Johann Josef Scotti

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Johann Josef Scotti (born May 7, 1787 in Bonn , † April 3, 1866 in Düsseldorf ) was a Prussian administrative officer , editor and writer .


Scotti came from a family with Italian and German roots. He spent his youth in Cologne . In 1804/1805 he attended the Düsseldorf Art Academy . His classmate at the time was the later famous painter Peter Cornelius . Scotti embarked on an administrative career in Düsseldorf. After he worked for the "General-Secretary" of the Grand Ducal Bergisch Finance Minister ( Jacques Claude Beugnot , most recently Johann Peter Josef Bislinger ) as "Bureau Chief" and also served in the military as a non-commissioned officer of the 2nd Westphalian Hussar Regiment No. 11 in the Wars of Liberation In 1816 he was appointed the “6th registrar” of the Düsseldorf Regional Council founded in 1815 . His further career there led him to the position of "Royal Prussian Government Secretary". As such, he headed the government registry .

On August 27, 1816, Scotti married Johanna Henriette Luise Wintgens († 1824). The couple had three sons and a daughter. Scotti last lived at Friedrichstrasse 19 (1855), 7 (1856) and 11 (1859) in Düsseldorf- Unterbilk . There he died at the age of 78. A plaque in the old Bilker cemetery in Düsseldorf- Bilk commemorates him.

Editor of historical legal texts

Between 1821 and 1843 Scotti issued laws and ordinances for the Rhenish and Westphalian territories of the Holy Roman Empire , the French Empire , the Grand Duchy of Berg and the Grand Duchy from January 24, 1824 on behalf of the Prussian State Ministry - initially on a private initiative and on his own account Hessen , the Duchy of Arenberg-Meppen , the Principality of Salm , the Principality of Rheina-Wolbeck, the County of Salm-Horstmar and other countries and states. These documents, soon called the "Scotti Collection", span a period from the Middle Ages "until the entry of the royal Prussian government in 1816". They provide information about significant parts of the public law of the areas on the Rhine and in Westphalia assigned to the Kingdom of Prussia in the Vienna Congress Act , in particular the land and constitutional law of former sovereigns , which still had an effect in the 19th century. Scotti, who compared his role as researcher and editor of historical legal norms with the collecting activity of a "hamster", resorted to both unpublished material in archives and registries as well as to already published texts. Since it was not possible to print all of the documents in full, he only included the more important documents and those documents that were still valid at the time. He reproduced the less important pieces in detailed excerpts or outlined their content briefly.

Right from the start, Scotti's editorial activities enjoyed the goodwill of the Prussian employer. In particular, he had Scotti obtain official reports on the previous territorial conditions from the mayors. Because of the historical and practical interest, the Prussian government recommended the writings to its officials and the public for reading.

Art writer

Scotti's further interest was in the development of the Düsseldorf Art Academy and the Düsseldorf School of Painting, which flourished under the directorship of Peter Cornelius and Wilhelm Schadow . He was one of the first and leading members of the art association for the Rhineland and Westphalia , which was founded in 1829 with the aim of promoting the art community through art exhibitions, art purchases and raffles. Around 1833 Scotti resigned from the art association. According to his own statements, he had decided to do so when he expected to be pressured to take over the role of Kunstverein secretary. The step was taken in order to be able to continue to dedicate himself undiminished to his "hamster profession", the editing of historical legal texts. In 1834 he rejoined the club.

In 1836 the lawyer and writer Anton Fahne published the work Die Düsseldorfer Maler-Schule in the years 1834, 1835 and 1836 . In it he presented in particular the thesis that the Kunstverein and the Düsseldorf Academy would discriminate against painters from the Rhineland and Westphalia in favor of "Ostländer" (painters from the East Elbe territories of Prussia) and artists of foreign origin. In this situation Scotti found himself compelled to make a reply that gave him the role of an art writer and art historian . In 1837 he published the work Die Düsseldorfer Maler-Schule, or Art Academy , in which he tried to refute Fahnes thesis and to ridicule its author. This pamphlet, a pamphlet with an idiosyncratic combination of satire and statistics on the origins of artists at the Düsseldorf Academy and their successes, hardly met with approval. Local and national newspapers reported on the dispute. The papers for literary entertainment appearing in Leipzig found Fahnes reproach "so childish and unfair by nature that it deserves no refutation". At Scotti's reply, they criticized the fact that "nothing ever seemed more awkward, insipid and sillier" to them. Scotti's factual enlightenment and evidence would become in his "desert of tasteless and hanswur-like polemics absolutely useless and inedible". Fahne responded to Scotti's remarks in the same year with the book Meine Schrift “Die Düsseldorfer Maler-Schule” and its opponents . In the following year Scotti self-published The Art School in Düsseldorf Achievements in 1837 and 1838 .


  • Collection of laws and ordinances that were passed in the former Duchies of Jülich, Cleve and Berg and in the former Grand Duchy of Berg on matters of state sovereignty, constitution, administration and the administration of justice: from the year 1475 to the Royal Prussia, which took office on April 15, 1815. State government / zsgest. u. ed. after the whole u. Extracts of content ... with the addition of several certificates . 4 parts, Wolf, Düsseldorf 1821/1822.
  • Collection of the laws and ordinances that were passed in the Duchy of Cleve and in the County of Mark on matters of sovereignty, constitution, administration and administration of justice: from 1418 to the entry of the royal Prussian governments in 1816 . 5 volumes, Wolf, Düsseldorf 1826.
  • Collection of the laws and ordinances that were passed in the former Electorate of Trier on matters of state sovereignty, constitution, administration and administration of justice: from the year 1310 to the final dissolution of the Chur state Trier at the end of 1802 , 3 parts, Wolf, Düsseldorf 1832.
  • Collection of laws and ordinances, which in the former Wied-Neuwiedischen, Wied-Runkel'schen, Sage-Altenkirchen'schen, Sage-Hachenburg'schen, Solms-Braunfels'schen, Solms-Hohensolms-resp. Lich'schen, Nassau-Usingen'schen, Nassau-Weilburg'schen, Herzoglich Nassau'schen and Wetzlar'schen (or princely primates, grand-ducal Frankfurt'schen etc.) now royal. Prussian state areas ... have passed: from the time they came into effect until 1815-1816 . 3 parts, Düsseldorf 1836.
  • The Düsseldorf painter school or art academy in 1834, 1835 and 1836, and before and after . Schreiner, Düsseldorf 1837 ( digitized version ).
  • The art school in Düsseldorf. Achievements in 1837 and 1838 . Self-published, Düsseldorf 1838.
  • Collection of laws and ordinances, which in the Royal Prussian Hereditary Duchy of Münster and in the territorial territories of Horstmar, Rheina-Wolbeck, Dülmen and Ahaus-Bocholt-Werth on subjects of state sovereignty, constitution, administration and administration of justice from the year 1359 until the French military occupation and for the union with France and the Grand Duchy Berg in 1806 and resp. In 1811 . 3 volumes, Aschendorff, Münster 1842.
  • with Johann Mathias Sittel († 1859): Collection of provincial and particular laws and ordinances, which for individual territories of the left bank of the Rhine that have fallen to the Crown of Prussia in whole or in part, on matters of sovereignty, constitution, administration, administration of justice and the legal status have been issued. Contains the collections for the counties Nassau-Saarbrücken and Ottweiler and the imperial rule Illingen . Trier 1843.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Josef Scotti: The Düsseldorf painter school, or art academy . Schreiner, Düsseldorf 1837, p. 39
  2. Scotti served as "Oberjäger" in a unit of the 2nd Westphalian Hussar Regiment No. 11 . He received his honorable farewell by being promoted to "second lieutenant". - Cf. Hans von Eck: History of the 2nd Westphalian Hussar Regiment No. 11 and its main troops from 1807 to 1893 . Military Publishing House Mainz, Mainz 1893, p. 157
  3. Official Journal for the Düsseldorf District , 1816, No. 11, p. 96 ( digitized version )
  4. Johanna Henriette Luise Wintgens , genealogical data sheet in the portal
  5. Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf , 1855, p. 134 ( digitized version )
  6. Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf , 1856, p. 169 ( digitized version )
  7. Address book of the Lord Mayor's Office Düsseldorf , 1859, p. 21 ( digitized version )
  8. Johann Josef Scotti: Collection of the laws and ordinances which were passed in the Duchy of Cleve and in the county of Mark on matters of sovereignty, constitution, administration and administration of justice: from 1418 to the entry of the royal Prussian governments in 1816 . Volume 1, Wolf, Düsseldorf 1826, p. VII
  9. ^ Scotti (1837), p. 65
  10. ^ Official journal for the administrative district of Düsseldorf , 1822, No. 3, p. 44 ( digitized version )
  11. Scotti (1837), p. 79 f.
  12. ^ Scotti (1837), p. 174
  13. ^ Anton Fahne : The Düsseldorf School of Painters in the years 1834, 1835 and 1836 . Schreiner, Düsseldorf 1837 ( digitized version )
  14. ^ Friedrich Schaarschmidt : On the history of Düsseldorf art, especially in the XIX. Century . Art Association for the Rhineland and Westphalia, Düsseldorf 1902, p. 106 ( digitized version )
  15. ^ Wolfgang Hütt : Die Düsseldorfer Malerschule 1819–1869 . VEB EA Seemann Buch- und Kunstverlag, Leipzig 1984, p. 58
  16. Leaves for literary entertainment , No. 257 of September 14, 1838, p. 1042 f. ( Google Books )
  17. ^ Anton Fahne: My writing "the Düsseldorf painter school" and their opponents . Schreiner, Düsseldorf 1837 ( digitized version )