Jephtha (Handel)

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Jephtha ( HWV 70; German also Jephta ) is a dramatic oratorio in three parts by Georg Friedrich Handel .


As usual, Handel noted the dates of his work on the work in the composition score. You can also see from his remarks how dramatically his eye condition worsened during this time. He composed the first act from January 21st to February 2nd, 1751. In the second act he wrote “How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees” in German with the choir: “Bit here came on February 13th, 1751 because of being so relaxed of the face of my left eye ”. When he resumed work, he noted "the 23 of this (month) has been approached a little better", and at the end of the second act "ended the 27 of this February 1751".

He then went to Cheltenham for a cure and then on June 18 began work on the third act and filling in the voices. On August 30th, he added his closing formula S (oli). D (eo). G (loria). with the date.

Compared to Handel's oratorios, the work has an unusually high number of loans from other composers. Several movements contain material from the collection of masses published in 1747 by the Bohemian composer Franz Johann Habermann .

The oratorio was first performed on February 26, 1752 at the Theater Royal in Covent Garden and has been repeated twice. It was performed repeatedly in 1752, 1753, 1758.

Jephtha is Handel's last newly written oratorio. Around five years later, he still created the English-language oratorio The Triumph of Time and Truth , which, however, was largely created by reworking the Italian Il Trionfo .


The libretto wrote - as in the preceding oratorios - Reverend Thomas Morell . The subject of the vow of Judge Jephtha and its consequences for his daughter is taken from the Book of Judges (Judges 11, 30-40) in the Old Testament of the Bible .

Two other sources of inspiration for Morell can be identified in the text: George Buchanan "Jephthes sive votum" from 1554 (published in 1750 in an English translation by William Tait), and Maurice Green's oratorio Jephtha from 1737.

1. Overture

1st act

2. Zebul : (Ac) So it must be, eh 'Ammon's tyranny, which has plagued our country for eighteen years, is crushing the people of Israel. Since God turns away, and with his hint no longer determines the guide for us, as usual, choose for yourself: where is a better man than Gilead's son, my brave brother Jephtha? It is true that we once mocked him and then banished him as the son of a stranger; But I know him: his noble mind will not seek vengeance when his oppressed people cry out for help. Perhaps heaven will hear our pleading if we now repentfully pray for mercy.

3. Zebul : (A) Do not call on idols any longer because they are deaf and empty. No more desecrated with the blasphemous sound of the Lord's Altar.

4th chorus : The cymbals no longer ring out, oh Moloch, your terrifying figure, to a cruel dance around your victim center. Kamos, we do not sing praises to you in sacred songs that only God worships.

5. Zebul : (R) But Jephtha is coming, God, Lord, you help us. O Jephtha! We ask for your pity; look to your penitent brothers need. Forget what happened to you and save the land, joy, from the hands of the enemy. Jephtha : I will, if God pleases. This is the condition: The power you gave me in war should also be mine in peace, if God lets us win. Zebul : So be it with our God.

6. Jephtha : (A) virtue fill my soul, goodness only make me great. Whoever builds on this ground alone is not afraid of fate.

7. Storgè : (R) We will part with pain, Jephtha, when you go armed into the bloody field. But oh, how futile is my complaint, since our whole people are lying on the ground, longing for freedom and happiness.

8. Storgè : (A) In soft sounds I sing a lament like the abandoned dove. And sighing, I wish you back, in freedom and in true happiness.

9. Hamor : (R) O what a joy, beloved Iphis, that I can see you again now. Like the moon that breaks through the clouds, shining like the nocturnal wanderer, so your eyes shine on me, and it drives away the pain. Your lovely gaze awakens me anew, just as your father's watchful leadership inspires this poor people with renewed courage. O hurry, please complete my happiness!

10. Hamor : (A) Dull waiting makes the loved one consumed full of agony, and in vain he waits for you. Light me with lovely looks, do not deceive me with false happiness, do not torment me with fear and pain.

11. Iphis : (R) Love is silent when honor calls, and now sends you to war with Jephtha. There show yourself as a hero, and show yourself worthy of being his son with the courage to fight; you will then receive a deserved reward.

12. Iphis : (A) To your loving heart, take mine into your chest. Then you feel doubly strong, you will be assured of victory.

13. Hamor : (R) Well, I'm going. Inspired by your word, I hurry to the fight. I see myself crowned with the victory wreath; then you are mine, a prize worth more than honor, victory and fame.

14. Iphis and Hamor : (Duet) After such an effort, how blessed we are, how glorious, how happy! When the wreath and ornament of victory adorns the festival of love.

15. Jephtha : (Ac) What is this confused game in my mind? Images of happiness appear here before me, friendly at first, and then fade into night. My chest is aflame: my arm fills ten times its strength, and the bush of the helmet stretches towards the sky. Be humble, my heart; it is the Spirit of our Lord, I now take my vows to him.

16. Jephtha : (A) When, led by your mighty hand, I overthrow Ammon and drive him and his army out of this hard-pressed land, and return home crowned as a hero of victory; so be the first thing that appears here before me, then consecrated to you, O Lord, and be sacrificed.

17. Jephtha : (R) So be it. Your leaders, listen and lift up your voice to Israel’s God.

18. Chorus : O God, see our great need. Your commandment is punishment or reward. Turn away your anger, look graciously at yours who pleadingly approach you.

19. Storgè : (R) A hard fate hovers over us, and many a lament can be heard in this great need. O never, never has my heart ever suspected the suffering with such anguish.

20. Storgè : (A) Pictures of horror, large and pale, rise from the realm of shadows in the gray of the night. The slave's suffering is endless, time passes without consolation, the hour flies joylessly.

21. Iphis : (R) Tell me, dear mother, what terrible screams startled me out of my peace, like scared game? Storgè : My heart is afraid for you, horrified by a bad dream that night. Iphis : Do not heed the black dream of the night, do not pay attention to the images of restless slumber, My father, whom a divine fire drives, victory now seems certain to him; no doubt. God hears our pleading.

22. Iphis : (A) Happy days, dawn scatters smiling cheerful light; and a joyful ray of hope breaks through the dark night of need. The whole year blooms and laughs in eternal May splendor.

23. Zebul : (R) This, Jephtha, was the word of the proud king: Not peace! Only corruption, slavery and death. Jephtha : On then to the last battle; go into the field, you sons of Israel; strong be your heart, trusting in the Lord's might and power.

24. Choir : When his voice thunders, violence breaks for fear of the flood; trembling at the hand of omnipotence; it rolls in vain in storm and fury; spellbound by his fist, through which it rages and roars. She shyly tames her proud courage, and the beach laughs, mocking her anger.

2nd act

25. Hamor : (R) As a messenger of great happiness, O dear Iphis, I come to the house of Israel and to you. Hear what happened. When both armies were ready for battle, our guide stepped forward and offered the proud Ammon peace, just and fair. Since he was rejected, the battle cry rang out; But before a sword dipped in the blood of the enemy, the heavens parted in the thunder and poured out countless hosts of cherubim, and Jephtha's voice uttered: "This is a sign, Lord, I am following you and your holy army." Then he threw himself on Ammon's great power and triumphed in the bloody battle and pursued the fleeing enemy into the dead of night; we rested on it and enjoyed the victory.

26. Chorus : Cherub and Seraphim, Jehovah's army, are messengers of destiny, in anticipation of his sight; they storm quickly, in the form of light, with the force of lightning. They drive along in the storm wind.

27. Hamor : (A) Striding in the tumult of battle, arguing for the price of love, I look for you, the pledge of victory. Since I am now blessed with happiness, sweet joy meets me, I pay no attention to any other fame.

28. Iphis : (R) Come on, you girls, and dress me like a bride with rich jewelry, to receive my father in a festive manner, and when the banners blow around happily,

29. Iphis : (A) Sends gentle lute sounds, flutes and harps up with song in praise of God. The holy temple choir praises Jehovah's prize as loudly as in a happy festival group.

30. Zebul : (R) Now the heavens are gracious again, the silver wings spread wide the victory, the hardship ends in the peace of peace.

31. Zebul : (A) Freedom has been given to us anew, peace enters our life with joy in victory. Zion will no longer lament, will dedicate a song of praise to you, the Lord, in future blessing days.

32. Jephtha : (R) Zebul, you fought valiantly, and you too, my Hamor, but the glory belongs to the Lord.

33. Jephtha : (A) The enemy smashes courage and proud splendor with a sudden power. They perish as if the storm wind had plunged them into mortal distress at his command.

34. Chorus : In glory he directs the world, moves the universe as he pleases. The lord smashes the enemy's courage and proud splendor with sudden power.

35th Sinfonia

36. Iphis : (R) Hail, great hero of victory, dear father, hail! See, your daughter, in the group of virgins, greets you with love as it is your due.

37. Iphis : (A) Greetings like cheerful light that breaks through the dark night, like spring that gives peace to this world and fills the field. No daylight, even spring, does not bring such abundant blessings as Fried ', who waves his flag.

38. Choir of the boys : Hail to thee, the heroism raised us to power and glory! Hail to you, whom God has sent to be the Savior of this land. You appeared to proclaim the power of the Lord near and far.

39. Jephtha : (R) horror, horror! This song sounds ghastly in my numb ear. Back, my child, your father is destroyed. Flee, away, and let me drown in desperation!

40. Jephtha : (A) Open, you dark grave, the throat and hide me, earth, in the black ground. Before a father's cruelty turns victory into deep sorrow.

41. Zebul : (R) Why, my brother, are you so upset? Why do you spurn greeting your daughter and push her away from you with such a hard mind? Jephtha : O Zebul! Hamor! and my dear wife! Listen to me, the one who falls from the top of proud joys to the deepest bottom of misery. So hear: I swore, the first thing I saw to be sacrificed to the living God: the daughter, oh dread! he was the daughter and she is dying.

42. Storgè : (Ac) First you fall, and the whole world with you! Heaven gave us this only pledge of love, this dear child, and now you want to be his murderer? No, cruel man! (Arioso) Let other victims die! Heaven, land and flood may break and ruin, anyway a daughter's blood is so pure, so beautiful, so good! sheds the father's anger.

43. Hamor : (R) If this remains your hard will, see, your friend freely offers himself as a sacrifice to you in order to save your wonderful child.

44. Hamor : (A) Only me, in blindly confused anger, meet me with your hand. Because grace is death wherever all joy of life has waned.

45th Quartet : (Storgè) Already my child! (Hamor) My dear! Take back your oath, it brings us curse. (Zebul) Spare the daughter. (Jephtha) The oath is sworn before God's throne. (Hamor) God does not want the sacrifice, the duty of Moloch's servants! (Jephtha) Oh, be silent! The saying is clear. (Storgè) Don't do what Moloch's servants are supposed to do.

46. Iphis : (Ac) I quickly heard the bitter cause of all your grief. God accepted the Father's oath with grace and brought him success. Jephtha is victorious, Israel is free.

47. Iphis : (R) For such salvation, how small is the price of one life! O Lord, graciously accept me as a sacrifice, always bless my people, all my friends and my dear Father!

48. Iphis (A) Hail to you! I like to leave the happiness of life with you. Without complaint, without pain, I look forward to death.

49. Jephtha : (Ac) Deeper and deeper only your courage tears apart, alas, your father's bleeding heart and stiffly restrains my terrible speech. O let me whisper it in the wild storm, in desolate deserts, it is too terrible for a human ear. But haven't I praised it? and can I hope that Jehovah God sleeps as Kamos and such like do idols? Alas no! He took the oath and kept the covenant: it has to be done! That's what tortures my chest with a thousandfold pain, tortures me to the point of madness! Horrible! The only daughter! my dear child! sacrificed by me! Yes, that was the oath, and Gilead defeated his enemy for that reason, at dawn, at dawn ... I can't go on.

50. Chorus : O Lord, how dark is your resolution for us, how deeply hidden from our gaze. Our lust turns into lamentation, our victory into despair, like day follows night. No sure happiness, no permanent salvation is granted to us here on earth. But if you give up in faith, say: What happens to us is right.

3rd act

51. Jephtha : (A) Shed your hated light, oh sun, in night, in night and dark, deep as only the father's pain,

52. Jephtha : (Ac) ... the Father who consecrated his only child as an offering thanks for battle glory and victory.

53. Jephtha : (A) Carry them, angels, gently with you to the azure heights. Let them go wonderfully with you into the eternal kingdom of heaven.

54. Iphis : (R) You holy priests, who you never stain yourselves with human blood: why are you so appalled and afraid of this deed? I obey the Lord's call with humility and submission.

55. Iphis : (A) Farewell, you clear spring in the grove, you green forest, you field of flowers; Farewell, restless world, after a short pleasure and long, long pain. I rush to better worlds, in the realm of love and peace.

56. Choir of priests : Anxious fear and pious awe make us kneel here, Lord. Does the law make sense? or oath and loyalty? Lord, perceive our great misery and make your will clear to us.

57th Symphony

58. Angel : (R) Listen, Jephtha! And you priests all leave the bloody work! No oath ever invalidates the Lord's law; and such deed is not its true meaning, yet the oath is fulfilled. So hear, Jephtha: your child should consecrate himself to the Lord, as a virgin always serve him; for it is not destined to be a sacrificial animal that sinks to die for the Lord. The holy spirit thus proclaims the meaning of the oath through me and praises your loyalty.

59. Angel : (A) Blessed, Iphis, forever, when the band of virgins with song and harp sound annually offer you praise and thanks. Blessed, Iphis, all time, pure and holy, angelic, you will bloom, and your praise will be glorious forever.

60. Jephtha : (Arioso) Your name be praised forever, Lord God of Israel!

61. Choir of priests : Praise and thanks are due only to you, who led us righteously! Your grace is always new, eternally steadfast, eternally faithful.

62. Zebul : (R) I praise you happy for such salvation, my noble brother, judge of Israel! Your courage, your faith, loyalty and trust, all of that lives on, your daughter's fame also heralds in the song of praise of the peoples' song.

63. Zebul : (A) Praise them, loudly, all of you maidens, in song with cheers! You too, holy group of angels, offer her a song of praise; Virtue that belongs to you, love and loyalty, has transfigured them.

64. Storgè : (R) O let yourself be closed in your mother's arm! and receive with joy what happens to you, you are called to the service of the Lord.

65. Storgè : (A) As sweet as for someone who is blind, the rays of the sun are so happy for you, saved child! You are mine again now; God showed himself graciously, has redeemed us from pain, blessed you.

66. Hamor : (R) With delight, Iphis, I see you saved, but now my hard lot makes me lament, hard, even if Jephtha will honor me so that he now calls me son.

67. Hamor : (A) Before God's great power, my deep pain is silent; but now an angel remains in my heart day and night. So your charm shines and lovely ornament in more than earthly splendor to me.

68. Iphis : (R) My faithful Hamor! may heaven, which here demands obedience and submission, give you happier choices!

69. Iphis : (A) What was mine in you, I offer to God as a sacrifice. Glory glory and joy in victory crown you for all time. God's blessing came to me, be your grace even greater!

70th quintet : (Iphis) What was mine in you, I offer up to God. (Hamor) What was mine in you, I offer up to God. (Iphis and Hamor) What is mine in you I offer a sacrifice to God. (Iphis) I follow God's advice, Hamor I always respect you. (Hamor) Obeying his ruler's word, I love Iphis forever. (Storgè, Jephtha, Zebul) Glory and joy in victory crown you for all time. (Iphis and Hamor) What was mine in you, I offer to God as a sacrifice. (Hamor) O Iphis! (All) glory of fame and joy in victory crown you for all time.

71. Chorus : House of Gilead, rebuilt, bless the abundance of blessings aloud. Well, there rests the sword of war, God has given you peace, virtue guides your steps. This is the reward who worships God, amen. Alleluia.


  • (R) recitative
  • (Ac) Accompagnato
  • (A) aria


  • W. Schäfer: Foreword, in Handel: Jephtha (piano reduction), Frankfurt et al. no year
  • R. Maschka, H. Glossner, J. Neuhardt, W. Stähr: [1]


The cast was sung by the following singers at the world premiere:


  • Winton Dean : Handel's Dramatic Oratorios and Masques . Clarendon, Oxford 1989, ISBN 0-19-816184-0 , (Original edition: Oxford University Press, Oxford 1959), (English).
  • Hans Joachim Marx : Handel's oratorios, odes and serenatas. A compendium. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1998, ISBN 3-525-27815-2 .
  • Albert Scheibler, Julia Evdokimova: Georg Friedrich Händel. Oratorios guides . Edition Cologne, Lohmar 1993, ISBN 3-928010-04-2 .

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