Jean de Beaumont-Gâtinais

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Jean de Beaumont-Gâtinais (* around 1190, † 1255 ) was lord of Villemomble and Grand Chamberlain of France . He was a younger son of Lord Adam I of Beaumont-en-Gâtinais and Alix Leriche.


He was around 1240 by King Ludwig IX. appointed the saint to his chamberlain. Together with Vice Count Gottfried VI. Shortly afterwards he led an army from Châteaudun to the Languedoc in order to put down the revolt of Raymond II Trencavel there . After a three-day siege, he captured Peyrepertuse Castle on November 16, 1240 .

Beaumont also accompanied the king with his two sons on the crusade to Egypt (1248–1254), with his nephew Guillaume de Beaumont , who was appointed royal marshal in the course of this enterprise. A letter written in Latin by Jean de Beaumont, dated June 25, 1249, has been handed down to the royal bread master. In it he describes in detail the landing of the crusader army on the coast of Egypt and the conquest of the port city of Damiette in June 1249. With the letter from the chamberlain Jean Sarrasin , this report can be used as a corrective addition to the life of the king of Jean de Joinville, which was written much later . In addition to the Connétable de Beaujeu and the servant Étienne, Beaumont was the third written witness in November 1249 on the document establishing the archdiocese of Damiette by the king.

Beaumont's relationship with Joinville itself appeared to have been one of mutual aversion within the royal council. However, in 1250 he got into a dispute with his own nephew over the question of the king's return home, but the party around Marshal Beaumont and Joinville prevailed and the king agreed to stay in the holy land for a longer period (up to 1254) decided.


Jean de Beaumont was married twice, first to Alix de Mauvoisin and then to Isabelle de Garlande. He had several children from both marriages, including his first wife:

  • Guillaume de Beaumont († 1268), lord of Villemonble
  • Alix de Beaumont († 1275), ∞ with Jean I. le Prud'homme , seigneur d'Harcourt
  • Guy de Beaumont (†?)


  • Lettre de Jean de Beaumont, Chambrier de France, à Geoffroi de la Chapelle, Panetier de France. In: Jean Sarrasin: Lettres Françaises du XIIIe siècle (= Classiques Français du Moyen Âge. 43, ISSN  0755-1959 ). Champion, Paris 1924, pp. 1-20.
  • Jean Richard: Orient et Occident au Moyen Age. Contacts et relations (XIIe - XVe s.) (= Variorum Collected Studies Series. 49). Variorum Reprints, London 1976, ISBN 0-902089-93-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. Guillaume de Nangis : Gesta Sancti Ludovici. Edited by M. Daunou . In: Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France . Vol. 20, 1840, pp. 313-465, here p. 328 .
  2. Guillaume de Beaumont moved together with his cousin Pierre de Beaumont in 1266 with Charles of Anjou to southern Italy and fought there against the Hohenstaufen. See Baldwin von Avesnes ?: Extraits de la Chronique attribuée a Baudoin d'Avesnes. In: Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Vol. 21, 1855, pp. 159-181, here pp. 172-173 and Balduin von Avesnes : Chronicon Hanoniense. Edited by Johannes Heller . In: Monumenta Germaniae Historica . 5: Scriptores in folio. Vol. 25, 1880, ISSN  0343-2157 , pp. 414-467, here p. 460 .