Johann Natterer

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Johann Natterer, contemporary lithograph

Johann Baptist Natterer (born November 9, 1787 in Laxenburg in Lower Austria, † June 17, 1843 in Vienna ) was an Austrian naturalist , zoologist and collector .

Family and education

Natterer's birthplace in Laxenburg
Memorial plaque on the birthplace

Johann Natterer was born in 1787 as the son of taxidermist Joseph Natterer senior. and the daughter of a master baker from Laxenburg, Maria Anna Theresia Schober. He had a brother ( Joseph Natterer jun., * 1776, † 1852). Joseph Natterer Sr. was Austria's last mounted falconer . When Emperor Franz I closed the falconry in Laxenburg , he bought the Joseph Natterers sen. on. This contained numerous native birds , mammals and insects and Francis I commissioned him with the further care and expansion of the collection. The collection was brought to Vienna in 1794 and merged as the animal cabinet with the kk physical-astronomical and the art cabinet . The collection was soon made available to the public, but without any scientific or didactic value. The two sons of Joseph Natterer Sr. also helped build the collection and introduced them to the arts of dissecting , hiding and hunting. His eldest son Joseph began his career as a volunteer and ended it as first curator , Johann himself became a volunteer in 1808. Initially, Johann Natterer had attended the Piarist School, but in 1794 he switched to the normal school and completed the grammar school there . From 1802 to 1803 he attended the Real-Akademie and heard scientific lectures at the university.

Natterer's career in the kk Naturalien-Cabinete

With the appointment of Karl Franz Anton von Schreiber in 1806 as director of the kk Naturalien-Cabinetes , the influence of the Natterer family in this institution increased. Father Joseph was appointed first overseer that same year, his son Joseph took care of the bird and mammal collection. Johann Natterer, on the other hand, undertook a trip to Lake Neusiedl and Lake Balaton at the instigation of Schreiber , from where he brought marsh and water birds for the imperial collection. Before that he had already explored the area from Lake Neusiedl to the Banat with his father . Further collecting trips to Hungary , Croatia , Styria , Moravia and the Adriatic coast followed, with Johann Natterer undertaking these trips without pay. In 1808 he was commissioned to travel to Trieste to take over a collection from Egypt . At the same time he collected fish and intestinal worms ( flatworms  ?) Here . He was finally commended for his services and in 1808 was made a volunteer member of the collection. In 1809 he became an unpaid intern and only at the end of the year was he granted an annual payment of 300 guilders . Until 1810, as Schreiber's assistant, he was also involved in relocating the stocks to Temesvár to protect them from the Napoleonic troops . On this occasion, Natterer traveled with the hunter Dominik Sochor to the borders of Turkey in order to collect and hunt further objects for the collection. For his services to the transports he was appointed to the Imperial and Royal Council by Schreiber in 1810. In 1812 Natterer traveled to Italy with the support of his father , and in 1814 he moved a collection from Tripoli from Trieste to Vienna. In 1816 he participated in the repatriation of objects that had been abducted from France . In 1816 he was finally promoted to "overseer assistant" for his assignment.

Johann Natterer and the Austrian Expedition to Brazil

Planning the trip

On the occasion of the marriage of the Portuguese heir to the throne Dom Pedro and the daughter of the Austrian Emperor Franz I , Archduchess Maria Leopoldine of Austria , held on May 13, 1817 , Prince von Metternich planned the organization of the Austrian expedition to Brazil as early as 1816 . Metternich, who also financed the trip at the beginning, was in charge of the expedition; Schreiber was responsible for the scientific management. On the proposal of Metternich and Schreiber Johann Natterer should take over the scientific management on site. Natterer was assigned to Dominik Sochor as an assistant . At the request of the State Councilor and personal physician von Stifft , however, the management of the expedition was transferred to the professor of natural history in Prague, Johann Christian Mikan . This led to conflicts between Natterer and Mikan from the start. The expedition's staff consisted of 14 people.

Crossing to Brazil

After long preparation, the two frigates Austria and Augusta cast off from Trieste on April 9, 1817 . Since the two ships got caught in a severe storm two days later, they had to be repaired in different ports. The Augusta on which Johann Natterer was even lost all of its masts. While the Austria reached Rio de Janeiro on June 14th after the repair , Natterer had to wait for the arrival of the Portuguese ships João VI on the Augusta near Gibraltar . and São Sebastião , who had only left on August 5th, are waiting. As a result, Natterer's arrival in Brazil was delayed until November 4, 1817.

Natterer's travels between 1818 and 1825

Natterer began his explorations in December 1817 with a visit to the area around Rio de Janeiro and small excursions in the province of Rio de Janeiro of the same name . Together with Pohl and Sochor, Natterer set out on their first long journey on February 5, 1818. They originally planned a trip to Cantagalo , but the group soon split up. While Pohl was touring the area around Rio de Janeiro and Ilha Grande , Natterer and Sochor took the water to Sepetiba and Santa Cruz . They also toured the island of Marambaia and the valley of the Serra de San Joao until they returned on May 7th. Now Natterer wanted to go to the province of Mato Grosso . However, the Portuguese government denied him a passport and thus access to this and other provinces, as there had previously been problems with French travelers. Therefore, Natterer chose the province of São Paulo as his next destination , to which he was given access as well as to the province of Goiás and the province of Minas Gerais . Due to an illness, however, he was only able to leave on November 2, 1818 and finally reached the city of São Paulo on January 12, 1819 after 25 stops . From here he went on excursions in the area, to iron quarries and gold panning . At the end of January he went to Ipanema via Sorocaba . However , Natterer had to cancel his onward journey along the Rio Tietê and the Paraná due to the weather and other circumstances, so he decided to travel to the southern part of the province and apply for a permit to open the previously closed provinces. On his onward journey from Ipanema to Curitiba , Natterer finally received the news in November 1820 that he would be returning to Rio de Janeiro by the shortest route to receive further instructions from the envoy Stürmer . When Natterer returned to Rio de Janeiro in February 1821, he had already received permission to visit the previously blocked provinces. Due to the internal unrest, however, Stürmer decided to break up the expedition. While the painter Frick was returning to Europe, Natterer received permission to go to Ipanema to pick up the collection and his assistant Sochor. However, since neither of them wanted to return to Europe, Natterer took out a loan and decided to continue the expedition on their own together with Sochor. In order to continue his travels, however, Natterer needed a permit to stay in Brazil. While he was waiting for this, between February 1821 and September 1822 he visited previously unexplored regions in the provinces of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Natterer's request was finally approved. On October 7, 1822, he and Sochor set out on a long march to Goiás , which he reached on August 2, 1823. After a stay of one and a half months, the researchers finally set off for their actual destination, the city of Cuiabá , which they reached on December 21st. The onward journey to Mato Grosso and over the Rio Guaporé and the Rio Madeira to the Rio Pará initially failed due to a severe liver infection by Natterer. Therefore, Natterer stayed in Cuiabá until August 1825, but during this time he again put together a considerable collection, especially of birds and insects.

Natterer's travels between 1825 and 1835

Ceremonial robe (1830) of the Munduruku from the Rio Tapajos

In August 1825, Natterer had recovered to the point of leaving for Vila Bela de Santissima Trinidade, the former capital of the Mato Grosso province. However, he and Sochor had to stop in Fazenda da Caissara near present-day Cáceres from October 1825 to June 1826 to wait for the rainy season . During this time they traded in many Bororo da Campanha weapons and implements . Sochor and Natterer finally left in mid-June 1826 and arrived in Vila Bela on October 8th. During an excursion by Sochor to a sugar mill and a gold panning in São Vincente, however, he fell so seriously ill with a fever that he died on December 13, 1826. Natterer, who had cared for him for a short time, became seriously ill himself after Sochor's death and barely escaped death. Natterer recovered, but it was not until May 10, 1827 that he could return to Vila Bela. There he received the order of the emperor to return to Vienna immediately. Since a return trip to Rio de Janeiro on the same route did not make sense, Natterer managed to extend his travels further, which enabled him to penetrate into the Amazon region. In September 1827, Natterer set out again for Cuiabá to pack the collections he had stored there and have them shipped to Europe. After a long journey back, he did not return to Vila Bela until May 17, 1828. There he learned that no preparations had yet been made for his expedition to the Amazon . It took over a year for the boats, crew and equipment to be ready to go. Natterer used the time to add to his collections, especially the fish. On July 15, 1829, Natterer was finally able to set out and drove the Rio Guaporé downstream, passed Principe da Beira in mid-October and traveled the Madeira further downstream. On November 24th he finally reached Borba , where he waited for the rainy season. Natterer wanted to use the time to collect here and then travel on to the Rio Negro. However, since he did not have permission to do so, the Austrian ambassador in Rio de Janeiro, Wenzel Philipp Leopold von Mareschal , stood up for the researcher. On August 25, 1830, Natterer was finally able to leave Borba, and three days later he reached the mouth of the Madeira into the Amazon. From there it went over Barra do Rio Negro, today's Manaus , and Barcelos up the Rio Negro. On February 16, Natterer finally reached São José de Marabitanas on the border with Colombia , where he spent the rainy season. On May 26, 1831, Natterer left Marabitanas again, sailed the rivers Xié , Içana and Uaupés and traded weapons and feather headdress from the peoples living there. On August 20, 1831, he finally returned to Barcelos. Natterer's penultimate trip is difficult to reconstruct. From August 1831 he traveled the Rio Branco to the border fort São Joaquim and then visited the rivers Tacutu, Mau and Pororo. In May 1832 he finally left the Rio Branco and reached Manaus at the beginning of August, where he stayed until July 1834. Excursions took him to the Lago Manaqueri , the Rio Solimoes and other destinations. In March 1831 an instruction had already been issued from Vienna that Natterer should accelerate his return journey and could no longer count on any financial support. This news did not reach the researcher until October 1832. Hindered by illness and political unrest, which made a journey on the Amazon impossible, Natterer could not leave Manaus until May 13, 1834 and start his journey to Belém in order to be there for the crossing To embark Europe.


Bust of Natterer in the Laxenburg Museum

In 1916, Dr.-Natterer-Gasse in Vienna- Leopoldstadt (2nd district) was named after him and his nephew, the Leopoldstadt doctor Johann August Natterer (1821–1900).

Dedication names

The cinnamon-throated shadow hummingbird ( Phaethornis nattereri ) Berlepsch , 1887 was dedicated to him. 1865 called Philip Sclater the Weißbürzelpipra ( Lepidothrix nattereri ), 1878 Ockerbrust Pieper ( Anthus nattereri ), 1840 Auguste Boissonneau the Northern Prachtkotinga ( Cotinga nattererii ) Olivério Mário de Oliveira Pinto 1937, the spot abdominal Ameisenpitta ( Hylopezus nattereri ), 1822 Coenraad Jacob Temminck the bands night swallows subtype ( Lurocalis semitorquatus Natteri ), 1835 John Gould the Nattererarassari ( Selenidera nattereri ), 1861 Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach the Southern Sialia Schakutinga subtype ( Pipile cujubi nattereri ) to snake.

Also, you can find his name in the subspecies of Green Tie woodpecker ( Colaptes melanochloros nattereri ( Malherbe , 1845)), the Amazonasmotmots ( Momotus momota nattereri Sclater, PL , 1858), the Yellow-crowned Amazon ( Amazona ochrocephala nattereri ( Finsch , 1865)), the Weißaugen- Attila bully ( Attila bolivianus nattereri Hellmayr , 1902)), the Rotscheitel-toed bird ( Nonnula ruficapilla nattereri Hellmayr , 1921), the silver head Breitschnabel bully ( Platyrinchus platyrhynchos nattereri Hartert, e & Hellmayr , 1902) and the way buzzard ( Rupornis magnirostris nattereri ( Sclater, PL & Salvin controversial. Some 1869), the status is the Natterer Tanager ( Tachyphonus nattereri of Pelzeln , 1870). to suggest recent studies that it is a hybrid of Haubentangare ( Tachyphonus cristatus ( Linnaeus , 1766)) and Trauertangare ( Tachyphonus luctuosus d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye , 1837).

Oiseau-Mouche Natterer ( Ornismya Nattereri Lesson, RP , 1829) is a synonym for the green-masked hummingbird ( Augastes scutatus ( Temminck , 1824)); Certhia Nattereri Bonaparte , 1850 is a synonym for the treecreeper ( Certhia brachydactyla Brehm, CL , 1820), Euscarthmus nattereri Hellmayr , 1903, a synonym for rust rein Todityrann subtype ( Poecilotriccus latirostris ochropterus ( Allen, JA , 1889)), Sylvia Nattererii Temminck , 1820 is synonymous with the mountain's Warbler ( Phylloscopus bonelli ( Vieillot , 1819) ) Psari Natterii Swainson , 1838 synonymous with Schwarzschnabeltityra the ( Tityra inquisitor ( Lichtenstein, MHC , 1823)) and Tinamus solitary nattereri Miranda-Ribeiro , 1938, a synonym for the solitary Tinamou ( Tinamus solitarius ( Vieillot , 1819)).

Heinrich Kuhl dedicated the fringed bat ( Myotis nattereri ) to him in 1817 , which is closely related to the bat fly species Basilia nattererii Kolenati , 1857. The bat species Vampyressa nattereri Goodwin , 1963, is now regarded as a synonym for the southern small yellow bored bat ( Vampyressa pusilla ( Thomas , 1900)). Johann Andreas Wagner honored him in 1848 in the Natterer comb rat ( Ctenomys nattereri ), Karl Patterson Schmidt in 1952 in the coral otter species Micrurus nattereri , Paul Matschie in 1917 in the red woolly rat subspecies ( Caluromys lanatus nattereri ). The Natterer's Sägesalmler ( Pygocentrus nattereri ( Kner , 1858)) was first mentioned by Rudolf Kner under the name Serrasalmus nattereri . It was not until two years later that he published the corresponding description with a plaque under the current name Pygocentrus nattereri . Franz Steindachner honored Natterer in Harnischwelsart Farlowella nattereri Steindachner , 1910, in Blue catfish ( Corydoras nattereri Steindachner , 1876), in Pachyurus Nattereri Steindachner , 1863, in Physalaemus nattereri ( Steindachner , 1863) is a synonym for Pachypops fourcroi ( Lacepede , 1802) in Thalassophryne nattereri Steindachner , 1876, in Sternarchogiton nattereri ( Steindachner , 1868), in Leporinus nattereri Steindachner , 1876, in Apionichthys nattereri ( Steindachner , 1876), in Anchoviella nattereri ( Steindachner , 1879), in Trachydoras nattereri ( Steindachner , 1882), in Aphyocharax nattereri ( Steindachner , 1882) and in Natterer's Copella ( Copella nattereri ( Steindachner , 1876)). Nattereria Steindachner , 1864, a name that Steindachner used for Physalaemus lateristriga , is now a synonym for Physalaemus Fitzinger , 1826. Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther called a Brycon species in 1864, Brycon nattereri . Leptodactylus nattereri Lutz , 1926 later emerged as a synonym for Leptodactylus podicipinus ( Cope , 1862).


In 1840 he became a member of the Société cuvierienne, which was newly founded in 1838 .


  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Natterer, Johann (I.) . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 20th part. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1869, pp. 96–101 ( digitized version ).
  • Wilhelm HessNatterer, Johann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 23, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1886, p. 288.
  • K. Bauer:  Natterer Johann. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 7, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1978, ISBN 3-7001-0187-2 , p. 39 f. (Direct links on p. 39 , p. 40 ).
  • Brigitte Hoppe:  Natterer, Johann. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 18, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-428-00199-0 , pp. 754 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Kurt Schmutzer: For the love of natural history. Johann Natterer's travels in Brazil 1817–1836. (= Publications of the Commission for the History of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Medicine. 64). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2011, ISBN 978-3-7001-6991-8 .
  • Christa Riedl-Dorn: Johann Natterer and the Austrian Expedition to Brazil. Editora Index, Petrópolis 2000, ISBN 85-7083-070-X .
  • Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig von Berlepsch: Description of new Species and Subspecies of Trochilidae . In: The Ibis (=  5 ). tape 5 , no. 29 , 1887, p. 289-298 ( ).
  • Auguste Boissonneau: Oiseaux nouveaux ou peu connus de Santa-Fé de Bogota . In: Revue zoologique par la Société Cuvierienne; Association universelle pur l'avancement de la Zoologie, de l'Anatomie comparée et de la Palaeontologie . tape 3 , 1840, p. 2-8 ( ).
  • Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte: Conspectus generum avium . tape 1 . EJ Brill, Leiden 1850 ( ).
  • Otto Finsch: About three new bird species . In: Journal of Ornithology . tape 12 , no. 72 , 1864, p. 411-413 ( ).
  • George Gilbert Goodwin: American bats of the genus Vampyressa, with the description of a new species . In: American Museum novitates . No. 2125 , 1963, pp. 1–24 ( [PDF; 5.2 MB ]).
  • John Gould: Mr. Gould, at the request of the Chairman, exhibited drawings of ten species of Ramphastidae which had become known to him since he published, in his 'Monograph' of that family. In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 3 , no. 24 , 1835, pp. 156-160 ( ).
  • Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther: Catalog of the Fishes in the British Museum . Catalog of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluridae, Characinidae, Haplochitonidae, Sternoptychidae, Scopelidae, Stomiatidae, in the collection of the British Museum. tape 5 . Printed by the Order of the Trustees, London 1864 ( ).
  • Ernst Hartert, Carl Eduard Hellmayr: Mr. E. Hartert read the following description of a new species of the family, based upon a specimen in the Vienna Museum . In: Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club . tape 12 , no. 88 , 1902, pp. 63-64 ( ).
  • Carl Eduard Hellmayr: Description of two new Brazilian birds . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna. tape 52 , 1902, pp. 95-98 ( ).
  • Carl Eduard Hellmayr: About New and Little Known South American Birds . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna. tape 52 , 1903, pp. 199-226 ( ).
  • Carl Eduard Hellmayr: Mr. CE Hellmayr describes two new neotropical bird forms . In: Anzeiger der Ornithologische Gesellschaft in Bayern . tape 1 , no. 5 , 1921, pp. 41-42 ( ).
  • Rudolf Kner: II. On the family of the Characinen . In: Meeting reports of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 32 , no. 22 , 1858, pp. 163-168 ( ).
  • Rudolf Kner: To the family of the Characinen III series of ichthyological contributions . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences / Mathematical-Natural Science Class . tape 18 , 1860, p. 9-62 ( ).
  • Friedrich Kolenati: Synopsis prodroma of the Nycteribien . In: Vienna Entomological Monthly . tape 1 , 1857, pp. 61-62 ( ).
  • Heinrich Kuhl: The German bats . Self-published, Hanau 1817 ( [PDF; 3.6 MB ]).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches, ouvrage orné de planches desinées et gravée par les meilleurs artistes et dédié A SAR Mademoiselle 81 plates (Prêtre, Antoine Germaine Bévalet, Marie Clémence Lesson based on Louis Vieillot's Charles Vieillot, Antoine William Pierre William Vieillot , Pancrace Bessa , Elisa Zoé Dumont de Sainte Croix) . Arthus-Bertrand, Paris ( - 1829-1830).
  • Leonardo Lopes, Vitor de Queiroz Piacentini: Evidence of hybrid origin for Tachyphonus nattereri Pelzeln, 1870 (Aves: Thraupidae) . In: Zootaxa . tape 4277 , no. 3 , 2017, p. 386-398 ( ).
  • Adolfo Lutz: Sur deux espèces de Batraciens Brésiliens . In: Comptes rendus herbdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales . tape 95 , no. 2 , 1926, p. 1011-1012 ( ).
  • Alfred Malherbe: Notice sur quelques espèces de Pics du Brésil . In: Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences de Liège . tape 2 , 1845, p. 65-70 ( ).
  • Paul Matschie: Some new forms of the Didelphis lanigera . In: Meeting reports of the Society of Friends of Natural Sciences in Berlin . 1917, p. 280-294 ( ).
  • August von Pelzeln: On the ornithology of Brazil. Results of Johann Natterer's travels between 1817 and 1835 . A. Pichler's Witwe & Sohn, Vienna ( - 1868-1871).
  • Olivério Mário de Oliveira Pinto: Uma nova ave Troglodytidae do rio Jurua (Amazon). Grallaria ochroleuca fur prova ser ave diversa do Myioturdus ochroleucus Wied. In: Boletim Biologico (=  Nova Série ). tape 3 , no. 5 , 1937, pp. 6-7 ( ).
  • Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach: The most complete natural history of pigeons and pigeon-like birds: Wallnisters, earth pigeons, tree pigeons, Hocco's, Columbariae, Megapodinae, Peristerinae, Columbinae, Alectorinae . Expedition of the most complete natural history, Dresden and Leipzig 1861 ( ).
  • Alípio de Miranda Ribeiro: Notas ornithologicas (XIII). Tinamidae . In: Revista do Museu Paulista . tape 23 , 1938, ISSN  0303-9846 , p. 667-788 .
  • Karl Patterson Schmidt: The Surinam coral snake, Micrurus surinamensis . In: Fieldiana (=  Zoology ). tape 34 , no. 4 , 1952, pp. 25-34 ( ).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Review of the species of the Fissirostral Family Momotidal . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 25 , no. 342 , 1857, pp. 248-260 ( ).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Descriptions of Seven new species of Birds discovered by the late Dr. John Natterer in Brazil . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1864 . 1864, p. 605-611 ( ).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater, Osbert Salvin: Notes on the Species of the Genus Asturina . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1869 . tape 3 , 1869, p. 129-134 ( ).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Preliminary Remarks on Neotropical Pipits . In: The Ibis (=  4 ). tape 2 , no. 7 , 1878, p. 356-367 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Contributions to the knowledge of the Sciaenoids of Brazil and the Cyprinodonts Mejicos . In: Session reports of the mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 48 , no. 8 , 1863, p. 162-185 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: About some new Batrachians from the collections of the Vienna Museum . In: Session reports of the mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 48 , no. 8 , 1863, p. 186-192 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Batrachologische Mittheilungen . In: Negotiations of the Imperial-Royal Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna . tape 14 , 1864, p. 239-288 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: The Gymnotidae of the kk Hof-Naturaliencabinetes in Vienna . In: Session reports of the mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 58 , no. 6 , 1868, p. 249-264 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Contributions to the knowledge of the Characinen of the Amazon river . In: Meeting reports of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 72 , no. 6 , 1876, p. 6-24 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Ichthyological contributions (V) . In: Meeting reports of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 74 , no. 6 , 1876, p. 49-240 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Ichthyological contributions (VIII) . In: Meeting reports of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . tape 80 , no. 6 , 1879, p. 119-191 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Contributions to the knowledge of the river fish of South America . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences / Mathematical-Natural Science Class . tape 43 , no. 1 , 1882, p. 103-146 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: Contributions to the knowledge of the river fish of South America (IV) . In: Anzeiger der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe . tape 19 , no. 18 , 1882, p. 175-180 ( ).
  • Franz Steindachner: About some Ageneiosus and Farlowella species etc. In: Annals of the KK Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum . tape 24 , 1910, pp. 399-408 ( ).
  • William Swainson: The Cabinet Cyclopaedia conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, LL.DFRSL & EMRIAFRASFLSFZS Hon. FCPS & c. & C. assisted by Eminet Literary and Scientific Men - Natural History - Animals in menageries . Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans and John Taylor, London 1838 ( ).
  • Coenraad Jacob Temminck, Guillaume Michel Jérôme Meiffren de Laugier, Jean-Gabriel Prêtre, Nicolas Hüet: Nouveau recueil de planches coloriées d'oiseaux: pour servir de suite et de complément aux planches enluminées de Buffon, Édition in-folio et in-4 de l'Imprimerie royale, 1770 . tape 3 . FG Levrault, Legras Imbet et Comp., Strasbourg / Amsterdam ( - 1820–1839).
  • Coenraad Jacob Temminck, Guillaume Michel Jérôme Meiffren de Laugier, Baron von Chartrouse, Jean-Gabriel Prêtre, Nicolas Hüet: Nouveau recueil de planches coloriées d'oiseaux: pour servir de suite et de complément aux planches enluminées de Buffon, Édition in-folio et in-4 de l'Imprimerie royale, 1770 . tape 4 . FG Levrault, Legras Imbet et Comp., Strasbourg / Amsterdam ( - 1820–1839).
  • Johann Andreas Wagner: Contributions to the knowledge of the types of Ctennomys . In: Archives for Natural History . tape 14 , no. 1 , 1848, p. 72-78 ( ).
  • Cristina Ferrão, José Paulo Monteiro Soares (ed.): Natterer on the Austrian expedition to Brazil (1817–1835). Rio de Janeiro / Petrópolis / São Paulo 2019, ISBN 978-65-81403-01-0 (also Portuguese-language edition).

Web links

Commons : Johann Natterer  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig von Berlepsch, p. 290.
  2. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1864), p. 611, plate XXXIV. The article did not appear until 1865, although it is in the 1864 volume.
  3. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1878), p. 366, panel X.
  4. Auguste Boissonneau (1840), p. 2.
  5. Olivério Mário de Oliveira Pinto (1939), p. 7.
  6. ^ Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1822), delivery 18, plate 107 & text.
  7. ^ John Gould (1835), p. 157.
  8. ^ Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1861), p. 154.
  9. ^ Alfred Malherbe (1845), p. 66.
  10. Philip Lutley Sclater (1857), p. 251, even if the volume mentions 1857, the article was not published until 1858.
  11. Otto Finsch (1864), p. 251, even if the volume mentions 1864, the article was not published until 1865.
  12. ^ Carl Eduard Hellmayr (1902), p. 95.
  13. ^ Carl Eduard Hellmayr (1921), p. 42.
  14. Ernst Hartert (1902) and a., p. 63.
  15. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1869) and a., p. 132.
  16. August von Pelzeln (1870), p. 214, p. 328.
  17. Leonardo Lopes et al. a., pp. 386-398.
  18. René Primevère Lesson, pp. XXXVII, p. 75, plate 16.
  19. ^ Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, p. 224.
  20. Carl Eduard Hellmayr (1902), p. 204.
  21. ^ Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1820), plate 24, figure 3 and text.
  22. ^ William Swainson (1838), p. 286.
  23. ^ Heinrich Kuhl (1817), p. 25 f.
  24. ^ Friedrich Kolenati (1861), p. 61.
  25. George Gilbert Goodwin, pp. 16-22.
  26. ^ Johann Andreas Wagner (1848), p. 75.
  27. ^ Karl Patterson Schmidt, p. 27.
  28. ^ Paul Matschie, p. 291.
  29. ^ Rudolf Kner (1858), p. 166.
  30. Rudolf Kner (1860), p. 36 plate 3, figure 8.
  31. ^ Franz Steindachner (1910), p. 403 plate 11, figure 1.
  32. ^ Franz Steindachner (1876), p. 143.
  33. ^ Franz Steindachner (1863), p. 174
  34. Franz Steindachner (1863), p. 189, plate 1 fig. 6–9.
  35. ^ Franz Steindachner (1876), p. 163.
  36. ^ Franz Steindachner (1868), p. 251.
  37. ^ Franz Steindachner (1876), p. 117.
  38. ^ Franz Steindachner (1876), p. 158.
  39. ^ Franz Steindachner (1879), p. 174.
  40. Franz Steindachner (1882), p. 104, panel 2, Figure 1-1a.
  41. ^ Franz Steindachner (1882), p. 180.
  42. ^ Franz Steindachner (1876), p. 13.
  43. ^ Franz Steindachner (1864), p. 274, plate 14, figure 2.
  44. ^ Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther, p. 334.
  45. ^ Adolfo Lutz, p. 1011.
  46. ^ Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne (1840), p. 288