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Portal history | Portal Biographies | Current events | Annual calendar

| 12th century | 13th century | 14th century |
| 1220s | 1230s | 1240s | 1250s | 1260s | 1270s | 1280s |
◄◄ | | 1251 | 1252 | 1253 | 1254 | 1255 | 1256 | 1257 | 1258 | 1259 | |►►

Heads of State · Nekrolog

Family coat of arms of the Counts of Nassau (Ottonian line) Family coat of arms of the Counts of Nassau (Walramic line) Otto I and his brother Walram I of Nassau divide their lands between themselves and establish the two main lines of the House of Nassau .
1255 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 703/704 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1247/48
Buddhist calendar 1798/99 (southern Buddhism); 1797/98 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 65th (66th) cycle

Year of the wooden hare乙卯 ( at the beginning of the year wooden tiger 甲寅)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 617/618 (turn of the year April)
Iranian calendar 633/634
Islamic calendar 652/653 (turn of the year 9/10 February)
Jewish calendar 5015/16 (September 3-4)
Coptic calendar 971/972
Malayalam calendar 430/431
Seleucid era Babylon: 1565/66 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1566/67 (turn of the year October)

Spanish era 1293
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1311/12 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

Holy Roman Empire

Bulgarian-Byzantine Wars

  • The Bulgarian Tsar Michael II. Assen , who has lost numerous territories to the Byzantine Empire in recent years , tries to take advantage of the change of throne in the Nicaea Empire that took place in the previous year and marches into Thrace with his troops . The new emperor Theodor II then undertakes a counter-offensive. In the ensuing peace treaty, Bulgaria had to cede further areas and lost all of Thrace with the exception of the coastal cities.

Other events in Europe

Coat of arms of the old town Koenigsberg

Voyages of discovery

The route of Wilhelm von Rubruks (green)

The Flemish Franciscan and explorer Wilhelm von Rubruk leaves the capital Karakoram in spring after spending two years in Mongolia and starts his journey home. After a short detour via Cyprus, he arrives in Tripoli near Beirut on August 15th . There, his superiors did not let him travel to his clients in Rome or France, but entrusted him with the task of a theology lecturer in Acre . Here he dictates his travel report Itinerarium Willelmi de Rubruc in the form of a letter to the French king and has one of his companions deliver it to him.


  • December 1st : Ala ad-Din Muhammad III. 26. Imam of the Shia of the Nizari-Ismailis and seventh ruler of Alamut , murdered in his sleep by his closest confidante Hasan-i Mazandarani with an ax blow while on a tour through his territory. His son and successor Rukn ad-Din Khurschah , who has been publicly abused by his father on several occasions, has the murderer and some of his family members executed, but the rumor persists that the crime was carried out with his consent.

Local history and first documentary mentions

  • until 1255: Formation of a bourgeois-patrician council and struggle of the council and the citizenship for the achievement of the communal autonomy in Erfurt .

science and technology


The elephant of Louis IX ; From the Liber additamentorum by Matthew Paris , 1255


Seemannshausen Monastery on the Wening engraving from 1710


Born around 1255


Date of death secured

Exact date of death unknown

The Shrine of Little Hugh in Lincoln Cathedral

Died around 1255

  • Werner II. , Count of Battenberg and Wittgenstein

Web links

Commons : 1255  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files