to establish a fundamental, natural incompatibility between them and other groups ”.

Media and practical politics

The Franco-German journalist and lawyer Bernard Schmid , whose main focus is the extreme right in France and Europe, classifies the French Génération Identitaire as “right-wing extremist” (2012).

Stefan Glaser from , a youth protection organization of the federal states, worked out in a study on right-wing extremism that the identities concealed racism and that the movement was to be assessed as a “new - right-wing extremist - current” (2013).

The federal government introduced in 2013 to an inquiry by the Bundestag down firmly, identitary "openly racist, xenophobic or seditious utterances" were her "not known". Only the French “Génération Identitaire” qualified them as “right-wing extremists”. One “examines” to what extent there could be “ actual indications ” of anti-constitutional efforts. There are also indications that right-wing extremists are trying to infiltrate the Identitarian Movement in Germany.

Andreas Speit (2014), specialist journalist for right-wing extremism, assesses the ideology and tradition of the Identitarian Movement as “right-wing extremist”. Anti-humanist and anti-democratic ideas of the past revived there. There are “intellectual bonds with Carl Schmitt ”.

According to specialist journalists Toralf Staud , Johannes Radke and Heike Kleffner , the Identitarian Movement represents “classic Islamophobic , racist and anti- democratic positions” (2014). They are "new right and right-wing extremists". First intelligence service opinions of a mainly virtual phenomenon are invalid.

In 2014, the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior , in response to a written request from SPD members in the state parliament , said that the Identitarian Movement had “indications that point to right-wing extremist ideology fragments”, but so far “no sufficiently weighty and attributable factual evidence” that an intelligence service observation in Bavaria would justify.

The Swiss information platform, which is overseen by right-wing extremism experts, describes the “identitarians” as “a new trend within the extreme right” (2015).

According to the journalist Daniel Erk ( Die Zeit , 2019), the identities pretend to be “right-wing extremists” who are “right-wing extremists enough for the members, bourgeois enough for the donors and clandestine supporters”. The movement is the calculation "to break the chain of associations right - right-wing radical - Nazi - Auschwitz" ". With the spread of the catchphrase of the “great exchange”, according to which there could be no integration for “the grandchildren of the grandchildren” , the identitarians radicalized themselves “as a precaution against the loss of meaning”. Your activism and the terrorism of Christchurch are fed “by the same paranoia .” They are “ethnic allies, united by conspiracy theories and racist rhetoric”.

In the summer of 2020, the microblogging service Twitter blocked numerous accounts of users in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy and France who were attributed to the Identitarian Movement, including that of Martin Sellner. Twitter justified this by saying that these accounts glorified terrorism and violence . The video platform YouTube joined the measure in July 2020 .

Domestic intelligence in the EU


The then President of the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Hans-Georg Maaßen, described the Identitarian Movement in 2013 as a virtual form of right-wing extremism with "so far little reference to the real world".

In July 2019, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) classified the Identitarian Movement in Germany as clearly right-wing extremist after a three-year examination and can then monitor it with all intelligence services . BfV President Thomas Haldenwang explained: "These intellectual arsonists question the equality of people or even their human dignity per se, talk about foreign infiltration , increase their own identity in order to devalue others and purposefully stir up enemy images."

The Cologne administrative court ruled in September 2019 that the protection of the Constitution had to revoke the designation "secured right-wing extremist". Only the term "suspected case" is permissible. The BfV then removed the relevant press release and lodged a complaint with the Higher Administrative Court, as it did not consider the “reasoning and result of the decision” to be convincing. In June 2020, the Berlin Administrative Court rejected an urgent application from the Identitarian Movement, which means that the designation “secured right-wing extremist” is permissible in the report on the protection of the constitution. The Federal Ministry of the Interior should inform the public about the efforts of the identities against the free democratic basic order.

According to Volker Weiß, the official observation made the identity movement in Germany a burden for the AfD and other allies.


The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior / Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Combating Terrorism has repeatedly classified the movement as right-wing extremist. In 2014, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution attested her a “racist / nationalist view of the world” that should be concealed with “pseudo-intellectual” means. The "distancing from neo-Nazism" is only tactical. There are “officially known neo-Nazis” in the ranks of the “movement”, and “contacts with other right-wing extremist scene areas” are maintained.


The right-wing extremism and hooliganism department of the French domestic secret service DCRI observes the identity scene (as of 2012). In 2012 she led some of her activists in the "S" category (for "Sûreté de l'Etat" = State Security [dangerous]).

Literary reception

In the 2015 novel Submission by the French writer Michel Houellebecq , “identitarians” play a key role. Houellebecq describes conversions of members of the French educated middle class to Islam. Some of his converts are “identitarians”. After the breakthrough of a Muslim Brotherhood in the elections, the novel leads to civil war-like conditions between Islamists and the supposed “natives of Europe”. According to one reviewer, the author paints "a horror scenario of the takeover of power by political Islam". The work was controversially discussed in numerous reviews and rated very differently.


Web links

Commons : Identitarian movement  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Protection of the Constitution - right-wing extremism. Retrieved April 10, 2019 . ;
    Gregor Mayntz: Identitarian Movement Under Observation: When Racists Are Intellectual. Retrieved April 10, 2019 . ;
    Patrick Gensing: The "Identitarians" - Racism as Pop Culture. Brandenburg State Center for Civic Education, July 27, 2016, accessed on September 17, 2019 . ;
    Christian Böhm: Identitarian Movement: “We are dealing with newly packaged racism” . July 11, 2016 ( [accessed April 10, 2019]). ;
    Mike Reichel: The language of the "New Right". Retrieved April 10, 2019 .
  2. Federal Ministry of the Interior , Register of Associations, State Police Directorate Styria, ZVR number 380600847
  3. Paderborn District Court, Association Register Sheet 3135.
  4. Ann-Kathrin Hipp, Katharina Weygold: "Identitarian Movement": The Right Likes Catchers. In: Spiegel Online , August 13, 2016.
  5. ^ DÖW - Recognize - Right-Wing Extremism - Right-Wing Extremist Organizations - Identitarian Movement Austria (IBÖ). Retrieved September 4, 2018 . ;
    Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Fight against Terrorism (Ed.): Verfassungsschutzbericht 2014 . Vienna 2015 ( report online on the BVT website [PDF; 1,2 MB ]).
  6. ^ Patrick Gensing: Right-wing extremists support Sarrazin demonstration. Publication, September 4, 2010, see: Archive link ( Memento of May 6, 2016 in the Internet Archive ).
  7. Roland Sieber: About "Immortals" and "Identitaries". In: Stephan Braun, Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers. 2nd Edition. Wiesbaden 2016, pp. 365–376, here: p. 369.
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  18. ^ Constitutional Protection Report Bavaria 2018, p. 156 f.
  19. a b Report on the Protection of the Constitution Baden-Württemberg 2018 , p. 186 f.
  20. Saxon Constitutional Protection Report 2018 - preliminary draft, p. 48
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  22. ^ Danijel Majic: Right Movement in Hesse - Right: "Stop the great exchange". In: Frankfurter Rundschau , July 3, 2015.
  23. Sabine Lehner: Rhetoric of fear using the example of the 'identitarians'. For the construction of threats, crises and dangers. In: Judith Goetz, Joseph Maria Sedlacek, Alexander Winkler (Ed.): Untergangster des Abendlandes. Ideology and reception of the right-wing extremist 'identitarians'. 2nd Edition. Marta Press, Hamburg 2018, pp. 150, 155.
  24. Ines Aftenberger: The 'identitarian' elimination of the other. The not so new neo-racism of the 'identitarians'. In: Goetz, Sedlacek, Winkler (eds.), P. 219.
  25. ^ Constitutional Protection Report Bavaria 2019 , p. 127
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  27. ^ Danijel Majic: Latest Rights. In: Frankfurter Rundschau . November 11, 2011, accessed February 5, 2013 .
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  38. ^ Constitutional Protection Report Schleswig-Holstein 2019 , p. 65.
  39. ^ Right-wing extremist activities against refugees and refugee shelters in Berlin. Situation analysis, Berlin 2015, see also: Right-wing extremist activities against refugees and refugee accommodation in Berlin .
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